41-5505. Reinsurance. (1) Any individual carrier issuing an individual basic, standard, catastrophic A, catastrophic B, or HSA compatible health benefit plan as provided in this chapter shall be reinsured by the pool to the level of coverage provided in the plan and shall be liable to the pool for the reinsurance premium.
(2) (a) The pool shall not reimburse a reinsuring carrier with respect to the claims of a reinsured individual or dependent until the carrier has incurred an initial level of claims for such individual or dependent of five thousand dollars ($5,000) in a calendar year for benefits covered by the pool. In addition, the reinsuring carrier shall be responsible for ten percent (10%) of the next twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of benefit payments during a calendar year and the pool shall reinsure the remainder.
(b) The board annually may adjust the initial level of claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the carrier to reflect increases in costs and utilization within the standard market for health benefit plans within the state. The adjustment shall not be less than the annual change in the medical component of the "Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers" of the department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, unless the board proposes and the director approves a lower adjustment factor.
(3) A reinsuring carrier shall apply all managed care and claims handling techniques, including utilization review, individual case management, preferred provider provisions, and other managed care provisions or methods of operation consistently with respect to reinsured and nonreinsured business.
(4) Each carrier shall make a filing with the director containing the carrier’s earned health insurance premium derived from health benefit plans delivered or issued for delivery in this state in the previous calendar year.
(5) Each carrier shall file with the director, in a form and manner to be prescribed by the director, an annual report. The report shall state the number of resident persons insured under the carrier’s health benefit plan, or through excess or stop loss coverage.