(110 ILCS 805/6‑1) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑1) Sec. 6‑1. The board of education of any non‑high school district or any school district maintaining grades 9 through 12, any part of which lies outside a community college district may, beginning in the year 1985, levy an additional annual tax upon that part of the taxable property of the school district lying outside a community college district in an amount sufficient for community college educational purposes for the payment of tuition as provided in Section 6‑2 for any graduate of a recognized high school or student otherwise qualified to attend a public community college, and shall apply the proceeds for the purpose for which levied. Such tax may be levied for 5 successive years. This levy authority shall expire on or before the last Tuesday of December, 1989, and 1989 is the last year for which such additional tax may be levied. This tax is in addition to and in excess of any other tax for educational purposes and shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as other school district taxes. By October 1, 1989, a petition shall be filed or resolution adopted under either Article 3 or Article 6 seeking the inclusion of such territory of the school district lying outside a community college district in a new community college district, or the annexation of such territory to an existing community college district. If such petition or resolution is not filed within the specified time, the State Board shall assign the territory to a new or existing community college district, such assignment to be effective July 1, 1990. When such a non‑high school district or school district maintaining grades 9 through 12 becomes totally included in a community college district, any balance of the funds received from the tax levied for community college educational purposes remaining after the payment of all claims against those funds shall be credited to the educational fund of that school district, except that the board of education of any high school district or any school district maintaining grades 9 through 12 which is included in a new community college district formed pursuant to Section 6‑6.1 shall continue to comply with the provisions of this Section and Section 6‑2 until January 1, 1991. (Source: P.A. 86‑469.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑2) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑2) Sec. 6‑2. Any graduate of a recognized high school or student otherwise qualified to attend a public community college and residing outside a community college district who notifies the board of education of his district may, subject to Section 3‑17, attend any recognized public community college in the State which he chooses, and the board of education of that district shall pay his tuition, as defined herein, for any semester, quarter or term of that academic year and the following summer term from the educational fund or the proceeds of a levy made under Section 6‑1. In addition, any graduate of a recognized high school or student otherwise qualified to attend a public community college and residing in a new community college district formed pursuant to Section 6‑6.1 who notifies the board of education of his district may, subject to the provisions of Section 3‑17, attend any recognized public community college in the State, and the board of education of that district shall pay his tuition until January 1, 1991. If a resident is not eligible for tuition for a summer term because he did not notify his board of education by the previous September 15, he may become eligible for that tuition for a summer term by giving notice to the board of education by May 15 preceding his enrollment for the summer term. Such tuition may not exceed the per capita cost of the community college attended for the previous year, or in the case of the first year of operation the estimated per capita cost, less certain deductions to be computed in the manner set forth below. The community college per capita cost shall be computed, in a manner consistent with any accounting system prescribed by the State Board, by adding all of the non‑capital expenditures, including interest, to the depreciation on capital outlay expenditures paid from sources other than State and Federal funds and then dividing by the number of full‑time equivalent students for the fiscal year as defined in this Section. The community college tuition to be charged to the district of the student's residence shall be computed, in a manner consistent with any accounting system prescribed by the State Board, by adding all of the non‑capital expenditures for the previous year, including interest, to the depreciation on capital outlay expenditures paid from sources other than State and Federal funds less any payments toward non‑capital expenditures received from State and Federal sources for the previous year except grants through the State Board, as authorized in Section 2‑16 or 2‑16.02, as the case may be, and then dividing by the number of full‑time equivalent students for that fiscal year as defined in this Section; this average per student computation shall be converted to a semester hour or quarter hour base and further reduced by the combined rate of State grants other than equalization grants for the current year as provided for in Section 2‑16.02 and any rate of tuition and fees assessed all students for the current year as authorized in Section 6‑4. Any person who has notified the board of education of his or her district as provided above and who is a resident of that district at the time of such notification shall have his or her tuition paid by that district for that academic year and the following summer term so long as he or she resides in Illinois outside a community college district. If he or she becomes a resident of a community college district, he or she shall be classified as a resident of that district at the beginning of any semester, quarter or term following that change of residence. If a resident of a community college district wishes to attend the community college maintained by the district of his or her residence but the program in which the student wishes to enroll is not offered by that community college, and the community college maintained by the district of his residence does not have a contractual agreement under Section 3‑40 of this Act for such program, the student may attend any recognized public community college in some other district, subject to the provisions of Section 