34-1217. Canvassing returns of judicial elections -- Certificates of nomination or election. The board of county commissioners shall canvass the returns of the judicial nominating election at the time the returns of the primary election are canvassed, shall determine, and cause the county clerk to certify to the secretary of state, the result of said judicial nominating election. In such certificate the clerk shall set forth, following the name of each justice of the supreme court and each district judge for whom a successor is to be elected at the general election in that year, the vote received by each person who had declared himself to be, and who had been voted for as, a candidate to succeed such justice or district judge.
The returns so made to the secretary of state by the county clerk shall be canvassed by the state board of canvassers at the time the other returns of said primary election are canvassed.
If it appears to the state board of canvassers upon the official canvass that at such judicial nominating election any candidate received a majority of all the votes cast for candidates to succeed a particular justice of the supreme court or district judge, said board shall certify to the secretary of state as duly elected to such office the name of the candidate who received such majority and such candidate whose name is so certified shall receive and the secretary of state shall issue and deliver to him a certificate of election to such office and he shall not be required to stand for election at the general election following.
In the event no candidate received a majority of all votes cast for candidates to succeed a particular justice of the supreme court or a particular district judge, the two (2) candidates receiving the greater number of votes cast for all candidates to succeed such justice of the supreme court or such district judge shall be and shall be declared to be nominees to succeed such justice or such district judge and their names as such nominees shall be placed on the official judicial ballot at the general election next following. The secretary of state shall certify the names of such nominees, including with each the name of the incumbent in office whom such candidates were nominated to succeed, to the county clerks at the time he certifies the names of candidates for other offices certified by him; provided, however, if another be appointed to succeed the incumbent person named on such judicial nominating ballot, the secretary of state shall insert in such certificate or in amendment thereto the name of the appointee in the place of the name of the incumbent person named on such judicial nominating ballot.