49-921. Rear mounted acceleration and deceleration lighting system. (1) Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, and pole trailer used in the state may be equipped with an auxiliary lighting system consisting of:
(a) One (1) green light to be activated when the accelerator of the motor vehicle is depressed;
(b) Not more than two (2) amber lights to be activated when the motor vehicle is moving forward, or standing and idling, but is not under the power of the engine.
(2) An auxiliary system shall not interfere with the operation of vehicle tail lamps and shall not interfere with the operation of vehicle signal lamps and signal devices. The system may operate in conjunction with tail lamps or signal lamps and signal devices.
(3) Only one (1) color of the system may be illuminated at any one (1) time, and at all times either the green light, or amber light or lights shall be illuminated when the tail lamps of the vehicle are not illuminated.
(4) The green light and the amber light or lights, when illuminated, shall be plainly visible at a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the rear.
(5) Only one (1) system may be mounted on a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, or pole trailer; and the system shall be rear mounted in a horizontal fashion, at a height of not more than seventy-two (72) inches, nor less than twenty (20) inches.
(6) On a combination of vehicles, only the lights of the rearmost vehicle need actually be seen and distinguished as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(7) Each manufacturer’s model of such a system described in this section shall be approved by the board before it may be sold or offered for sale in the state.