65-102. State and local appropriations -- State aid -- Character of memorial -- Conditions precedent to state aid. Each county or any association therein in the state of Idaho shall be entitled to receive from the state of Idaho, for the erection of such memorial, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) whenever the county commissioners of said county or any association therein shall appropriate at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be used with the money granted by the state of Idaho for the erection of said memorial. Each memorial erected with the state aid hereinbefore provided for shall be of the character, design, and style decided upon by the said commission. And in addition to the appropriation of at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be made by each county or any association therein desiring to receive the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) from the state of Idaho, the said county commissioners of said county or any association therein must provide a suitable location for the erection of said memorial, and also submit to the state controller the plans and specifications of its proposed memorial giving full details, and no portion of the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid to any county or any association therein until the county or said association shall certify to the state controller that at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) has been appropriated and is available for the erection of said memorial and that a suitable site has been provided, and said plans and specifications have been approved by the said commission.