42-3404. Anadromous fish -- Compact with Washington and Oregon -- Regulatory powers of fish and game representatives of states. Should congress by virtue of the authority vested in it under article 1, section 10, of the Constitution of the United States, providing for compacts and agreements between states, ratify the following as a definite compact and agreement between the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, then, and in that event, there shall exist between the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho a compact and agreement, the purport of which shall be substantially as follows:
The compact states acknowledge that they have a common interest in the conservation and management of anadromous fish stocks in the Columbia River drainage and they mutually agree to assume joint responsibility in developing sports and commercial fishery programs and regulations which will maintain and preserve the resource for the interest and benefit of all users.
Membership from the compact states shall be the Idaho department of fish and game, the fish commission of the state of Oregon, Oregon wildlife commission, Washington department of fisheries and the Washington department of game or the successor agency to any of the above. The compact members may appoint advisors to serve as needed.
All rules and regulations now existing or which may be necessary for the conservation and management of anadromous fish in the waters of the main stem of the Columbia River from its mouth to the mouth of the Snake River and the waters of the main stem of the Snake River from its mouth to the mouth of the Salmon River, shall be made, changed, altered and amended in whole or in part by a majority vote. In voting on rules and regulations, each state shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Idaho will vote only on those regulations which might have a substantial impact on fish destined for Idaho waters.
The individual states shall be responsible for the management of anadromous fish stocks in pertinent tributary streams and shall be guided in such management by the intent and purpose of this compact.