(10 ILCS 5/16‑1) (from Ch. 46, par. 16‑1) Sec. 16‑1. In all elections hereafter to be held in this state for public officers, the voting shall be by ballots printed and distributed at public expense as provided in this article and no other ballots shall be used. (Source: P.A. 80‑1469.) |
(10 ILCS 5/16‑4.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 16‑4.1) Sec. 16‑4.1. Ballots; Form; Consolidated Elections. This Section shall apply only to the consolidated primary election, and the consolidated election, except as otherwise expressly provided herein. The ballot for the nomination or election of officers of each political subdivision shall be considered a separate ballot, and candidates for such offices shall be grouped together. Where paper ballots are used, the names of candidates for nomination or election to more than one political subdivision may be contained on a common ballot, provided that such ballot clearly indicates and separates each political subdivision from which such officers are to be nominated or elected. At the consolidated election, the ballot for school district offices shall precede the ballot for community college district offices, and thereafter the ballot order of the political subdivision officers to be elected shall be as determined by the election authority. In the case of school districts other than community consolidated school districts, the ballot for non‑high school district offices shall precede the ballot for high school district offices. At the consolidated primary and at the consolidated election, the ballot for nomination or election of municipal officers shall precede the ballot for township officers. At the consolidated election, following the ballot for municipal and township offices shall be the ballots for park district and library district offices, following which shall be the ballots for other political subdivision offices in the order determined by the election authority. The election authority, in determining the order of ballot placement for offices of political subdivisions whose ballot placement is not specified in this Section, shall give due regard to the clarity of the ballot presentation to the voters, cost and administrative ease, and the requirement to provide separate ballot formats within precincts in which the electors are not entitled to vote for the same offices or propositions. At the request of a political subdivision which extends into more than one election jurisdiction, the election authority shall endeavor to coordinate placement and color of the ballot for such subdivision with the other election authorities responsible for preparing ballots for such subdivision election. The election authority may conduct a lottery to determine the order of ballot placement of political subdivision ballots where such order is not specified in this Section. Such lottery may be conducted jointly by two or more election authorities. (Source: P.A. 89‑700, eff. 1‑17‑97; 90‑358, eff. 1‑1‑98; 90‑655, eff. 7‑30‑98.) |
(10 ILCS 5/16‑5) (from Ch. 46, par. 16‑5) Sec. 16‑5. For all elections to which this article applies, the county clerks, in their respective counties, shall have charge of the printing of the ballots for all elections, including referenda, and shall furnish them to the judges of election. In municipalities and counties having a board of election commissioners, such board shall have charge of the printing of the ballots and furnish them to the judges of election within the territory under their jurisdiction. Ballots shall be printed and in possession of the respective election authorities at least two days before each election and subject to the inspection of candidates and their agents; if any mistakes be discovered they shall be corrected without delay. The election authority shall cause to be delivered to the judges of election at the polling place of each precinct or district, not less than twelve hours before the time fixed by law for the opening of the polls therein, at least 10% more ballots of the kind to be voted in such precinct or district than the number of voters registered therein for the purposes of such election, such ballots shall be put up in separate sealed packages, with marks on the outside clearly designating the polling place for which they are intended and the number of ballots enclosed, and receipt therefor shall be given by the judges of election to whom they are delivered, which receipt shall be preserved by the election authority. The election authority shall provide and retain at its office an ample supply of ballots, in addition to those distributed to the several voting precincts or districts, and if at any time on or before the day of election the ballots furnished to any precinct shall be lost, destroyed or exhausted before the polls are closed, on written application signed by a majority of the judges he or they shall immediately cause to be delivered to such judges at the polling place, such additional supply of ballots as may be required and sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Act. (Source: P.A. 80‑1469.) |
(10 ILCS 5/16‑6) (from Ch. 46, par. 16‑6) Sec. 16‑6. Whenever one or more proposals for amendment of the constitution or the calling of a constitutional convention or any combination thereof is or are to be voted upon by the people, the proposition or propositions for the adoption or rejection of such amendment or amendments or convention shall be submitted upon a ballot separate from the "Official Ballot" containing the names of candidates for State and other offices to be voted at such election. Such separate ballot shall be printed upon paper of a distinctly blue color and shall, as near as may be practicable, be of uniform size and blue color, but any variation in the size of such ballots or in the tincture of blue employed shall not affect or impair the validity thereof. Preceding each proposal to amend the constitution shall be printed the brief explanation of the amendment, prepared by the General Assembly, or in the case of a proposed amendment initiated by petition pursuant to Section 3 of Article XIV of the Constitution of the State of Illinois by the principal proponents of the amendment as approved by the Attorney General, and immediately below the explanation, the proposition shall be printed in substantially the following form:
YES For the proposed amendment ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ to Article ______ (or Section NO _______ of Article ______) of the Constitution.
In the case of a proposition for the calling of a constitutional convention, such proposition shall be printed in substantially the following form: