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(3) be able to speak, read and write the English | ||
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(4) be skilled in the 4 fundamental rules of | ||
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(5) be of good understanding and capable; (6) not be candidates for any office at the election | ||
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(7) reside and be entitled to vote in the precinct in | ||
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(c) An election authority may establish a program to permit a person who is not entitled to vote to be appointed as an election judge if, as of the date of the election at which the person serves as a judge, he or she: (1) is a U.S. citizen; (2) is a junior or senior in good standing enrolled | ||
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(3) has a cumulative grade point average equivalent | ||
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(4) has the written approval of the principal of the | ||
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(5) has the written approval of his or her parent or | ||
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(6) has satisfactorily completed the training course | ||
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(7) meets all other qualifications for appointment | ||
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No more than one election judge qualifying under this subsection may serve per political party per precinct. Prior to appointment, a judge qualifying under this subsection must certify in writing to the election authority the political party the judge chooses to affiliate with. Students appointed as election judges under this subsection shall not be counted as absent from school on the day they serve as judges. (c‑5) An election authority may establish a program to permit a person who is not entitled to vote in that precinct or county to be appointed as an election judge if, as of the date of the election at which the person serves as a judge, he or she: (1) is a U.S. citizen; (2) is currently enrolled in a community college, as | ||
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(3) has a cumulative grade point average equivalent | ||
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(4) has satisfactorily completed the training course | ||
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(5) meets all other qualifications for appointment | ||
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No more than one election judge qualifying under this subsection may serve per political party per precinct. Prior to appointment, a judge qualifying under this subsection must certify in writing to the election authority the political party the judge chooses to affiliate with. Students appointed as election judges under this subsection shall not be counted as absent from school on the day they serve as judges. (d) The board of election commissioners may select 2 additional judges of election, one from each of the major political parties, for each 200 voters in excess of 600 in any precinct having more than 600 voters as authorized by Section 11‑‑3. These additional judges must meet the qualifications prescribed in this Section. (Source: P.A. 95‑699, eff. 11‑9‑07; 95‑818, eff. 1‑1‑09; 96‑328, eff. 8‑11‑09.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑3.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑3.2) Sec. 14‑3.2. In addition to the list provided for in Section 14‑3.1, the chairman of the county central committee of each of the 2 leading political parties shall furnish to the board of election commissioners a supplemental list, arranged according to precinct in which they are to serve, of persons available as judges of election, the names and number of all persons listed thereon to be acknowledged in writing to the county chairman submitting such list by the board of election commissioners. The board of election commissioners shall select from this supplemental list persons qualified under Section 14‑1, to fill vacancies among the judges of election. If the list provided for in Section 14‑3.1 for any precinct is exhausted, then selection shall be made from the supplemental list furnished by the chairman of the county central committee of the party. If such supplemental list is exhausted for any precinct, then selection shall be made from any of the persons on the supplemental list without regard to the precincts in which they are listed to serve. No selection or appointment from the supplemental list shall be made more than 21 days prior to the date of precinct registration for those judges needed as precinct registrars, and more than 45 days prior to the date of an election for those additional persons needed as election judges. In any case where selection cannot be made from the supplemental list without violating Section 14‑1, selection shall be made from outside the supplemental list of some person qualified under Section 14‑1. (Source: P.A. 93‑574, eff. 8‑21‑03.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑4) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑4) Sec. 14‑4. The leading political party represented by a minority of all the commissioners in the board shall be entitled to 2 of the judges in each precinct with an even number, and 3 of the judges in each precinct with an odd number, and the other leading political party shall be entitled to 3 judges in the even and 2 judges in the odd number precincts; and if only 3 judges of election serve in each precinct, the leading political party represented by the minority of all the commissioners in the board shall be entitled to one of the judges of election in each precinct with an even number, and 2 of the judges of election in each precinct with an odd number, and the other leading political party shall be entitled to 2 judges of election in the even and one judge of election in the odd number precincts; and it shall be the duty of such commissioners to observe this division in all respects in making such appointments; except that this Section does not apply to appointments by county boards of election commissioners under Section 14‑3.1. