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Article 5

      (110 ILCS 660/Art. 5 heading)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑1)
    Sec. 5‑1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the Chicago State University Law.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑5)
    Sec. 5‑5. Object. The object of Chicago State University is to offer such courses of instruction, conduct such research and offer such public services as are prescribed by the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University or its successor, subject to the provisions of Section 7 of the Board of Higher Education Act.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑10)
    Sec. 5‑10. There is hereby created a body politic and corporate which shall be styled the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University (hereinafter called the Board), and which shall operate, manage, control, and maintain Chicago State University in accordance with the rights, powers and duties now or hereafter vested by law in that Board.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑15)
    Sec. 5‑15. Membership; terms; vacancies. The Board shall consist of 7 voting members appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and one voting member who is a student at Chicago State University. The student member shall be chosen by a campus‑wide student election. The student member shall serve a term of one year beginning on July 1 of each year, except that the student member initially selected shall serve a term beginning on the date of his or her selection and expiring on the next succeeding June 30. To be eligible for selection as a student member and to be eligible to remain as a student member of the Board, the student member must be a resident of this State, must have and maintain a grade point average that is equivalent to at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and must be a full time student enrolled at all times during his or her term of office except for that part of the term which follows the completion of the last full regular semester of an academic year and precedes the first full regular semester of the succeeding academic year at the university (sometimes commonly referred to as the summer session or summer school). If a student member serving on the Board fails to continue to meet or maintain the residency, minimum grade point average, or enrollment requirement established by this Section, his or her membership on the Board shall be deemed to have terminated by operation of law. Of the members first appointed by the Governor, 4 shall be appointed for terms to expire on the third Monday in January, 1999, and 3 shall be appointed for terms to expire on the third Monday in January, 2001. If the Senate is not in session on the effective date of this Article, or if a vacancy in an appointive membership occurs at a time when the Senate is not in session, the Governor shall make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Senate when he shall nominate persons to fill such memberships for the remainder of their respective terms. No more than 4 of the members appointed by the Governor shall be affiliated with the same political party. Each member appointed by the Governor must be a resident of this State. A failure to meet or maintain this residency requirement constitutes a resignation from and creates a vacancy in the Board. Upon the expiration of the terms of members appointed by the Governor, their respective successors shall be appointed for terms of 6 years from the third Monday in January of each odd‑numbered year. Any members appointed to the Board shall continue to serve in such capacity until their successors are appointed and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 91‑778, eff. 1‑1‑01; 91‑798, eff. 7‑9‑00; 92‑16, eff. 6‑28‑01.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑20)
    Sec. 5‑20. Reimbursement; employment limitations. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reasonable amounts for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties. Such expenses incurred by the student member may, at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board, be provided for by advance payment to the student member, who shall account therefor to the Board immediately after each meeting.
    No member of the Board shall hold or be employed in or appointed to any office or place under the authority of the Board, nor shall any member of the Board be directly or indirectly interested in any contract made by the Board, nor shall he be an employee of the State Government; provided that nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prohibit the student member of the Board from maintaining normal and official status as an enrolled student or normal student employment at Chicago State University.
(Source: P.A. 93‑1096, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑25)
    Sec. 5‑25. Officers; meetings. Members of the Board shall elect annually by secret ballot from their own number a chairman who shall preside over meetings of the Board and a secretary.
    Meetings of the Board shall be held at least once each quarter on the campus of Chicago State University at Chicago, Illinois. At all regular meetings of the Board, a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum. The student member shall have all of the privileges of membership, including the right to make and second motions, to attend executive sessions, and to vote on all Board matters except those involving faculty tenure, faculty promotion or any issue on which the student member has a direct conflict of interest. Unless the student member is entitled to vote on a measure at a meeting of the Board or any of its committees, he or she shall not be considered a member for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present at the time that measure is voted upon. No action of the Board shall be invalidated by reason of any vacancies on the Board or by reason of any failure to select a student member.
    Special meetings of the Board may be called by the chairman of the Board or by any 3 members of the Board.
