46-722. Acquisition of armory sites, agreements for federal assistance, special fund and tax levies authorized. To accomplish the purpose set forth in this act, the governing body of any city or village, or city or village and county, and the board of county commissioners may:
(a) Purchase, receive by donation, or otherwise acquire, real property for armory sites, and armories, and convey and transfer such sites and armories to the state of Idaho in joint ownership; purchase, receive by donation, lease or otherwise acquire, personal property for use in armories and to transfer the same to the state of Idaho in joint ownership.
(b) Enter into agreements on behalf of the city or village, city or village and county, and county with the adjutant general of the state of Idaho, the Department of Defense and the Departments of Army and Air Force, for the purpose of securing federal funds for the construction, maintenance, repair, alteration and rehabilitation of armories.
(c) Establish a special fund for the purposes of this act, levy a special tax for such purposes, but no levy for the purposes of this act shall exceed two hundredths percent (.02%) of the market value for assessment purposes on all taxable property in such city or village, or city or village and county, and county.