70-507. Director of the department of water administration to have supervision and control. The Priest Lake outlet control structure shall, when constructed, be under the supervision and control of the director of the department of water administration, who may enter into contracts for a period of one (1) year or more with persons or corporations, by him deemed qualified, to operate and maintain, at their sole expense, said outlet control structure or any other control structure erected as a replacement thereof: provided, however, that under no circumstances shall the water surface level of Priest Lake be maintained or regulated by said director of the department of water administration above 3.0 feet on the present United States Geological Survey Priest Lake outlet gage with gage datum of 2434.64 feet above mean sea level, datum of 1929, supplementary adjustment of 1947, or released below 0.1 feet on said gage; provided further, that the water surface level of Priest Lake shall be maintained at 3.0 feet on the United States Geological Survey Priest Lake outlet gage, from and after the time each year following the run-off of accumulated winter snows, when the surface level of the waters of Priest Lake has receded to such elevation, until the time after the close of the main recreational season, as determined by said director of the department of water administration, that said lake waters may be released and the surface level permitted to recede below said elevation 3.0.