41-334. Serving process -- Time to plead. (1) Duplicate copies of legal process against an insurer for whom the director is attorney, shall be served upon him either by a person competent to serve a summons or by registered or certified mail. At the time of service the plaintiff shall pay to the director an appropriate fee not in excess of thirty dollars ($30.00) which fee shall be determined by rule and regulation.
(2) The director shall forthwith send one (1) of the copies of the process, by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, to the person designated for the purpose by the insurer in its most recent such designation filed with the director.
(3) The director shall keep a record of the day of service upon him of all legal process. No proceedings shall be had against the insurer, and the insurer shall not be required to appear, plead, or answer until the expiration of thirty (30) days after the date of service upon the director.
(4) Process served upon the director and copy thereof forwarded as in this section provided shall for all purposes constitute valid and binding service thereof upon the insurer.