36-709. Reasonable inspection -- Notice of violation -- Required records. (a) Inspection of Facilities Operated Under License or Permit. As a condition to the issuance of a license or permit for the confinement of wildlife as hereinbefore provided in this chapter, the director or his duly authorized representative shall have the right at any reasonable time to enter upon and inspect any facility and wildlife held in captivity. The director shall give written notice of any violation and shall specify a reasonable time of not less than ten (10) days to remove or eliminate the violation. If upon the expiration of such time the violation has not been removed or eliminated, he may issue a citation and pursue the matter in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) Inspection of Other Facilities. The director or his duly authorized representatives shall have the right at any reasonable time to go upon and inspect any fur farm or domestic cervidae farm operated under the provisions of title 25, Idaho Code, as amended, or any other facilities where wildlife, including birds, is held in captivity without a permit.
(c) Records Required. Any person who imports, possesses or sells any wildlife, exotic or found wild in this state, shall keep accurate records as to the dates, names and addresses of persons or facilities from which the wildlife was obtained, as well as records of disposal, purchase or sale of any wildlife in their possession or possessed during the past five (5) years. Such records shall be produced at the request of the director or his duly authorized representative.
(d) Failure to Allow Inspection or to Produce Records. No person shall refuse reasonable inspection or to fail to maintain or to produce records for the director or his representative on request.