(15 ILCS 520/0.01) (from Ch. 130, par. 19m) Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Deposit of State Moneys Act. (Source: P.A. 86‑1324.) |
(15 ILCS 520/1) (from Ch. 130, par. 20) Sec. 1. The State Treasurer shall deposit all moneys received by him on account of the State within five days after receiving the same in such banks, savings and loan associations or credit unions of the State as may be authorized to receive such deposits under the terms of this Act. The money so deposited shall be placed to the account of the State Treasurer. No bank, savings and loan association or credit union shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended. For purposes of this Act, the term "bank" or "savings and loan association" shall be deemed to include a credit union, and, unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Act, credit unions shall be subject to all rights, privileges, remedies, duties, and obligations granted or imposed by this Act upon banks and savings and loan associations. (Source: P.A. 85‑803.) |
(15 ILCS 520/1.1) (from Ch. 130, par. 20.1) Sec. 1.1. When investing or depositing public funds, each custodian shall, to the extent permitted by this Act and by the lawful and reasonable performance of his custodial duties, invest or deposit such funds with or in minority‑owned financial institutions within this State. (Source: P.A. 84‑754.) |
(15 ILCS 520/1.2) Sec. 1.2. (a) The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interests of the people of the State of Illinois to use monies in the custody of the State Treasurer available for deposit to promote and facilitate the issuance and sale of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes as defined in and issued pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development Act for housing for persons with low and very low income in this State. The State Treasurer may, in consultation with the Director of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, set aside any portion of State funds or monies at his disposal for deposit, and deposit such funds or monies to further the issuance and sale of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes issued pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development Act. (b) Illinois Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds and Notes shall be eligible collateral for all deposits of State moneys, and any bank or savings and loan association otherwise eligible to receive deposits of State moneys, is entitled to participate in bidding for deposits of State moneys on the basis of collateralizing such deposits with such bonds and notes. In administering deposits of State monies secured by Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes, the State Treasurer may use a collateral pool as authorized in this Act to secure those deposits. (c) Any institution to be eligible for the benefits of this Section must still meet requirements of capital and financial condition established by this Act and the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act. This Section shall not apply to any deposit of State moneys if the deposit secures obligations of the State to third parties and the terms of such obligations are inconsistent with the provisions of this Section. (Source: P.A. 88‑93 .) |
(15 ILCS 520/2) (from Ch. 130, par. 21) Sec. 2. All banks or savings and loan associations in which any such money is deposited shall be required to pay interest on time deposit accounts if members of the Federal Reserve system are permitted to pay interest on the particular class of deposit. All interest received or paid on account of money in the State treasury belonging to or for the use of the State so deposited in banks or savings and loan associations, shall be the property of the State of Illinois. If any moneys held by the State Treasurer shall be deposited in banks or savings and loan associations pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the interest received thereon shall be credited as provided in Section 4.1 of "An Act in relation to State finance". (Source: P.A. 84‑1378.) |
(15 ILCS 520/3) (from Ch. 130, par. 22) Sec. 3. The State Treasurer shall, at such times as he may in his discretion determine, cause a notice to be sent to each savings and loan association, Federally insured credit union of $50,000,000 or more assets, or regularly established National and State bank doing business in this State, indicating that on a date named therein not less than one month after the date of such notice, he will receive sealed proposals for the deposit of the public moneys in his custody or control. The State Treasurer may also at any time receive a new or supplemental proposal from any savings and loan association, credit union or national or State bank. A "regularly established" national or State bank is a bank which is doing business in the State under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Office of Banks and Real Estate. (Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.) |
(15 ILCS 520/4) (from Ch. 130, par. 23) Sec. 4. There shall be two classes of depositaries, time deposit and demand deposit, and separate proposals shall be obtained for each class. In calling for proposals the State Treasurer shall indicate that separate quotations of rates of interest may be made upon such State moneys as shall be deposited in such bank or savings and loan association and permitted to remain without diminution for 30, 60 or 90 days, or for longer periods. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
