54-2614. Application and registration fees. All applicants shall pay to the board at the time of application for examination, a fee in accordance with the following:
Application for Plumbing Contractor
Application for Plumbing Journeyman
Application for Specialty Contractor
Application for Specialty Journeyman
Apprentices and specialty apprentices shall not be required to be examined for competency, but shall register as an apprentice or a specialty apprentice with the division of building safety and maintain such registration during the entire period in which they are accruing their experience. The registration fee for apprentices shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per renewal. The registration fee for specialty apprentices shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) per renewal. The board may contract with a professional testing service to administer any licensing examination and any contracted professional testing service shall be responsible to establish and collect the examination fee. Any person who fails to pass the examination may apply for reexamination at the next scheduled examination upon payment of the examination fee. Should any person fail to pass the examination the second time, the board may refuse to allow a subsequent examination until the expiration of one (1) year.