56-1018B. Emergency medical services fund III. (1) There is hereby created in the dedicated fund of the state treasury a fund known as the emergency medical services fund III. Subject to appropriation by the legislature, moneys in the fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of acquiring vehicles and equipment for use by emergency medical services personnel in the performance of their duties which include highway safety and emergency response to motor vehicle accidents.
(2) The bureau of emergency medical services of the department of health and welfare shall be responsible for distributing moneys from the fund to qualifying nonprofit and governmental entities that submit an application for a grant from the fund. The bureau shall approve grants based on the following criteria:
(a) The requesting entity is a nonprofit or governmental entity which holds a current license as an ambulance or nontransport service issued by the state of Idaho;
(b) The requesting entity has demonstrated need based on criteria established by the bureau;
(c) The requesting entity has provided verification that it has received the approval and endorsement of a city or county within its service area;
(d) The requesting entity has certified that the title to any vehicle purchased with funds from the fund shall be in the name of the city or county which endorsed the application and shall submit proof of titling as soon as practicable;
(e) The state of Idaho shall retain a security interest in the vehicle to secure the performance of the grant recipient to utilize the vehicle consistent with the intent described in the application.
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (2)(c) and (2)(d) of this section, the bureau of emergency medical services is authorized to approve and issue a grant to an applicant in the absence of an endorsement if the endorsement is withheld without adequate justification.