58-403. Application to purchase timber -- Limitations on sale of timber. Any person desiring to purchase timber on any lands owned by the state, shall make application in writing to the director of the department of lands; which application shall contain a complete description by legal subdivisions of the lands upon which it is desired to purchase timber and a provision that if he is the successful bidder he will furnish such bond as may be required by the state board of land commissioners; conditioned, that he will comply with all rules and regulations made by the state board of land commissioners pertaining to the cutting and removal of said timber and the disposal of slashings and debris; the protection from fires or other damage of all trees or timber which are reserved from sale, and such other conditions as may be imposed by the state board of land commissioners with reference to any particular tract of timber sold; provided, however, that this provision does not prohibit the state board of land commissioners from offering for sale, or selling, timber without application having first been filed, and such authority is hereby expressly given to the state board of land commissioners.