    At each regular and special meeting that is open to the public, members of the public and employees of the University shall be afforded time, subject to reasonable constraints, to make comments to or ask questions of the Board.
(Source: P.A. 91‑715, eff. 1‑1‑01; 91‑778, eff. 1‑1‑01; 92‑16, eff. 6‑28‑01.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑30)
    Sec. 5‑30. Ex‑officio treasurer. The Board shall designate a member of the staff of Chicago State University as treasurer to serve the Board, but not as a member, and shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such security as is satisfactory to the Board.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑35)
    Sec. 5‑35. Transfer of powers, duties, assets; outstanding contracts, agreements and bonds. All the rights, powers and duties vested by law in the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities and relating to the operation, management, control and maintenance of Chicago State University are hereby transferred to and vested in the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University.
    All books, records, papers, documents and pending business in any way pertaining to Chicago State University and held by the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities are hereby transferred from the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities to the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University.
    The employment of the president and all other academic and nonacademic personnel of Chicago State University is hereby transferred from the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities to the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, but the status and rights of all personnel whose employment is so transferred under the State Universities Civil Service System, under the State Universities Retirement System and under any other contract or benefit plan shall be unaffected thereby.
    No rule or regulation promulgated by the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities prior to the effective date of this Article pursuant to an exercise of any right, power, duty, responsibility or matter of pending business transferred from the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities to the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University under the provisions of this Article shall be affected thereby, and all such rules and regulations shall become the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University.
    All items of income heretofore received by Chicago State University and paid into the State Treasury and covered into the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities Income Fund and not heretofore appropriated by the General Assembly for the support and improvement of Chicago State University under the provisions of paragraph (1) of Section 6a of the State Finance Act shall be transferred by the State Treasurer and covered into the Chicago State University Income Fund for appropriations from time to time to be made by the General Assembly payable from such fund for the support and improvement of Chicago State University as provided in paragraph (1) of Section 6a‑1c of that Act; provided that within 10 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996, all moneys then remaining in the Chicago State University Income Fund heretofore established as a special fund in the State Treasury shall be repaid to the University to be deposited and credited to the University Income Fund established by Chicago State University in its own treasury as provided in paragraph (1) of Section 6a‑1c of the State Finance Act.
    The right of custody, possession and control over all items of income, funds or deposits in any way pertaining to Chicago State University, which on the effective date of this Article are held or retained by, or under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities under the authority of paragraph (2) of Section 6a of the State Finance Act, is hereby transferred to and vested in the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University to be retained by the University in its own treasury, or deposited with a bank or savings and loan association, all in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (6) of Section 6a‑1c of that Act.
    There is hereby transferred from the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities to the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University the power of order and direction over the disbursement of those funds which immediately prior to the effective date of this Article were retained by Chicago State University in its own treasury under the authority of Section 6a‑2 of the State Finance Act; provided that such funds shall be disbursed from time to time pursuant to the order and direction of the Board of Trustees in accordance with any contracts, pledges, trusts or agreements heretofore made with respect to the use or application of such funds by the Teachers College Board or the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities.
    Chicago State University shall succeed to, assume and exercise all rights, powers, duties and responsibilities formerly exercised by the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities on behalf of Chicago State University prior to the effective date of this Article. All contracts and agreements entered into by the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities on behalf of Chicago State University prior to the effective date of this Article shall be valid and shall subsist notwithstanding the abolition of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities and the repeal of the Board of Governors Act and notwithstanding the transfer or the functions of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities with respect to Chicago State University to the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University. All bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness outstanding on the effective date of this Article issued by the Teachers College Board or the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities on behalf of Chicago State University shall become the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of Chicago State University and shall be otherwise unaffected by the transfer of functions to Chicago State University. Any action, including without limitation, approvals of applications for bonds and resolutions constituting official action under the Internal Revenue Code by the Teachers College Board or Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities prior to the effective date of this Article shall remain effective to the same extent as if that action had been taken by Chicago State University and shall be deemed to be action taken by Chicago State University.
