67-904. Publication and distribution of laws -- Procedure -- Duties of joint printing committee. The printing and publishing of the laws enacted and the joint memorials and resolutions passed at any session of the legislature, and the amendments to the constitution adopted at the preceding general election, shall be contracted for, and their distribution shall be done in the following manner:
1. As soon after the convening of any session of the legislature as it can properly do so, the printing committee of the house of representatives and of the senate shall meet in joint session, and enter into a written contract for the printing in book form of the laws enacted and the joint resolutions and memorials passed at such session, and include in such book or books all amendments to the constitution adopted at the preceding general election, together with proper title pages, certificate pages, tables of amended and repealed laws and statutes, and a proper index of the contents of such volume or volumes. All general laws enacted at any session of the legislature shall be printed in a volume known as the Session Laws.
Said joint printing committee shall provide in said contract that all such session laws contracted for shall be printed and made available for distribution by the secretary of state within sixty (60) days after the last day on which the governor may sign or approve bills following adjournment of any session of the legislature which enacted or passed them or within thirty (30) days after the delivery to the printer of the proper title pages, certificate pages, tables of laws and statutes amended and repealed and a proper index of the contents of the Session Laws, whichever date is first in time. Any such contract shall have included therein the necessary provisions for the printing and delivery of the session laws to the secretary of state, so that such session laws may be ready for delivery to officers and the public at the time as herein specified. Such contract shall also provide that in the event the session laws are not delivered by the printer or said printing company to the secretary of state for delivery as herein specified, that for each such day’s failure to so deliver said volume, there shall be deducted from the contract price a sum per day for each day’s delay, the exact amount to be deducted to be determined by said joint printing committee, and specified to any person, firm or corporation in the specifications on which bids for such work are made. The contract price agreed upon shall show the price the state is to pay for all volumes permanently bound, which are to be delivered for the state’s use, and separately, the price for which such volumes are to be furnished to the public.
2. Upon entering into the contract as above provided, it shall be the duty of the joint printing committee to deliver to the printer to whom such contract has been let all copies of laws enacted and joint resolutions and memorials passed as the same shall be received from the legislature or governor; the joint printing committee shall cause to be prepared and delivered to such printer within thirty (30) days after the last day on which the governor may sign or approve bills following the adjournment of the session of the legislature, the proper title pages, certificate pages, tables of laws and statutes amended and repealed, and a proper index of the contents of such volume.