3‑17, and have his or her tuition, as defined herein, paid by the community college district of his or her residence while enrolled in a program at that college which is not offered by his or her home community college if he or she makes application to his or her home board at least 30 days prior to the beginning of any semester, quarter or term in accordance with rules, regulations and procedures established and published by his or her home board. The payment of tuition by his or her district of residence may not exceed the per capita cost of the community college attended for the previous year, or in the case of the first year of operation the estimated per capita cost, less certain deductions to be computed in the manner set forth above for the community college tuition to be charged to the district of the student's residence. Payment shall be made hereunder to the community college district of attendance immediately upon receipt, by the district liable for the payment, of a statement from that community college district of the amount due it. Before sending such a statement requesting payment, however, the community college district of attendance shall make all calculations and deductions required under this Section so that the amount requested for payment is the exact amount required under this Section to be paid by the district liable for payment. If the moneys in the educational fund or the proceeds from a levy made under Section 6‑1 of a district liable for payments under this Section are insufficient to meet such payments, the district liable for such payments may issue tax anticipation warrants as provided in Section 3‑20.10. A full‑time equivalent student for a semester, quarter or term is defined as a student doing 15 semester hours of work per semester or 15 quarter hours of work per quarter or the equivalent thereof, and the number of full‑time equivalent students enrolled per term shall be determined by dividing by 15 the total number of semester hours or quarter hours of work for which State Board grants are received, or the equivalent thereof, carried by all students of the college through the mid‑term of each semester, quarter or term. The number of full‑time equivalent students for a fiscal year shall be computed by adding the total number of semester hours or quarter hours of work or the equivalent thereof carried by all students of the college through the mid‑term of each semester, quarter or term during that fiscal year and dividing that sum by 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours or the equivalent thereof depending upon the credit hour system utilized by the college. Tuition of students carrying more or less than 15 semester hours of work per semester or 15 quarter hours of work per quarter or the equivalent thereof shall be computed in the proportion which the number of hours so carried bears to 15 semester hours or 15 quarter hours or the equivalent thereof. If the United States Government, the State of Illinois, or any agency pays tuition for any community college student, neither the district of residence of the student nor the student may be required to pay that tuition or such part thereof as is otherwise paid. No part of the State's financial responsibility provided for in Section 2‑16 may be transferred to a student's district of residence under this Section. (Source: P.A. 86‑469; 86‑1246; 87‑1018.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑4) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑4) Sec. 6‑4. Variable rates and fees. Any community college district, by resolution of the board, may establish variable tuition rates and fees for students attending its college in an amount not to exceed 1/3 of the per capita cost as defined in Section 6‑2, provided that voluntary contributions, as defined in Section 65 of the Higher Education Student Assistance Act, shall not be included in any calculation of community college tuition and fee rates for the purpose of this Section. (Source: P.A. 90‑14, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑4a) Sec. 6‑4a. In‑state tuition charge. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, for tuition purposes, a board shall deem an individual an Illinois resident, until the individual establishes a residence outside of this State, if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The individual resided with his or her parent or | ||
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(2) The individual graduated from a public or | ||
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(3) The individual attended school in this State for | ||
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(4) The individual registers as an entering student | ||
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(5) In the case of an individual who is not a | ||
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(b) This Section applies only to tuition for a term or semester that begins on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly. (Source: P.A. 93‑7, eff. 5‑20‑03.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑4.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑4.1) Sec. 6‑4.1. If a resident of Illinois qualifies for admission to a public community college under Section 3‑17 but does not qualify for financial support under Section 6‑2, he may be enrolled in the college upon payment of the difference between the per capita cost as defined in Section 6‑2 less any payments toward noncapital expenditures received from State and federal sources for the previous year except grants through the State Board as authorized in Section 2‑16 or 2‑16.02, as the case may be, converted to a semester hour or quarter hour base, and the combined rate of State grants other than equalization grants for the current year as authorized in Section 2‑16.02, notwithstanding tuition limits of Section 6‑4. Subject to Section 3‑17, a public community college may accept out‑of‑state students upon payment of the per capita cost as defined in Section 6‑2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the out‑of‑district or out‑of‑state tuition, whichever is applicable, may be waived for a student who is employed for at least 35 hours per week by an entity located in the district or is enrolled in a course that is being provided under terms of a contract for services between the employing entity and the college. (Source: P.A. 86‑1246; 87‑741; 87‑1018.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑5.