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑4.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑4.1) Sec. 14‑4.1. The Board of Election Commissioners shall establish a training course for judges of election. The curriculum of such course shall be approved by the Board. A suitable certificate shall be issued by the Board to each student upon his satisfactory completion of the course. Such course may be established jointly with a course in the county established as provided in Section 13‑‑2.1 of this Act. Such course shall be conducted in the manner provided by Section 13‑‑2.2 of this Act. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3399.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑5) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑5) Sec. 14‑5. After the judges are selected and have agreed to serve as provided in Sections 14‑1 to 14‑4, inclusive, then a report of such selections shall be made and filed in the court, and application shall then be made by the board to the circuit court for their confirmation and appointment, whereupon the court shall enter an order that cause be shown, if any exists, against the confirmation and appointment of such persons so named, on or before the opening of the court on a day to be fixed by the court. And the board of commissioners shall immediately give notice of such order and the names of all such judges so reported to such court for confirmation, and their residence and the precinct for which they were selected, by causing a notice to be published in one or more newspapers in such city, village or incorporated town, and if no newspaper be published in such city, village or incorporated town, then by posting such notice in 3 of the most public places in such city, village or town. The notice shall state that a list of judges of election is available for public inspection in the office of the election authority. If no cause to the contrary is shown prior to the day fixed, and if, in each precinct, at least one judge representing each of the two major political parties has been certified by the board of commissioners as having satisfactorily completed within the preceding 6 months the training course and examination for judges of election, as provided in Section 14‑4.1 of this Act such appointments shall be confirmed by order entered by that court. If in any precinct the requisite 2 judges have not been so certified by the board of commissioners as having satisfactorily completed such course and examination, the board of commissioners shall immediately notify all judges in that precinct, to whose appointment there is no other objection, that all such judges shall attend the next such course. The board of commissioners shall then certify to the court that all such judges have been so notified (and such certification need contain no detail other than a mere recital). The appointment of such judges shall then be confirmed by order entered by the court. If any judge so notified and so confirmed fails to attend the next such course, such failure shall subject such judge to possible removal from office at the option of the election authority. If objections to the appointment of any such judge is filed prior to the day fixed by the court for confirmation of judges, the court shall hear such objections and the evidence introduced in support thereof, and shall confirm or refuse to confirm such nominations, as the interests of the public may require. No reasons may be given for the refusal to confirm. If any vacancies exist by reason of the action of such board or otherwise, at any time, the board of commissioners shall, subject to the provisions of Section 14‑3.2, further report and nominate persons to fill such vacancies so existing in the manner aforesaid, and a court in the same way shall consider such nominations and shall confirm or refuse to confirm the same in the manner aforesaid. Upon the confirmation of such judges, at any time, a commission shall issue to each of such judges, under the seal of such court, and appropriate forms shall be prepared by the board of commissioners for such purpose. After such confirmation and acceptance of such commission, such judges shall thereupon become officers of such court. If a vacancy occurs so late that application to and confirmation by the court cannot be had before the election, then the board of commissioners shall, subject to the provisions of Section 14‑3.2, make an appointment and issue a commission to such officer or officers, and when thus appointed such officer shall be considered an officer of the court and subject to the same rules and punishment, in case of misbehavior, as if confirmed by the court, and any judge, however appointed, and at whatever time, shall be considered an officer of court, and be subject to the same control and punishment in case of misbehavior. Not more than 10 business days after the day of election, the board of election commissioners shall compile a list containing the name, address and party affiliation of each judge of election who served on the day of election, and shall preserve such list and make it available for public inspection and copying for a period of not more than one year from the date of receipt of such list. Copies of such list shall be available for purchase at a cost not to exceed the cost of duplication. The board of commissioners has the right at any time, in case of misbehavior or neglect of duty, to remove any judge of election, and shall cause such vacancy to be filled in accordance with this Act. Except for judges appointed under subsection (c) of Section 14‑1, the board has the right, at any time, to remove any judge of election for failing to vote the primary ballot of the political party he represents at a primary election at which he served as such judge, and shall cause such vacancy to be filled in accordance with this Act. The board shall remove any judge of election who, twice during the same term of office, fails to provide for the opening of the polling place at the time prescribed in Section 17‑1 or Section 18‑2, whichever is applicable, unless such delay can be demonstrated by