67-6203. Commissioners -- Chairman -- Appointments. The governor shall appoint seven (7) persons to be commissioners of the Idaho housing and finance association. Preference shall be given to persons representing persons of low income and to persons with experience in the fields of mortgage lending, finance, banking, real estate, or home building. The governor shall appoint a chairman from among the seven (7) commissioners. The commissioners shall be appointed for terms of four (4) years, except that all vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term, and provided that the terms of the first seven (7) commissioners appointed shall end on July 1, 1976, and that the terms of three (3) commissioners next appointed shall end on July 1, 1978, and that the terms of the remaining four (4) commissioners so next appointed shall end on July 1, 1980. A commissioner shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and qualifies. A certificate of the appointment or reappointment of any commissioner shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state and in the office of the association, and such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of such commissioner. The governor, the state treasurer, the state controller and the administrator of the division of financial management shall serve as advisors to the commissioners of the association.
In addition, two (2) members of the Idaho senate, one (1) from the majority party and one (1) from the minority party, and two (2) members of the Idaho house of representatives, one (1) from the majority party and one (1) from the minority party, shall be appointed by the legislative council to serve as advisors to the commissioners of the association. Such appointments shall be for a term of two (2) years beginning on January 1 of each odd-numbered year, and no appointee shall serve more than two (2) terms. Actual and necessary expenses and per diem shall be allowed as provided for members of the legislative council, and shall be paid from legislative funds. The legislative council shall appoint advisory members as provided herein for terms beginning on July 1, 1980, and expiring January 1, 1981, which terms shall not be included in the prohibition against more than two (2) terms.