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑5.3) Sec. 6‑5.3. Any part of the territory included in one community college district which is on the border of that district and the disconnection of which will not destroy the contiguity of that district may be disconnected from that district and annexed to another community college district to which that territory is contiguous if (1) that disconnection and annexation will make community college educational opportunities more readily available to the residents of that territory and (2) the disconnection from the community college district of which the territory is presently a part will not reduce the population and equalized assessed valuation of the remainder of that district below that required for original organization. Subject to those conditions, a petition signed by 2/3 of the resident voters of the territory may be filed with the appropriate regional superintendent of the community college district of which the territory is a part. The petition must contain a description of the territory to be disconnected and annexed and must petition for the disconnection thereof from one designated community college district and for the annexation thereof to another designated community college district. Upon the filing of such a petition the regional superintendent shall submit the petition to the State Board for review. Subject to those conditions, a petition signed by 1/5 or 500, whichever is less, of the resident voters of the territory may be filed with the appropriate regional superintendent who conducted the election for the establishment of the community college district of which the territory is a part. The petition must contain a description of the territory to be disconnected and annexed and request that an election be called in the territory described therein for the purpose of voting on the proposition whether that territory shall be disconnected from one designated community college district and annexed to another designated community college district. Upon the filing of such a petition, the regional superintendent shall submit the petition to the State Board for review. Upon the receipt from a regional superintendent of a petition filed with him under this Section and signed by 2/3 of the resident voters of the territory described in the petition, the State Board shall notify the board of the community college district affected by the petition of the receipt of the petition and shall cause to be published in one or more newspapers having a general circulation in the territory described in the petition a notice stating that a petition has been filed for certain described territory, stating the prayer of that petition and that any persons wishing to object to the prayer of that petition must file a petition signed by 10% or 25, whichever is less, of the resident voters of that territory requesting a public hearing on such petition with the State Board within 30 days of the publication of the notice. In the event that there are no resident voters in the territory described in the petition filed with the regional superintendent, then any petition requesting a public hearing shall be signed by the owners of 25% or more of the area of that territory. If a petition requesting a public hearing on the petition filed with the regional superintendent is so filed, the State Board shall set that petition for hearing not sooner than 10 nor more than 60 days from the date on which the petition for a public hearing was filed and shall cause notice of the date, time and place of the hearing to be published in one or more newspapers having a general circulation in the territory described in the petition and the community college district. On such day, or on a day to which the State Board continues that hearing, the State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear the petition and determine its sufficiency under this Article and may adjourn the hearing from time to time or continue the matter for want of sufficient notice or for other good cause. The State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear any additional evidence as to the school needs and conditions of the territory described in the petition and in the area within and adjacent thereto. If a hearing officer is appointed he shall report a summary of the testimony to the State Board. At the hearing, any resident of the territory described in the petition or any community district affected thereby may appear in support of the petition or to object thereto. If on the basis of its own study or at a public hearing the State Board finds the petition to be insufficient it shall disapprove the petition. If on the basis of its own study or at a public hearing the State Board finds the petition to be sufficient it shall determine whether the prayer of the petition is in the best interests of the schools in the general area and the educational welfare of the students within the territory described in the petition and shall either approve or disapprove the petition. If the prayer of the petition is determined to be in the best interests of the schools in the general area and the educational welfare of the students within the territory described in the petition, the State Board shall approve the petition. If the State Board disapproves the petition no further action shall be taken. If it approves the petition the State Board shall direct the appropriate regional superintendent to enter an order effecting the prayer of the petition. Within 30 days after receipt of the direction from the State Board the regional superintendent shall make and file with the State Board and the county clerk of the county or counties concerned a map showing the amended boundaries of the community college district. Upon the receipt from a regional superintendent of a petition filed with him under this Section and signed by 1/5 or 500, whichever is applicable, of the resident voters of the territory described in that petition, the State Board shall notify the board of the community college district affected by the petition of the receipt of the petition and shall set the petition for hearing not sooner than 10 nor more than 60 days from the date it was submitted by the regional superintendent and shall cause notice of the filing of the petition and of the date, time and place of the hearing to be published in one or more newspapers having a general circulation in the territory described in that petition and in the community college district. On such day, or on a day to which the State Board continues