(20 ILCS 1305/10‑5) Sec. 10‑5. Infant mortality reduction; special population groups. The Department shall include within its infant mortality reduction programs and materials information directed toward Hispanics, people of African descent, and other population groups residing in areas which experience high rates of infant mortality. The information shall inform these groups about the causes of infant mortality and the steps which may be taken to reduce the risk of early infant death. (Source: P.A. 89‑507, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑7) Sec. 10‑7. Postpartum depression. (a) The Department shall develop and distribute a brochure or other information about the signs, symptoms, screening or detection techniques, and care for postpartum depression, including but not limited to methods for patients and family members to better understand the nature and causes of postpartum depression in order to lower the likelihood that new mothers will continue to suffer from this illness. This brochure shall be developed in conjunction with the Illinois State Medical Society, the Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing, and any other appropriate statewide organization of licensed professionals. (b) The brochure required under subsection (a) of this Section shall be distributed, at a minimum, to physicians licensed to practice medicine in all its branches, certified nurse midwives, and other health care professionals who provide care to pregnant women in the hospital, office, or clinic. (c) The Secretary may contract with a statewide organization of physicians licensed to practice medicine in all its branches for the purposes of this Section. (Source: P.A. 92‑649, eff. 1‑1‑03.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑15) Sec. 10‑15. Addicted pregnant women. The Department shall develop guidelines for use in non‑hospital residential care facilities for addicted pregnant women with respect to the care of those clients. The Department shall administer infant mortality and prenatal programs, through its provider agencies, to develop special programs for case finding and service coordination for addicted pregnant women. (Source: P.A. 89‑507, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑20) Sec. 10‑20. Hemophilia grants. The Department may make grants to public and private organizations from the Hemophilia Treatment Fund for purposes of treatment of hemophilia within the State of Illinois. (Source: P.A. 89‑507, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑22) Sec. 10‑22. Great START program. (a) The Department of Human Services shall, subject to a specific appropriation for this purpose, operate a Great START (Strategy To Attract and Retain Teachers) program. The goal of the program is to improve children's developmental and educational outcomes in child care by encouraging increased professional preparation by staff and staff retention. The Great START program shall coordinate with the TEACH professional development program. The program shall provide wage supplements and may include other incentives to licensed child care center personnel, including early childhood teachers, school‑age workers, early childhood assistants, school‑age assistants, and directors, as such positions are defined by administrative rule of the Department of Children and Family Services. The program shall provide wage supplements and may include other incentives to licensed family day care home personnel and licensed group day care home personnel, including caregivers and assistants as such positions are defined by administrative rule of the Department of Children and Family Services. Individuals will receive supplements commensurate with their qualifications. (b) (Blank). (c) The Department shall, by rule, define the scope and operation of the program, including a wage supplement scale. The scale shall pay increasing amounts for higher levels of educational attainment beyond minimum qualifications and shall recognize longevity of employment. Subject to the availability of sufficient appropriation, the wage supplements shall be paid to child care personnel in the form of bonuses at 6 month intervals. Six months of continuous service with a single employer is required to be eligible to receive a wage supplement bonus. Wage supplements shall be paid directly to individual day care personnel, not to their employers. Eligible individuals must provide to the Department or its agent all information and documentation, including but not limited to college transcripts, to demonstrate their qualifications for a particular wage supplement level. If appropriations permit, the Department may include one‑time signing bonuses or other incentives to help providers attract staff, provided that the signing bonuses are less than the supplement staff would have received if they had remained employed with another day care center or family day care home. If appropriations permit, the Department may include one‑time longevity bonuses or other incentives to recognize staff who have remained with a single employer. (d) (Blank). (Source: P.A. 93‑711, eff. 7‑12‑04.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑25) Sec. 10‑25. Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program. (a) The Department shall participate in the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition program of the federal government to the maximum extent permitted by the federal appropriation and allocation to the State of Illinois. The Department shall report quarterly to the Governor and the General Assembly the status of obligations and expenditures of the WIC nutrition program appropriation and make recommendations on actions necessary to expend all available federal funds. Other appropriations and funds from any public or private source in addition to federal funds may be used by the Department for the purpose of maximum participation in the WIC nutrition program. (b) The Department shall maintain a drug abuse education program for participants in the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program. The program shall include but need not be limited