54-608. Grounds for suspension, denial, refusal to renew or revocation of license. No license may be issued, and a license previously issued may be suspended or revoked, if the person applying, or the person licensed is:
1. Found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or any offense involving moral turpitude;
2. Found by the board to be a repeated and excessive abuser of any drug, including alcohol, or any controlled substance;
3. Found by the board to be in violation of any provision of this act or the rules promulgated pursuant thereto;
4. Found by the board to have used fraud or deception in the procuring of any license;
5. Found by the board to have had any action, including denial of a license or the voluntary surrender of or voluntary limitation on a license, taken against the licensee by any peer review body, any health care institution, any professional medical society or association or any court, law enforcement or governmental agency; or
6. Found by the board to have been unethical, unprofessional or dishonorable in the practice of healing the sick.