(110 ILCS 805/3‑1) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑1) Sec. 3‑1. Any contiguous and compact territory, no part of which is included within any community college district, unless all of such district is included which has an equalized assessed valuation of not less than $150,000,000 and contains a population of not less than 60,000 persons may be organized into a community college district within the State system. For the purpose of this section and Sections 6‑5.3, 6‑5.5, and 6‑6.1 any territory which is completely surrounded by a community college district governed by the provisions of Article 7 of this Act, shall be considered contiguous to any territory beyond the boundaries of such community college district governed by the provisions of Article 7, the closest boundary of which is not more than 5 miles from the boundary of such territory so surrounded. Any territory which comprises a special charter school district and which is completely surrounded by a non‑district territory shall be considered contiguous to any community college district beyond the boundaries of such non‑district territory, the closest boundary of which is not more than 20 miles from the boundary of such territory so surrounded. The contiguity of such territory shall not be affected by any subsequent change in the status of the surrounding non‑district territory, including the inclusion of such non‑district territory in a community college district other than the district to which the original territory was annexed. A petition signed by at least 500 or more voters residing in the territory described in the petition shall be filed with the State Board. The petition shall: (1) Request the calling of an election for the purpose of voting for or against the establishment of a community college district. (2) Describe the territory comprising the proposed district. (3) Describe the extent to which educational programs will be provided by contract with existing public or private educational institutions. (4) Set forth the maximum tax rates for educational purposes and for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes. The proposed district shall be authorized to levy rates which shall not exceed .75 per cent of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for educational purposes, and .1 per cent for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes. (Source: P.A. 85‑1335.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑1.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑1.1) Sec. 3‑1.1. Any petition filed under this Act, which bears the signatures of 25 or more persons, may designate a committee of 5 of the petitioners as attorney in fact for all the petitioners, who may amend the petition to correct errors in the description of the territory included in the petition prior to the public hearing, or if no hearing is required, prior to approval or disapproval of the petition by the State Board. The petition must after amendment comply with the requirements for such a petition under this Act. (Source: Laws 1967, p. 3308.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑2) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑2) Sec. 3‑2. Upon the receipt of such a petition, the State Board shall, in cooperation with the regional superintendent of the county or counties in which the territory of the proposed district is located, cause a study to be made of the territory of the proposed district and the community college needs and condition thereof and the area within and adjacent thereto in relation to existing facilities for general education, including pre‑professional curricula and for training in occupational activities, and in relation to a factual survey of the possible enrollment, assessed valuation, industrial business, agricultural and other conditions reflecting educational needs in the area to be served, in order to determine whether in its judgment the proposed district may adequately maintain a community college in accordance with such desirable standards. In reviewing the application the State Board shall consider the feasibility of any proposed utilization of existing public or private educational facilities and land within or in near proximity to the boundary of the proposed district, and of contracting with such public or private institutions for the provision of educational programs. If the State Board finds as the result of its study that it is not possible for the proposed district to produce a desirable program of community college education at a reasonable cost, it shall provide a brief statement of the reasons for this decision and shall thereupon cause a copy of the statement to be published in a newspaper or newspapers having a general circulation in the territory of the proposed district and no election shall be held or further proceedings had on said petition to establish such a community college district. If approved the State Board shall submit its findings to the Board of Higher Education for a determination as to whether or not the proposal is in conformity with a comprehensive community college program. When the Board of Higher Education approves the request for a new community college, the State Board shall prepare a report of such action on the petition. The report shall contain a brief statement of the reasons for the decision and a resume stating why the State Board deems it possible for the proposed district to provide a desirable two‑year college program at reasonable cost, the conditions under which such operation would be possible, the estimated results of such operation in terms of local taxes, the nature and probable cost of alternative methods of providing adequate community college educational opportunities for students in the territory involved and such other information as the State Board believes may be helpful to the voters in such territory in voting on the proposition to establish a community college district. (Source: P.A. 84‑509.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑3) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑3) Sec. 3‑3. If the Board of Higher Education disapproves the request for a new community college, no election shall be held or further proceedings had on such petition to establish a community college district. If the Board of Higher Education approves the request to establish a community college district, the State Board shall cause notice of a hearing on the petition to be given by publishing a notice thereof at least once each week for 3 successive weeks in at least one newspaper having general circulation within the territory of the proposed district, and if no such newspaper exists, then the publication shall be made in 2 or more newspapers which together cover the territory with general circulation. The notice shall state when and to whom the petition was presented, the description of the territory of the proposed district, and the day on which the hearing upon the petition and the report of the State Board will be held. On such day or on a day to which the State Board shall continue said hearing, the State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear the petition, present the report and determine the sufficiency of the petition as herein prescribed, and may adjourn the hearing from time to time or continue the matter for want of sufficient notice or for other good cause. The State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear any additional evidence as to the school needs and conditions of the territory and in the area within and adjacent thereto and if a hearing officer is appointed he shall report a summary of the testimony to the State Board. Whereupon the State Board shall determine whether it is for the best interests of the schools of such area and the educational welfare of the students therein that such district be organized, and shall determine also whether the territory described in the petition is compact and contiguous for college purposes. (Source: P. A. 78‑669.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑4) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑4) Sec. 3‑4. At the hearing, any resident in the proposed district or any district affected thereby may appear in support of the petition or to object thereto. At the conclusion of the hearing the State Board shall make a decision either granting or denying the petition. If the State Board denies the petition no election shall be held or further proceedings had unless its decision is reversed upon review. If the State Board approves the petition or if its denial of the petition is reversed on review, the regional superintendent of the county in which the territory described in the petition is situated or if the petition describes territory consisting of one county and all or a part of several counties, the regional superintendent of the county having the greater number of people included in the territory described in the petition, shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit such proposition at a regular scheduled election as provided in the general election law for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition of establishing a community college district. The decision of the State Board after the hearing shall be deemed an "administrative decision" as defined in Section 3‑101 of the Code of Civil Procedure and any petitioner or resident who appears at the hearing may file a complaint for a judicial review of such decision in accordance with the Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and modifications thereof and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. The commencement of any action for review shall operate as a stay of enforcement, and no referendum shall be held pending final disposition of such review. (Source: P.A. 84‑551.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑4.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑4.1) Sec. 3‑4.1. The costs of any referendum conducted under this Act shall be borne by the county or counties in which the territory involved in the election is located. (Source: P.A. 81‑1489.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑5) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑5) Sec. 3‑5. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form: FOR the establishment of a community college district with authority to levy taxes at the rate of.... per cent for educational purposes, and.... per cent for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes. AGAINST the establishment of a community college district with authority to levy taxes at the rate of.... per cent for educational purposes, and.... per cent for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes. In order for the proposition to be approved, a majority of the votes cast in the territory at the election must be in favor of the proposition of establishing a community college district; provided, however, that if the territory described in the petition includes one or more community college districts, the proposition has not received a majority of the votes cast on the proposition unless it also receives a majority of the votes cast on the proposition within the territory included within each such district, the count to be taken separately within such districts. (Source: P.A. 85‑1335.) |
(110 ILCS 805/3‑6) (from Ch. 122, par. 103‑6) Sec. 3‑6. If a majority of the votes cast at the election, as determined in the manner provided in Section 3‑5, is in favor of the establishment of a community college district, the regional superintendent who ordered that election shall forthwith order an election to be held at the time and in the manner provided in the general election law for the purpose of selecting the board for that community college district, to consist of 7 members. (Source: P.A. 81‑1490.) |