    The title to all other property, whether real, personal or mixed, belonging to or under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities for Chicago State University is hereby transferred to and vested in the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University to be held for the People of the State of Illinois for such University.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96; 89‑602, eff. 8‑2‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑40)
    Sec. 5‑40. Contracts, conveyances, expenditures. The Board shall have power to enter into contracts and to sue and be sued, provided that any suit against the Board based upon a claim sounding in tort must be filed in the Court of Claims; to acquire by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, and to hold and convey title to real property as it shall deem appropriate and personal property in accordance with the State Property Control Act; and to expend the funds appropriated to or lawfully belonging to the Chicago State University, provided that the Board in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Article shall not create any liability or indebtedness of funds from the State Treasury in excess of the funds appropriated to Chicago State University.
    All real property acquired by the Board shall be held for the People of the State of Illinois, for the use of Chicago State University.
    Any lease to the Board of lands, buildings or facilities which will support scientific research and development in such areas as high technology, super computing, microelectronics, biotechnology, robotics, physics and engineering shall be for a term not to exceed 18 years, and may grant to the Board the option to purchase the lands, buildings or facilities. The lease shall recite that it is subject to termination and cancellation in any year for which the General Assembly fails to make an appropriation to pay the rent payable under the terms of the lease.
    Leases for the purposes described herein exceeding 5 years shall have the approval of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
    The Board's power to enter into contracts includes but is not limited to the power to enter into contracts with municipalities within which the University or any branch thereof is located, in whole or in part, for such municipality to provide fire protection or other essential municipal services upon properties leased to for‑profit entities the title to which properties is held by the Board. The Board shall pay to the municipality concerned such equitable portion of the cost of providing such fire protection or other essential municipal service as shall be agreed to by the Board, and as part of the compensation for such fire protection the Board may provide land and buildings, or either, for fire stations to be used by the municipality.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑42)
    Sec. 5‑42. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Law, any power granted under this Law to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94‑1055, eff. 1‑1‑07.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑45)
    Sec. 5‑45. Powers and duties. The Board also shall have power and it shall be its duty:
    (1) To make rules, regulations and bylaws, not inconsistent with law, for the government and management of Chicago State University and its branches;
    (2) To employ, and, for good cause, to remove a President of Chicago State University, and all necessary deans, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, other educational and administrative assistants, and all other necessary employees, and to prescribe their duties and contract with them upon matters relating to tenure, salaries and retirement benefits in accordance with the State Universities Civil Service Act. Whenever the Board establishes a search committee to fill the position of President of Chicago State University, there shall be minority representation, including women, on that search committee. The Board shall, upon the written request of an employee of Chicago State University, withhold from the compensation of that employee any dues, payments or contributions payable by such employee to any labor organization as defined in the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act. Under such arrangement, an amount shall be withheld from each regular payroll period which is equal to the pro rata share of the annual dues plus any payments or contributions, and the Board shall transmit such withholdings to the specified labor organization within 10 working days from the time of the withholding;
    (3) To prescribe the courses of study to be followed, and textbooks and apparatus to be used at Chicago State University;
    (4) To issue upon the recommendation of the faculty, diplomas to such persons as have satisfactorily completed the required studies of Chicago State University, and confer such professional and literary degrees as are usually conferred by other institutions of like character for similar or equivalent courses of study, or such as the Board may deem appropriate;
