67-7434. Lottery dividends. (1) Annually, on July 1, the lottery shall transfer one-half (1/2) of its net income to the permanent building account and one-half (1/2) of its net income to the school district building account, after reserving sufficient moneys to ensure the continuation of the lottery, as determined by the director and commission.
(2) Beginning on July 1, 2009, the distribution of net income provided for in subsection (1) of this section, shall be superseded by the provisions of this subsection (2).
(a) Annually, on July 1, the lottery shall transfer three-eighths (3/8) of its net income to the permanent building account; three-eighths (3/8) of its net income to the school district building account; and one-fourth (1/4) of its net income to the bond levy equalization fund after reserving sufficient moneys to ensure the continuation of the lottery, as determined by the director and commission.
(b) The lottery shall ensure that the distributions made to the permanent building account and the school district building account, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection, shall not be less than the amount those accounts received for fiscal year 2008, provided funds are available at the fiscal year 2008 level. Provided however, in the event the level of available funds is less than the fiscal year 2008 level, one-half (1/2) of the available funds shall be transferred to the permanent building account and one-half (1/2) of the available funds shall be transferred to the school district building account.
(c) In the event the lottery determines that an adjustment to an annual transfer as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection must be made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection, the difference shall be deducted from the one-fourth (1/4) net income transfer that was to be made to the bond levy equalization fund, and the bond levy equalization fund shall receive the remainder, if any.
(d) The provisions of this subsection (2) shall be null, void and of no force and effect on and after September 30, 2014.