(15 ILCS 520/5) (from Ch. 130, par. 24) Sec. 5. Each proposal shall state the amount of deposits sought by such proposals and the rate of interest such bank or savings and loan association will pay on daily balances. Each proposal shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name of the bank or savings and loan association and labeled, "proposal for deposit of State moneys". Each proposal shall also include a commitment on the part of the bidding bank or savings and loan association, executed by its president, in the following form: The ............. (name of bank or savings and loan association) pledges not to reject arbitrarily mortgage loans for residential properties within any specific part of the community served by this depository because of the location of the property. This depository also pledges to make loans available on low and moderate income residential property throughout the community within the limits of its legal restrictions and prudent financial practices. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
(15 ILCS 520/6) (from Ch. 130, par. 25) Sec. 6. Within 5 days after the last day named for the receipt of proposals, such proposals shall be publicly opened by the State Treasurer in the presence of the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate and the Director of Central Management Services. The State Treasurer may reject any and all proposals, and may ask for new or additional proposals. (Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.) |
(15 ILCS 520/8) (from Ch. 130, par. 27) Sec. 8. All proposals shall be filed in the office of the State Treasurer, and shall be open at all reasonable hours to public inspection. The State Treasurer shall maintain a current list of the banks or savings and loan associations serving as State depositaries of public moneys, with a statement of the rate of interest paid by each and the maturity date of such deposits, which list shall likewise be open to public inspection. A copy of each revision of the current list shall be supplied to the Governor. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
(15 ILCS 520/9) (from Ch. 130, par. 28) Sec. 9. The approval of any proposal shall confer no right upon any bank or savings and loan association to receive deposits of public money. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
(15 ILCS 520/10) (from Ch. 130, par. 29) Sec. 10. The State Treasurer may enter into agreement in conformity with this Act with any bank or savings and loan association relating to the deposit of securities. Such agreement may authorize the holding by such bank or savings and loan association of such securities in custody and safekeeping solely under the instructions of the State Treasurer either (a) in the office of such bank or savings and loan association, or under the custody and safekeeping of another bank or savings and loan association in this State for the depository bank or savings and loan association, or (b) if the securities to be deposited are held in custody and safekeeping for such bank or savings and loan association by a bank or a depository trust company in New York City, then in such New York bank or depository trust company. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
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(2) Direct and general obligation bonds of the State | ||
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(3) Revenue bonds of this State or any authority, | ||
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(4) Direct and general obligation bonds of any city, | ||
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(5) Revenue bonds of any city, town, county, or | ||
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(6) Obligations issued, assumed, or guaranteed by | ||
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(7) Illinois Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund | ||
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(8) In an amount equal to at least market value of | ||
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(b) The State Treasurer may establish a system to aggregate permissible securities received as collateral from financial institutions in a collateral pool to secure State deposits of the institutions that have pledged securities to the pool. (c) The Treasurer may at any time declare any particular security ineligible to qualify as collateral when, in the Treasurer's judgment, it is deemed desirable to do so. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, as security the State Treasurer may, in his discretion, accept a bond, executed by a company authorized to transact the kinds of business described in clause (g) of Section 4 of the Illinois Insurance Code, in an amount not less than the amount of the deposits required by this Section to be secured, payable to the State Treasurer for the benefit of the People of the State of Illinois, in a form that is acceptable to the State Treasurer. (Source: P.A. 95‑331, eff. 8‑21‑07.) |
(15 ILCS 520/11.1) (from Ch. 130, par. 30.1) Sec. 11.1. The State Treasurer may, in his or her discretion, accept as security for State deposits insured certificates of deposit or share certificates issued to the depository institution pledging them as security and may require security in the amount of 125% of the value of the State deposit. Such certificate of deposit or share certificate shall: (1) be fully insured by the Federal Deposit | ||
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(2) be issued by a financial institution having | ||
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(3) be issued by either a savings and loan | ||
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The depository institution shall effect the assignment of the certificate of deposit or share certificate to the State Treasurer and shall agree, that in the event the issuer of the certificate fails to maintain the capital to asset ratio required by this Section, such certificate of deposit or share certificate shall be replaced by additional suitable security. (Source: P.A. 93‑561, eff. 1‑1‑04.) |
