67-4236. Appropriation -- Use of available moneys -- Indemnification of owners of land adjacent to trails. There is hereby appropriated from the general fund to the Idaho department of parks and recreation the sum of twenty-four thousand two hundred dollars ($24,200), or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this act. In addition, the department may use any portion of moneys made available to it by any federal agency which may be used for such purposes, including matching funds, as the department determines are necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this act. The department may receive and may encourage the receipt of donated funds or property from individuals, groups, or organizations for specified or nonspecified use in connection with the acquisition, development, maintenance, and administration of trails. The department, if it considers it advisable, may provide under its rules and regulations that a portion of the donated funds received for nonspecified purposes may be used to grant to an owner of private land, adjacent to a trail, indemnification for damage clearly caused to his land, and property thereon, by users of the trail, for which the landowner has been unable to recover from the user who caused the damage.