56-209d. Medical assistance program -- Services to be provided -- Experimental services or procedures excluded. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, medical assistance shall increase:
(1) Payment as determined under rules established by the director from forty (40) days per fiscal year to unlimited days of inpatient hospital care per state fiscal year.
(2) Payment as determined under rules established by the director from thirty dollars ($30.00) per month to an unlimited amount of prescribed drugs for each recipient.
(3) Provision of eligibility for medical assistance for residents of skilled and intermediate care facilities who meet the medical criteria for medical assistance, from those with countable income of two hundred one and two-tenths percent (201.2%) to those with countable income of three hundred percent (300%) of the SSI standard.
(4) Payment, as authorized by title XIX of the social security act, as amended, and as determined under rules established by the director for:
(a) Durable medical equipment.
(b) Soft organ transplants.
(c) Adult dental services.
(d) Adult vision services.
(e) Adult hearing services.
(f) Prosthetics.
(g) Assistive and augmentative communication devices.
(5) Payment for breast and cervical cancer-related treatment services for persons who are eligible for screening for these cancers under the federal centers for disease control and prevention’s national breast and cervical cancer early detection program, and are eligible for medical assistance pursuant to the provisions of the federal "Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000" (Pub. L. 106-354).
(6) The cost of physician, hospital or other services deemed experimental are excluded from coverage. The director may allow coverage of procedures or services deemed investigational if the procedures or services are as cost effective as traditional, standard treatments.