    (5) To examine into the conditions, management, and administration of Chicago State University, to provide the requisite buildings, apparatus, equipment and auxiliary enterprises, and to fix and collect matriculation fees; tuition fees; fees for student activities; fees for student facilities such as student union buildings or field houses or stadia or other recreational facilities; student welfare fees; laboratory fees; and similar fees for supplies and materials. The expense of the building, improving, repairing and supplying fuel and furniture and the necessary appliances and apparatus for conducting Chicago State University, the reimbursed expenses of members of the Board, and the salaries or compensation of the President, assistants, agents and other employees of Chicago State University, shall be a charge upon the State Treasury. All other expenses shall be chargeable against students, and the Board shall regulate the charges accordingly;
    (6) To succeed to and to administer all trusts, trust property, and gifts now or hereafter belonging or pertaining to Chicago State University;
    (7) To accept endowments of professorships or departments in Chicago State University from any person who may proffer them and, at regular meetings, to prescribe rules and regulations in relation to endowments and declare on what general principles they may be accepted;
    (8) To enter into contracts with the Federal government for providing courses of instruction and other services at Chicago State University for persons serving in or with the military or naval forces of the United States, and to provide such courses of instruction and other services;
    (9) To contract with respect to the Cooperative Computer Center to obtain services related to electronic data processing;
    (10) To provide for the receipt and expenditures of Federal funds paid to Chicago State University by the Federal government for instruction and other services for persons serving in or with the military or naval forces of the United States, and to provide for audits of such funds;
    (11) To appoint, subject to the applicable civil service law, persons to be members of the Chicago State University Police Department. Members of the Police Department shall be conservators of the peace and as such have all powers possessed by policemen in cities, and sheriffs, including the power to make arrests on view or warrants of violations of State statutes, University rules and regulations and city or county ordinances, except that they may exercise such powers only within counties wherein Chicago State University and any of its branches or properties are located when such is required for the protection of University properties and interests, and its students and personnel, and otherwise, within such counties, when requested by appropriate State or local law enforcement officials. However, such officers shall have no power to serve and execute civil processes.
    The Board must authorize to each member of the Chicago State University Police Department and to any other employee of Chicago State University exercising the powers of a peace officer a distinct badge that, on its face, (i) clearly states that the badge is authorized by Chicago State University and (ii) contains a unique identifying number on its face. No other badge shall be authorized by Chicago State University;
    (12) The Board may, directly or in cooperation with other institutions of higher education, acquire by purchase or lease or otherwise, and construct, enlarge, improve, equip, complete, operate, control and manage research and high technology parks, together with the necessary lands, buildings, facilities, equipment, and personal property therefor, to encourage and facilitate (i) the location and development of business and industry in the State of Illinois, and (ii) the increased application and development of technology, and (iii) the improvement and development of the State's economy. The Board may lease to nonprofit corporations all or any part of the land, buildings, facilities, equipment or other property included in a research and high technology park upon such terms and conditions as the Board may deem advisable and enter into any contract or agreement with such nonprofit corporations as may be necessary or suitable for the construction, financing, operation and maintenance and management of any such park; and may lease to any person, firm, partnership or corporation, either public or private, any part or all of the land, building, facilities, equipment or other property of such park for such purposes and upon such rentals, terms and conditions as the Board may deem advisable; and may finance all or part of the cost of any such park, including the purchase, lease, construction, reconstruction, improvement, remodeling, addition to, and extension and maintenance of all or part of such high technology park, and all equipment and furnishings, by legislative appropriations, government grants, contracts, private gifts, loans, receipts from the operation of such high technology park, rentals and similar receipts; and may make its other facilities and services available to tenants or other occupants of any such park at rates which are reasonable and appropriate;
    (13) To borrow money, as necessary, from time to time in
