34-732. Selection of candidates for nomination in presidential primary. [effective until january 1, 2011.] Each qualified elector shall have the opportunity to vote on the official presidential preference primary ballot for one (1) person to be the candidate for nomination by a party for president of the United States. The name of any candidate for a political party nomination for president of the United States shall be printed on the ballots only:
(1) If the secretary of state shall have determined, in his sole discretion, that the person’s candidacy is generally advocated or recognized in national news media throughout the United States. For the purpose of promoting the aspect of a regional primary in this regard, the secretary of state may consult with the chief election officers of neighboring states which conduct a presidential primary election on the fourth Tuesday in May. The secretary of state shall publish the names of such persons determined by him to be such candidates, together with their party affiliation, not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the presidential preference primary; or
(2) Any candidate who was not placed upon the ballot by the secretary of state under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall be placed upon the ballot after filing a declaration of candidacy accompanied by a one thousand dollar ($1,000) filing fee. The declaration shall be filed with the secretary of state no later than the fiftieth day prior to the date of the presidential preference primary.
34-732. Selection of candidates for nomination in presidential primary. [effective january 1, 2011.] Each qualified elector shall have the opportunity to vote on the official presidential preference primary ballot for one (1) person to be the candidate for nomination by a party for president of the United States. The name of any candidate for a political party nomination for president of the United States shall be printed on the ballots only:
(1) If the secretary of state shall have determined, in his sole discretion, that the person's candidacy is generally advocated or recognized in national news media throughout the United States. For the purpose of promoting the aspect of a regional primary in this regard, the secretary of state may consult with the chief election officers of neighboring states which conduct a presidential primary election on the third Tuesday in May. The secretary of state shall publish the names of such persons determined by him to be such candidates, together with their party affiliation, not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the presidential preference primary; or
(2) Any candidate who was not placed upon the ballot by the secretary of state under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall be placed upon the ballot after filing a declaration of candidacy accompanied by a one thousand dollar ($1,000) filing fee. The declaration shall be filed with the secretary of state no later than the fiftieth day prior to the date of the presidential preference primary.