67-4229. Idaho Veterans Memorial Park created -- Location. There is hereby created a state park to be known and designated as the Idaho Veterans Memorial Park, located in Ada County and particularly described as follows:
All that lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the SE1/4 of Section 32, T. 4 N., R. 2 E., B.M., Ada County, Idaho, bounded as follows:
Beginning at a point in the Valley Road distant North 1°50’ West 1,870 feet from the Section corner to Sections 32 and 33, T. 4 N., R. 2 E., and Sections 4 and 5, T. 3 N., R. 2 E., which point is a flat iron bar firmly driven in the ground and distant North from the fence of H.T. West 34 feet, said fence being on the South side of the said Valley Road. From this point said boundary line runs South 33°50’ West on a center line of a row of Poplar trees 826 feet; thence South 46°35’ East 14.60 feet; thence South 33°50’ West 840 feet to a point on the North bank of the Boise River; thence North 46°35’ West 14.60 feet along said river; thence North 57°45’ West 186 feet along said river; thence North 72°55’ West 260 feet along said river; thence South 89°45’ West 96 feet along said river; thence South 63°27’ West 154 feet along said river to a point on said Bar 10 feet distant from South Bank of Ditch, coming out of Boise River; thence North 70°36’ West 288 feet along said Sand Bar; thence North 59°50’ West 220 feet along said Sand Bar; thence North 43°05’ East 2169 feet to a point on the Valley Road distant 32.50 feet North of said H.T. West fence and indicated by an iron pipe 1 1/2 inches in diameter driven firmly in the ground; thence South 46°55’ East 756 feet to a point or place of beginning.
Except ditches, laterals, and public roads. Also excepting Boise Central Railway Co. right of way, as described in deed recorded in Book 26 of Deeds at page 139, records of Ada County, Idaho.