the hearing, the State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear the petition and determine its sufficiency under this Article and may adjourn the hearing from time to time or continue the matter for want of sufficient notice or for other good cause. The State Board or a hearing officer appointed by it shall hear any additional evidence as to the school needs and conditions of the territory described in the petition and in the area within and adjacent thereto, and if a hearing officer is appointed he shall report a summary of the testimony to the State Board. At the hearing, any resident of the territory described in the petition or any district affected thereby may appear in support of the petition or to object thereto. If the State Board finds the petition to be insufficient it shall disapprove the petition. If the State Board finds the petition to be sufficient it shall determine whether the prayer of the petition is in the best interests of the schools in the general area and the educational welfare of the students within the territory and shall either approve or disapprove the petition. If the prayer of the petition is determined to be in the best interests of the schools in the general area and the educational welfare of the students within the territory described in the petition, the State Board shall approve the petition. If the State Board disapproves the petition no further action shall be taken. If it approves the petition, the State Board shall direct the appropriate regional superintendent to certify the proposition to the proper election authorities, who shall submit to the electorate, at a regular scheduled election in accordance with the general election law, the proposition presented by the petition in the territory described in the petition. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election law. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposition, the territory shall be changed accordingly. If the proposition relates to 2 community college districts, immediately following such favorable referendum, the regional superintendent who certified the proposition for submission shall certify the results of the election, along with a copy of the ballot, the petition and the approval of the petition by the State Board, to the appropriate regional superintendent for the other community college district. Within 30 days after the referendum the regional superintendent or superintendent of schools shall make and file with the State Board and the county clerk of the county or counties concerned a map or maps showing the amended boundaries of the community college district or districts. (Source: P.A. 81‑1489.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑5.3a) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑5.3a) Sec. 6‑5.3a. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑5.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑5.5) Sec. 6‑5.5. Any annexation, disconnection and annexation, or disconnection accomplished under this Article takes effect on July 1st following the entry of the order by the regional superintendent or the court, or following the election, as the case may be. Any territory which is disconnected from a community college district, except territory that initiates proceedings to disconnect from its initial district and annex to another community college district within 30 days after the order for annexation to the first district, remains subject to taxation to pay its proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness of that community college district outstanding on the date the disconnection takes effect but no other part of the district to which that territory is annexed is subject to taxation on that bonded indebtedness of the district from which that territory was disconnected. That territory which initiates proceedings for disconnection from its initial district and annexation to another community college district within 30 days of the order for its annexation to its initial district shall not be considered a part of a community college district until the disconnection and annexation to another community college district has been allowed or denied by the State Board. (Source: P.A. 83‑132.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑5.9) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑5.9) Sec. 6‑5.9. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑6.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑6.1) Sec. 6‑6.1. By December 1, 1989, the State Board shall establish or otherwise provide for new districts or for the annexation to an adjacent community college district (referred to in this Section as "the district") of each parcel of territory within this State that is not a part of a community college district (referred to in this Section as "nondistrict territory"). The State Board shall, by January 1, 1990, file with the county clerk of each county where any nondistrict territory is located a map showing the boundaries of the district as they will appear after the proposed new districts or annexation, shall publish notice within that county of the proposed new districts or annexation and shall notify each community college district to be affected by the proposed annexation. If, however, there is filed with the State Board, no later than October 1, 1989, a resolution of the board of education having jurisdiction over the high school which serves territory that is not part of a community college district designating the community college district to which the board of education desires that territory to be annexed, and also a resolution of the board of that community college district expressing agreement to such annexation, the State Board shall in performing its duties under this Section provide for such annexation in accordance with the desires expressed in such resolutions provided the State Board determines that such annexation is in the best interests of the schools in the general area and the educational welfare of the students within that territory. For purposes of this Section, any territory which comprises a special charter school district and which is completely surrounded by a nondistrict territory shall be considered contiguous to any community college district beyond the boundaries of such nondistrict territory, the closest boundary of which is not more than 20 miles from the boundary of such territory so surrounded. The contiguity of such territory shall not be affected by any subsequent change in the status of the