the judge of election to be beyond his or her control. In the event that any judge of election is removed for cause, the board shall specify such cause in writing and make such writing a matter of public record, with a copy to be sent to the appropriate county chairman who made the initial recommendation of the election judges. The judges of election must be appointed and confirmed at least 35 days prior to the next election. If any vacancy shall occur or exist, more than 5 days before election the judges appointed to such places must be confirmed by such court. Such commissioners shall not voluntarily remove any judge within 5 days of such election, except for flagrant misbehavior, incapacity or dishonesty, and the reasons therefor must afterwards be reported in writing to such court and made a matter of public record, with a copy to be sent to the appropriate county chairman who made the initial recommendation of the election judge. If such removal be wilful and without cause, the commissioners shall be punished for contempt of court and subject to removal. The board of election commissioners shall have the power on election day to remove without cause any judge of election appointed by the other judges of election pursuant to Section 14‑6 and to appoint another judge of election to serve for that election. Such substitute judge of election must be selected, where possible, pursuant to the provisions of Section 14‑3.2 and must be qualified in accordance with Section 14‑1. (Source: P.A. 90‑672, eff. 7‑31‑98; 91‑352, eff. 1‑1‑00.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑5.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑5.1) Sec. 14‑5.1. Each judge of election shall be identified as such by a suitable badge or label authorized and issued by the board of election commissioners and bearing the date of the election for which issued. On such badge, the judge shall print his or her name and the ward or township and precinct number in which he or she is serving. (Source: P.A. 84‑971.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑5.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑5.2) Sec. 14‑5.2. For each precinct in which there are 2 teams of judges, the board of election commissioners shall designate 2 of the judges of election, one from each political party, as holdover judges. The holdover judges shall be on duty during the entire time from the opening of the polls until the conclusion of the counting of the vote. (Source: P. A. 76‑1224.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑6) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑6) Sec. 14‑6. If, in any municipality operating under Article 6 of this Act, any judge shall not be present after the expiration of 15 minutes from the time to open the polls, or within 15 minutes from the time of closing the polls in the case of a judge appointed to count the vote or if any judge becomes ill or if any member of his immediate family becomes ill such judge may be excused from further attendance, and the judge or judges present shall fill the place of such absent judge, always selecting a person of the same political party as the party absent. One of the judges shall administer to such substitute the oath as required of the judge originally appointed, and blank forms shall be sent out by the commissioners for such purpose, which oath shall be preserved and returned to the commissioners, and such appointee shall be considered an officer of the circuit court, and subject to the same punishment and penalties as any other judge. Whenever such regular judge shall be present such substitute shall cease to act. No judge shall knowingly absent himself from the polls on election day, without good cause. No judge shall knowingly detain any register or poll book or cause it not to be produced at the polling place at the opening of the polls, or for not more than 15 minutes thereafter. (Source: P.A. 80‑704.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑7) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑7) Sec. 14‑7. Immediately after the confirmation of such judges by the circuit court, the Board of Election Commissioners shall notify each judge of election of his appointment and shall immediately mail to the judge of election his commission. Previous to any vote being taken, judges of election shall severally subscribe and take an oath or affirmation in the following form: "I, ...., residing at .... in the city (village or town) of .... in the State of Illinois, do solemnly swear (or affirm) (in the case of a registered voter, that I am a legal voter in the .... ward of the city (village or town), of .... in the State of Illinois); that I will support the laws and constitution of the United States, and of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office of judge of election for the .... precinct of the .... ward of the city (village or town) of ...., in the county of ...., in the State of Illinois, according to the best of my ability." (Source: P.A. 91‑352, eff. 1‑1‑00 .) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑8) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑8) Sec. 14‑8. At least 60 days prior to the next election occurring immediately after the expiration of the term of office of the judges, the election commissioners shall cause judges of election again to be selected, who shall be selected, appointed and commissioned in the same way, according to the same forms and subject to the same qualifications and limitations as required for the selection and appointment of such officers in the first instance hereunder. (Source: Laws 1957, p. 1450.) |
(10 ILCS 5/14‑9) (from Ch. 46, par. 14‑9) Sec. 14‑9. In all municipalities operating under Article VI of this Act, judges of election shall receive the compensation specified in Section 13‑10 in accordance with the population of the county as in said Section specified. When any judge of election, deputy registrar, judge of registration or officer of registration does not perform all the services required by this Act, then the board of election commissioners shall audit his time and allow his pro rata compensation. (Source: Laws 1957, p. 1450.) |