63-215. Legal description and map of boundaries to be recorded and filed. (1) Any taxing district which shall be formed or organized hereafter, or which shall change any existing boundaries hereafter, shall cause one (1) copy of the legal description and map prepared in a draftsmanlike manner which shall plainly and clearly designate the boundaries of such district or municipality as formed or organized, or as altered, to be recorded with the county recorder and filed with the county assessor in the counties within which the unit is located and with the state tax commission within thirty (30) days following the effective date of such formation, organization or alteration but no later than the tenth day of January of the year following such formation, organization or alteration. In the case of fire protection districts, the board of county commissioners approving the boundaries shall be responsible for delivering to the assessor and recorder the map and legal description of the amended district boundaries.
(2) Urban renewal agencies shall comply with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section when a revenue allocation area within the jurisdiction of the urban renewal agency is formed or when the boundaries of such an area are altered.
(3) The state tax commission shall review filings required by subsections (1) and (2) of this section and if the commission finds that the formation of a district or a change in a district’s boundaries fails to provide a proper legal description or fails to correctly identify the boundaries or does not comply with Idaho law relating to boundaries, the state tax commission may direct that the formation or change not be recognized. The state tax commission’s review shall not include matters relating to notice, open meeting law requirements or compliance with provisions in Idaho law not relating to boundaries.
(4) The county assessor, county auditor and state tax commission shall retain on file in their respective offices all copies of legal descriptions of taxing district boundaries and maps filed by the various taxing jurisdictions authorized to impose a levy on property.
(5) The state tax commission shall be responsible for providing copies of uniform tax code area numbers and maps to the county assessor, county auditor and county treasurer and various companies having operating property subject to assessment in the state of Idaho and under the jurisdiction of the state tax commission for assessment and taxation purposes.
(6) Unless otherwise specifically authorized to form with noncontiguous boundaries, or to annex or de-annex properties so as to make noncontiguous boundaries, all taxing districts shall form with and maintain contiguous boundaries.