54-2038. Designated broker -- General responsibilities. The requirement that each brokerage company be maintained and conducted in compliance with the Idaho real estate license law and the Idaho real estate brokerage representation act is the responsibility of its designated broker. The designated broker is responsible for the actions of its licensees and associated unlicensed persons performed within the course and scope of their employment or agency, regardless of the location of the company’s business or where representation is conducted.
(1) A designated broker is required to:
(a) Supervise and control, in the manner required by law and rule, all office locations, and the activities of all licensees and unlicensed persons associated with that brokerage company or for whom that designated broker is responsible;
(b) Review and approve all real estate agreements including, but not limited to, those related to listing, selling or purchasing property and brokerage representation agreements;
(c) Be reasonably available to manage and supervise the brokerage company during regular business hours. When a broker is a regular full-time employee or is engaged in a full-time activity at a location other than where the broker is licensed to do business, a presumption will be made that the broker is unable to manage and supervise the brokerage company in accordance with these requirements, and no sales associate shall be licensed under the broker until such presumption is overcome by evidence to the contrary, satisfactory to the commission.
(2) A broker who is otherwise qualified to do business in Idaho, but is not able to manage and supervise according to this section, may be licensed as a "limited broker" in Idaho and shall not have any sales associates licensed under that broker.
(3) A designated broker shall not allow any person who is not properly licensed to represent that broker as a sales associate or otherwise, in any real estate business activities requiring a real estate license. "Properly licensed" means a license or a change in license that has been made effective by the commission.