     anticipation of receiving tuition, payments from the State of Illinois, or other revenues or receipts of the University, also known as anticipated moneys. The borrowing limit shall be capped at 100% of the total amount of payroll and other expense vouchers submitted and payable to the University for fiscal year 2010 expenses, but unpaid at the State Comptroller's office. Prior to borrowing any funds, the University shall request from the Comptroller's office a verification of the borrowing limit and shall include the estimated date on which such borrowing shall occur. The borrowing limit cap shall be verified by State Comptroller's office not prior to 45 days before any estimated date for executing any promissory note or line of credit established under this item (13). The principal amount borrowed under a promissory note or line of credit shall not exceed 75% of the borrowing limit. Within 15 days after borrowing funds under any promissory note or line of credit established under this item (13), the University shall submit to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and Minority Leader of the Senate, an Emergency Short Term Cash Management Plan. The Emergency Short Term Cash Management Plan shall outline the amount borrowed, the terms for repayment, the amount of outstanding State vouchers as verified by the State Comptroller's office, and the University's plan for expenditure of any borrowed funds, including, but not limited to, a detailed plan to meet payroll obligations to include collective bargaining employees, civil service employees, and academic, research, and health care personnel. The establishment of any promissory note or line of credit established under this item (13) must be finalized within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly. The borrowed moneys shall be applied to the purposes of paying salaries and other expenses lawfully authorized in the University's State appropriation and unpaid by the State Comptroller. Any line of credit established under this item (13) shall be paid in full one year after creation or within 10 days after the date the University receives reimbursement from the State for all submitted fiscal year 2010 vouchers, whichever is earlier. Any promissory note established under this item (13) shall be repaid within one year after issuance of the note. The Chairman, Comptroller, or Treasurer of the Board shall execute a promissory note or similar debt instrument to evidence the indebtedness incurred by the borrowing. In connection with a borrowing, the Board may establish a line of credit with a financial institution, investment bank, or broker/dealer. The obligation to make the payments due under any promissory note or line of credit established under this item (13) shall be a lawful obligation of the University payable from the anticipated moneys. Any borrowing under this item (13) shall not constitute a debt, legal or moral, of the State and shall not be enforceable against the State. The promissory note or line of credit shall be authorized by a resolution passed by the Board and shall be valid whether or not a budgeted item with respect to that resolution is included in any annual or supplemental budget adopted by the Board. The resolution shall set forth facts demonstrating the need for the borrowing, state an amount that the amount to be borrowed will not exceed, and establish a maximum interest rate limit not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act or 9%, whichever is less. The resolution may direct the Comptroller or Treasurer of the Board to make arrangements to set apart and hold the portion of the anticipated moneys, as received, that shall be used to repay the borrowing, subject to any prior pledges or restrictions with respect to the anticipated moneys. The resolution may also authorize the Treasurer of the Board to make partial repayments of the borrowing as the anticipated moneys become available and may contain any other terms, restrictions, or limitations not inconsistent with the powers of the Board.
    For the purposes of this item (13), "financial
     institution" means any bank subject to the Illinois Banking Act, any savings and loan association subject to the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, and any federally chartered commercial bank or savings and loan association or government‑sponsored enterprise organized and operated in this State pursuant to the laws of the United States.
(Source: P.A. 96‑909, eff. 6‑8‑10.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑50)
    Sec. 5‑50. Illinois coal. The Board shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Mined Coal Act.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑55)
    Sec. 5‑55. Smoke detection. The Board shall, by January 1, 1997, submit to the office of the State Fire Marshal the plans for its smoke detection system in all University dormitory corridors and the connection of that system to a monitor panel and to a central fire alarm system.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑60)
    Sec. 5‑60. Police Department; liability insurance.
    (a) The Board shall provide each member of the Chicago State University Police Department without cost to him or her public liability insurance covering him or her for any liability which arises out of his or her employment to the extent of the insurance policy limits which shall be not less than $50,000.
