54-414. Boxing rounds and bouts limited. No boxing contest or boxing exhibition held in this state whether under the provisions of this chapter or otherwise shall be for more than ten (10) rounds. Each round in a contest or exhibition shall be scheduled to last for the same length of time. No one (1) round of any boxing contest or exhibition shall be scheduled for longer than three (3) minutes and there shall be not less than one (1) minute intermission between each round. In the event of bouts involving a state or regional championship, the commission may grant an extension of no more than two (2) additional rounds to allow total bouts of twelve (12) rounds. The commission shall promulgate rules to assure clean and sportsmanlike conduct on the part of all participants and officials, and the proper and orderly conduct of the contest or exhibition in all respects, including, but not limited to, the weight of the gloves required for contests and exhibitions, and to otherwise make rules consistent with this chapter, but such rules shall apply only to contests or exhibitions held under the provisions of this chapter.