54-302. Qualifications for examination and license. (1) A person applying for examination shall submit satisfactory evidence of the following to the board of architectural examiners:
(a) Graduation from an accredited architectural curriculum in a school or college approved by the board of architectural examiners as of satisfactory standing, and a specific record of having started or completed an additional three (3) years or more of experience in architectural work in an internship setting of a character deemed satisfactory by the board, by rule indicating that the applicant is competent to practice architecture; or
(b) That the applicant has attained standards, as the board may adopt by rule, of knowledge and skill approximating that attained through graduation from an accredited architectural curriculum, and a specific record of eight (8) years or more of experience in architectural work of a character deemed satisfactory by the board by rule, indicating that the applicant is competent to practice architecture, and a specific record of having started or completed an additional three (3) years or more of experience in architectural work in an internship setting of a character deemed satisfactory by the board.
(2) A person is qualified for all examination divisions once they have met the graduation requirement and started the internship program as defined in the board rules or met the eight (8) years of experience requirement as approved by the board and started the internship program as defined in the board rules.
(3) A person is qualified for a license once they have established a specific record of successful passage of all examination divisions and the completion of three (3) years or more of experience in architectural work in an internship setting of a character deemed satisfactory by the board.
(4) The board may adopt, by rule, as its own standards for education and experience, the guidelines published by the national council of architectural registration boards.