    (b) The Board shall have power to insure the Board, Chicago State University and its branches under Board jurisdiction, Board members, paid and unpaid employees of the Board, and any students, volunteer workers, visiting faculty and professionals who are agents of the Board in the performance or delivery of its programs or services against claims, damages, losses, expenses and civil suits arising out of statements, acts or omissions in the discharge of their duties, which statements, acts or omissions do not involve intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of such persons; and to insure against losses to real and personal property owned by the Board or in the actual or constructive custody of the Board and for loss of income from such real and personal property. The Board shall have power to defend, hold harmless and indemnify, in whole or in part, all persons as to whom any such insurance is provided. Pursuant to its power to insure, the Board may establish and accumulate reserves for payment of such claims, damages, losses, expenses and civil suit awards or obtain insurance affording coverage for such matters. Reserves established by the Board for the foregoing purpose shall be subject to the following conditions:
        (1) The amount of such reserves shall not exceed the
     amount necessary and proper, based on past experience or independent actuarial determinations;
        (2) All earnings derived from such reserves shall be
     considered part of the reserves and may be used only for the same purposes for which the reserves may be used;
        (3) Reserves may be used only for the purposes of
     making payments for civil suits, claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys fees, claims investigation costs and actuarial studies associated with liabilities arising out of statements, acts or omissions of individuals in the discharge of their duties, which statements, acts or omissions do not involve intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of such individuals, for payment of insurance premiums, and for the purposes of making payments for losses resulting from any insured peril;
        (4) All funds collected for the purposes specified
     in paragraph (3) or earmarked for such purposes must be placed in the reserves;
        (5) Whenever the reserves have a balance in excess
     of what is necessary and proper, then contributions, charges, assessments or other forms of funding for the reserves shall be appropriately decreased.
    (c) As to all claims, damages, losses, expenses and civil suits covered by insurance provided by the Board or as to which the Board has not provided insurance, to the extent permitted by law, sovereign immunity shall apply and recourse shall be limited to the Court of Claims.
    (d) When permitted by law to enter into an agreement with any unit of government, institution of higher education, person, or corporation for the use of property or the performance of any function, service or act, the Board may agree to the sharing or allocation of liabilities and damages resulting from such use of property or performance of any function, service or act. Such agreement may provide for contribution or indemnification by any or all of the parties to the agreement upon any liability arising out of the performance of the agreement.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑65)
    Sec. 5‑65. Recruiting access.
    (a) If the Board has provided access to any campus under its jurisdiction to persons or groups whose purpose is to make students aware of educational or occupational options, the Board shall provide, on an equal basis, access to the official recruiting representatives of the armed forces of Illinois and the United States for the purpose of informing students of educational and career opportunities available to them in the military. The Board is not required to give greater notice regarding the right of access to recruiting representatives than is given to other persons and groups.
    (b) The Board shall not bar or exclude from the curriculum, campus, or school facilities of Chicago State University any armed forces training program or organization operated under the authority of the United States government because the program or organization complies with rules, regulations, or policies of the United States government or any agency, branch, or department thereof.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑70)
    Sec. 5‑70. English language proficiency. The Board shall at all times maintain in effect a program to assess the oral English language proficiency of all persons providing classroom instruction to students at each campus under the jurisdiction, governance or supervision of the Board, and shall ensure that each person who is not orally proficient in the English language attain such proficiency prior to providing any classroom instruction to students. The program required by this Section shall be fully implemented to ensure the oral English language proficiency of all classroom instructors at each campus under the jurisdiction, governance or supervision of the Board. Any other provisions of this Section to the contrary notwithstanding, nothing in this Section shall be deemed or construed to apply to, or to require such oral English language proficiency of any person who provides classroom instruction to students in foreign language courses only.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑75)
    Sec. 5‑75. Engineering facilities. The Board is authorized to construct engineering facilities with funds appropriated for that purpose from the Build Illinois Bond Fund.
(Source: P.A. 94‑91, eff. 7‑1‑05.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑80)
    Sec. 5‑80. High school feedback system. The Board shall establish a feedback system to monitor the academic progress and success of Illinois high school students enrolled at Chicago State University. The Board, in cooperation with the Board of Trustees of each other public university in the State, shall submit annually to each high school attendance center located in the State a single report with respect to the graduates of that high school attendance center. The report shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information: the number of high school graduates enrolled in each public university and the major of each; the number of high school graduates who have withdrawn from each public university; and student performance in university coursework.
(Source: P.A. 89‑4, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (110 ILCS 660/5‑85)
    Sec. 5‑85. Admission requirements.
    (a) No new student shall be admitted to instruction in any of the departments or colleges of the Chicago State University unless such student also has satisfactorily completed:
        (1) at least 15 units of high school coursework from

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