50-1515. Resignation of policemen -- Refund of deductions. A policeman who has been employed by a regularly constituted police department for a period of less than five (5) continuous years shall, upon termination of such employment, and upon application to the board of police retirement fund commissioners, be refunded one fourth (1/4) of the moneys deducted from his salary and placed in the police retirement fund. The amount to be refunded upon the application of a policeman who has been employed by said police department for a period of not less than five (5) years continuously shall be one third (1/3) of the moneys deducted from his salary and placed in the police retirement fund; for not less than ten (10) years continuous employment with said police department, one half (1/2) of the moneys deducted from his salary and placed in the police retirement fund shall, upon application, be refunded; and after having completed fifteen (15) years of continuous service with said police department, all moneys deducted from his salary and placed in the police retirement fund shall be refunded upon application of such policeman upon termination.