67-6617. Registration of lobbyists. (a) Before doing any lobbying, or within thirty (30) days after being employed as a lobbyist, whichever occurs first, a lobbyist shall register by filing with the secretary of state a lobbyist registration statement, in such detail as the secretary of state shall prescribe, accompanied by payment of a registration fee of ten dollars ($10.00) (which shall be deposited by the secretary of state in the state treasury), showing:
(1) His name, permanent business address, and any temporary residential and business address in Ada County during the legislative session;
(2) The name, address and general nature of the occupation or business of the lobbyist’s employer, and the duration of his employment;
(3) Whether the person from whom he receives compensation employs him solely as a lobbyist or whether he is a regular employee performing services for his employer which include but are not limited to lobbying of legislation;
(4) The general subject or subjects of the lobbyist’s legislative interest;
(5) The name and address of the person who will have custody of the accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and documents required to be kept under this act.
(b) Any lobbyist who receives or is to receive compensation from more than one (1) person for his services as a lobbyist shall file a separate notice of representation, accompanied by the fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each separate notice of representation, with respect to each such person; except that where a lobbyist whose fee for acting as such in respect to the same legislation or type of legislation is, or is to be, paid or contributed by more than one (1) person then such lobbyist may file a single statement, in which he shall detail the name, business address and general occupation of each person so paying or contributing.
(c) Whenever a change, modification, or termination of the lobbyist’s employment occurs, the lobbyist shall, within one (1) week of such change, modification or termination, furnish full information regarding the same by filing with the secretary of state an amended registration statement.
(d) Each lobbyist who has registered shall file a new registration statement, revised as appropriate, on or before each January 10, and failure to do so shall terminate his registration.