(15 ILCS 520/12) (from Ch. 130, par. 31) Sec. 12. All securities deposited by approved banks or savings and loan associations under the provisions of this Act shall remain the property of the banks or savings and loan associations depositing such securities. Should the depositary refuse or fail to pay over the moneys, or any part thereof, deposited with it when due and payable, the State Treasurer may sell such securities in accordance with the terms of any agreement between the State Treasurer and the depositary bank or savings and loan association or, if applicable, institute suit on the bond. If a depositary fails or suspends active operations, the deposit in such depositary shall become due and payable immediately, any agreement or contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Such sale shall transfer absolute ownership of the securities so sold to the vendee thereof. The surplus, if any, over the amount due to the State and the expenses of the sale shall be paid to the depositary. Actions may be brought in the name of the People of the State of Illinois to enforce the claims of the State with respect to any securities deposited by an approved bank or savings and loan association. (Source: P.A. 85‑233.) |
(15 ILCS 520/13) (from Ch. 130, par. 32) Sec. 13. The State Treasurer shall designate one or more banks or savings and loan associations for demand deposits. The money deposited in time deposits shall be used only when that deposited in demand deposits is insufficient. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.) |
(15 ILCS 520/14) (from Ch. 130, par. 33) Sec. 14. Interest. The Treasurer shall enter into deposit agreements with financial institutions specifying the manner of interest calculation and compounding and the frequency of interest collection regarding moneys deposited under this Act. (Source: P.A. 89‑153, eff. 7‑14‑95.) |
(15 ILCS 520/15) (from Ch. 130, par. 34) Sec. 15. (a) A bank or savings and loan association approved as a depositary shall cease to be an approved bank or savings and loan association, and shall be disqualified by the State Treasurer: (1) Upon its failure to post a suitable bond or | ||
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(2) Upon its failure or refusal to pay over public | ||
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(3) Upon its becoming insolvent or bankrupt, or | ||
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(4) Upon a showing of unsatisfactory financial | ||
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(b) No approved depositary shall be disqualified by the State Treasurer solely by reason of its acquisition by another institution. (Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.) |
(15 ILCS 520/16) (from Ch. 130, par. 35) Sec. 16. Daily balance statements. Each bank or savings and loan association shall on or before the last Monday of each month receive from the State Treasurer a statement showing separately the daily balances or amounts of moneys held by it under the provisions of this Act during the calendar month then next preceding; and the amounts of accrued interest thereon, one copy of which statement shall be filed in the office of the State Treasurer, and the other in the office of the receiving bank or savings and loan association,. The statement shall contain a certificate that no other fees, perquisites or emoluments have been paid to or held for the benefit of any public officer or any other person, or on account of the deposit of the moneys, and that no contract or agreement of any kind whatever has been entered into for the payment to any public officer, or any other person, of any fee perquisite or emolument on account of the deposit of the moneys. The statement to be filed in the office of the receiving bank or savings and loan association shall be verified by the oath of the cashier or of an assistant cashier of the bank or savings and loan association. (Source: P.A. 87‑510.) |
(15 ILCS 520/16.1) (from Ch. 130, par. 35.1) Sec. 16.1. Depository reports. The State Treasurer may request, at his discretion, a financial institution, as a condition to serving as a State depository of public funds, to submit to the State Treasurer a copy of the consolidated report of condition and income required to be submitted on a periodic basis to a state or federal regulator of the financial institution and a copy of the financial institution's Community Reinvestment Act statement and examination, if available. Nothing in this Section, however, shall require a financial institution to submit any document or part thereof deemed to be confidential by a State or federal regulator of the financial institution. (Source: P.A. 87‑510.) |
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(2) any changes in ownership, management, policies, | ||
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(3) the financial impact that the withdrawal or | ||
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(4) the financial impact to the State as a result of | ||
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(b) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as authorizing the State Treasurer to conduct an examination or investigation of a financial institution or to receive information that is not publicly available and the disclosure of which is otherwise prohibited by law. (Source: P.A. 93‑251, eff. 7‑1‑04 .) |
(15 ILCS 520/17) (from Ch. 130, par. 36) Sec. 17. The State Treasurer shall keep in his office a record showing his account with each bank or savings and loan association, with entries therein showing the dates and amounts of each deposit, rate of interest, withdrawals and date of each, and balance on deposit. Each account shall show the date and amount of interest received during each interest paying period. Such record shall at all times be open to public inspection. (Source: P.A. 83‑541.)