37-314. Milk deemed to be adulterated. Milk shall be deemed to be adulterated in any one of the following cases:
1. Milk containing more than eighty-nine per cent (89%) of water or fluid.
2. Milk containing less than eight and twenty-five hundredths per cent (8.25%) of milk solids other than fat.
3. Milk containing less than three and twenty-five hundredths per cent (3.25%) of butterfat, when offered in retail trade for human consumption.
4. Milk drawn from animals within fifteen (15) days before or five (5) days after parturition.
5. Milk drawn from animals fed on any substance in a state of putrefaction or rottenness or any unwholesome food.
6. Milk drawn from cows kept in a crowded, unsanitary or unhealthy condition.
7. Milk which has been diluted with water or any other fluid, or to which has been added, or into which has been introduced, any foreign substance whatever, except fresh cream, or skimmed milk or vitamins may be added in amounts and by methods approved by the department of agriculture.
8. Milk containing any pathogenic bacteria.
9. Milk containing any boracic or salicylic acid, formaldehyde, or other foreign chemical, or any preservative whatsoever.
10. Milk containing bacteria of any kind more than eighty thousand (80,000) per cubic centimeter.
11. Milk drawn from any cow having a disease or from any cow or cows in a herd which contains any diseased cattle, or from a cow or cows in a herd the attendants of which are afflicted with or have been exposed to any communicable disease.
12. Milk which shows a dark grey, black or other sediment at the bottom of any bottle or other vessel in which it is contained.
Provided, however, that milk classified as low fat milk (containing two per cent (2%) or less butterfat) shall not be deemed adulterated under this section if manufactured and sold under regulations or definitions of the department of agriculture.