to (1) the provision of information concerning the dangers of drug abuse and (2) the referral of participants who are suspected drug abusers to drug abuse clinics, treatment programs, counselors or other drug abuse treatment providers. (c) The Department shall cooperate with the Department of Public Health for purposes of the smoking cessation program for participants in the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program maintained by the Department of Public Health under Section 2310‑435 of the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law (20 ILCS 2310/2310‑435). (d) The Department may contract with any bank as defined by the Illinois Banking Act to redeem bank drafts issued by the Department under the United States Department of Agriculture Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Any bank with which the Department has entered into a contract to redeem bank drafts may receive, pursuant to an appropriation to the Department, an initial advance and periodic payment of funds for the Women, Infants and Children Program in amounts determined by the Secretary. Notwithstanding any other law, such funds shall be retained in a separate account by the bank. Any interest earned by monies in such account shall accrue to the USDA Women, Infants and Children Fund and shall be used exclusively for the redemption of bank drafts issued by the Department. WIC program food funds received by the bank from the Department shall be used exclusively for the redemption of bank drafts. The bank shall not use such food funds, or interest accrued thereon, for any other purpose including, but not limited to, reimbursement of administrative expenses or payments of administrative fees due the bank pursuant to its contract or contracts with the Department. Such initial and periodic payments by the Department to the bank shall be effected, pursuant to an appropriation, in an amount needed for the redemption of bank drafts issued by the Department under the United States Department of Agriculture Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children in any initial or succeeding period. The State Comptroller shall, upon presentation by the Secretary of adequate certification of funds needed for redemption of bank drafts, promptly draw a warrant payable to the bank for deposit to the separate account of the bank. Such certification may be in magnetic tape or computer output form, indicating the amount of the total payment made by the bank for the redemption of bank drafts from funds provided to the bank under this Section. The separate account of the bank established under this Section, any payments to that account, and the use of such account and funds shall be subject to (1) audit by the Department or a private contractor authorized by the Department to conduct audits, including but not limited to such audits as may be required by State law, (2) audit by the federal government or a private contractor authorized by the federal government, and (3) post audit pursuant to the Illinois State Auditing Act. (e) The Department may include a program of lactation support services as part of the benefits and services provided for pregnant and breast feeding participants in the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program. The program may include payment for breast pumps, breast shields, or any supply deemed essential for the successful maintenance of lactation, as well as lactation specialists who are registered nurses, licensed dietitians, or persons who have successfully completed a lactation management training program. (f) The Department shall coordinate the operation of the Women, Infants and Children program with the Medicaid program by interagency agreement whereby each program provides information about the services offered by the other to applicants for services. (Source: P.A. 90‑290, eff. 1‑1‑98; 91‑239, eff. 1‑1‑00.) |
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(2) The size of the employer claiming the Work | ||
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(b) The Department shall cooperate with the Department of | ||
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(c) For the purposes of this Section: "Large business" means a business concern, including | ||
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"Small business" means a business concern, including | ||
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(d) The Department shall submit a report, annually, to | ||
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(Source: P.A. 96‑78, eff. 7‑24‑09.) |
(20 ILCS 1305/10‑30) Sec. 10‑30. Grants for health related programs for people with multiple sclerosis. Subject to appropriation, the Department shall make grants to organizations that are located in the State of Illinois for health‑related programs for people with multiple sclerosis from the Multiple Sclerosis Assistance Fund, a special fund created in the State treasury. (Source: P.A. 92‑772, eff. 8‑6‑02.) |
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(3) advance the availability of coursework and | ||
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(b) The Department shall award Gateways to Opportunity credentials to early care and education, school‑age, and youth development practitioners. The credentials shall validate an individual's qualifications and shall be issued based on a variety of professional achievements in field experience, knowledge and skills, educational attainment, and training accomplishments. The Department shall adopt rules outlining the framework for awarding credentials. (c) The Gateways to Opportunity program shall identify professional knowledge guidelines for practitioners serving children and youth. The professional knowledge guidelines shall define what all adults who work with children and youth need to know, understand, and be able to demonstrate to support children's and youth's development, school readiness, and school success. The Department shall adopt rules to identify content areas, alignment with other professional standards, and competency levels. (Source: P.A. 96‑864, eff. 1‑21‑10.) |