67-4229A. Lucky Peak State Park -- Spring Shores dock acquisition. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board is hereby authorized to enter into a lease-purchase obligation or other financing obligation, in a principal amount not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), to acquire public recreational boat dock facilities at Spring Shores on Lucky Peak Reservoir within Lucky Peak State Park, under terms, conditions and covenants as the board may approve by resolution. The public recreation enterprise account within the park and recreation fund, or so much of that fund as may be required in the judgment of the board, is hereby continuously appropriated for the acquisition. Any obligation entered into shall be payable solely from user fees for the Spring Shores boat dock facilities deposited into the public recreation enterprise account and shall not be a debt or obligation of the state. The holder or holders of the debt or obligation shall not have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the state to pay the debt or obligation or the interest thereon.