63-602O. Property exempt from taxation -- Property used for generating and delivering electrical power for irrigation or drainage purposes and property used for transmitting and delivering natural gas energy for irrigation or drainage purposes. The following property is exempt from taxation: property used for generating or delivering electrical power to the extent that such property is used for furnishing power for pumping water for irrigation or drainage purposes on lands in the state of Idaho, and property used for transmitting or delivering natural gas energy to the extent that such property is used for furnishing natural gas energy for pumping water for irrigation or drainage purposes on lands in the state of Idaho. This exemption shall accrue to the benefit of the consumer of such power, or the consumer of such natural gas energy, except in cases where the water so pumped is sold or rented to irrigate lands, in which event the property used for generating or delivering power, and property used for transmitting or delivering natural gas energy, shall be assessed for taxation to the extent that such water is so sold or rented.