surrounding nondistrict territory, including the inclusion of such nondistrict territory in a community college district other than the district which the original territory was annexed to. The notice required to be published in the county shall consist of a description of the nondistrict territory, the name of the community college district to which annexation is proposed and a statement that the proposed annexation takes effect by operation of law on July 1, 1990. Notice to a community college district is sufficient if it sets out a description of the nondistrict territory and the name of the community college district to which annexation is proposed and is mailed to the secretary of the district. If 1/10 or 50, whichever is less, of the resident voters of a nondistrict territory or, if nondistrict territory is uninhabited, the owners of record of at least 1/2 of that territory, file a petition with the State Board, by February 1, 1990, for a hearing in regard to the proposed annexation, or in regard to the proposed new district, or if a community college district, by resolution of its board, files such a petition with the State Board by February 1, 1990, the State Board shall set a public hearing in a county where the nondistrict territory is located, to be held, between March 1 and June 1, 1990, and shall give notice of the date, time and place of the hearing, not less than 10 nor more than 20 days before the date of the hearing, provided that no more than one such hearing shall be held in and for any such nondistrict territory or territories served by a high school or high schools under the jurisdiction of a single board of education. If such a hearing is held, the State Board or a person designated by the State Board as hearing officer shall afford all interested persons a reasonable opportunity to be heard. After the hearing, that State Board shall determine whether the proposed annexation or new district should be modified in any way and this determination shall be evidenced by the filing by June 30, 1990, of a final map with the county clerk of each county affected showing the boundaries of each existing and proposed new community college district. Such a determination is an "administrative decision" as defined in Section 3‑101 of the "Administrative Review Law". If no hearing has been requested under this Section, the proposed map shall, upon notification to the appropriate county clerk, constitute the final map. For purposes of this Section, publication of notice is sufficient if given once in a paper of general circulation in the county where nondistrict territory is located. All new districts and annexations under this Section become effective, by operation of law, as of July 1, 1990. The board of any new community college district established by the State Board under the provisions of this Section shall be elected and organized under the Community College Act and the general election law. In such cases the State Board shall designate the appropriate regional superintendent of schools to receive petitions, certify propositions to the proper election authorities for submission to the electors in accordance with the general election law, and convene the newly elected board in accordance with Sections 3‑6, 3‑7 and 3‑8. The newly elected board shall proceed to organize in accordance with Section 3‑8 and shall thereafter continue to exercise the powers and duties of a board in the manner as provided by law for all boards of community college districts except where obviously inapplicable or otherwise provided by this Act. The duly elected and organized board of any new community college district established under this Section shall levy taxes for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes and for educational purposes at rates not to exceed the maximums established by Section 7‑18 but the board may act to increase such rates at a regular election in accordance with Section 3‑14 and the general election law. In the year 1990, or at such time as a prior annexation becomes effective under this Act, the board of trustees of a community college district to which territory is annexed shall levy taxes upon the annexed territory for operations and maintenance of facilities purposes and for educational purposes which, when compared to the amount of the tax authorized under Section 6‑1 with respect to such territory for the year 1989, represents an increase of not more than .06 percent of the equalized assessed valuation of such annexed territory. However, such a rate shall not exceed the authorized rates for operation of the community college district. For each year subsequent to 1990, such a levy may increase by no more than .06 percent of the equalized assessed valuation of the annexed territory until it reaches the maximum authorized rates of the community college district or until the 1992 levy at which time the full authorized rates for operations shall be applied to the annexed territory. The board of trustees of the community college district shall levy the full amount of all taxes upon the annexed territory other than those described in this paragraph as soon as the annexation becomes effective. Annexed territory shall not be assessed an amount to pay for bonded indebtedness incurred prior to July 1, 1990 under Section 3A‑1 of this Act by the community college district. (Source: P.A. 85‑1335.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7) Sec. 6‑7. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7.1) Sec. 6‑7.1. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7.2) Sec. 6‑7.2. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7.3) Sec. 6‑7.3. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7.4) Sec. 6‑7.4. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑7.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑7.5) Sec. 6‑7.5. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 90‑372, eff. 7‑1‑98. Repealed internally, eff. 7‑1‑98.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑10) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑10) Sec. 6‑10. Sections 6‑5.3, 6‑5.5 and 6‑6.1 do not apply to community college districts to which Article VII applies. (Source: P. A. 78‑669.) |
(110 ILCS 805/6‑12) (from Ch. 122, par. 106‑12) Sec. 6‑12. The tax rates and the tax rate limitation in this Act shall not be subject to the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1939 or its successor provisions included in the Property Tax Code. (Source: P.A. 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.) |