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210 ILCS 3/ Alternative Health Care Delivery Act.

    (210 ILCS 3/1)
    Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Alternative Health Care Delivery Act.
(Source: P.A. 87‑1188.)

    (210 ILCS 3/5)
    Sec. 5. Purpose. The General Assembly finds that many consumers have limited access to needed health care. Other consumers have limited health care choices. Consumers of health care also experience high out‑of‑pocket costs for health care, and the State as a whole experiences high aggregate health care costs. The General Assembly also finds that the provision of high quality services, regardless of setting, for care is of overriding importance. Currently, there is insufficient data and information on the efficacy of alternative models of health care delivery. New and innovative solutions must be found to correct these problems. This Act is intended to foster those innovations through the development of demonstration projects to license and study alternative health care delivery systems. Furthermore, these demonstration projects shall be developed in an orderly manner and regulated by the Department of Public Health.
(Source: P.A. 87‑1188.)

    (210 ILCS 3/10)
    Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
    "Alternative health care model" means a facility or program authorized under Section 35 of this Act.
    "Board" means the State Board of Health.
    "Department" means the Illinois Department of Public Health.
    "Demonstration program" means a program to license and study alternative health care models authorized under this Act.
    "Director" means the Director of Public Health.
(Source: P.A. 87‑1188.)

    (210 ILCS 3/15)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 96‑339)
    Sec. 15. License required. No health care facility or program that meets the definition and scope of an alternative health care model shall operate as such unless it is a participant in a demonstration program under this Act and licensed by the Department as an alternative health care model. The provisions of this Section as they relate to subacute care hospitals shall not apply to hospitals licensed under the Illinois Hospital Licensing Act or skilled nursing facilities licensed under the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act; provided, however, that the facilities shall not hold themselves out to the public as subacute care hospitals. The provisions of this Act concerning children's respite care centers shall not apply to any facility licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, or the University of Illinois Hospital Act that provides respite care services to children.
(Source: P.A. 95‑331, eff. 8‑21‑07.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 96‑339)
    Sec. 15. License required. No health care facility or program that meets the definition and scope of an alternative health care model shall operate as such unless it is a participant in a demonstration program under this Act and licensed by the Department as an alternative health care model. The provisions of this Section as they relate to subacute care hospitals shall not apply to hospitals licensed under the Illinois Hospital Licensing Act or skilled nursing facilities licensed under the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act or the MR/DD Community Care Act; provided, however, that the facilities shall not hold themselves out to the public as subacute care hospitals. The provisions of this Act concerning children's respite care centers shall not apply to any facility licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the MR/DD Community Care Act, or the University of Illinois Hospital Act that provides respite care services to children.
(Source: P.A. 95‑331, eff. 8‑21‑07; 96‑339, eff. 7‑1‑10.)

    (210 ILCS 3/20)
    Sec. 20. Board responsibilities. The State Board of Health shall have the responsibilities set forth in this Section.
    (a) The Board shall investigate new health care delivery models and recommend to the Governor and the General Assembly, through the Department, those models that should be authorized as alternative health care models for which demonstration programs should be initiated. In its deliberations, the Board shall use the following criteria:
        (1) The feasibility of operating the model in
     Illinois, based on a review of the experience in other states including the impact on health professionals of other health care programs or facilities.
        (2) The potential of the model to meet an unmet need.
        (3) The potential of the model to reduce health care
     costs to consumers, costs to third party payors, and aggregate costs to the public.
        (4) The potential of the model to maintain or
     improve the standards of health care delivery in some measurable fashion.
        (5) The potential of the model to provide increased
     choices or access for patients.
    (b) The Board shall evaluate and make recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly, through the Department, regarding alternative health care model demonstration programs established under this Act, at the midpoint and end of the period of operation of the demonstration programs. The report shall include, at a minimum, the following:
        (1) Whether the alternative health care models
     improved access to health care for their service populations in the State.
        (2) The quality of care provided by the alternative
     health care models as may be evidenced by health outcomes, surveillance reports, and administrative actions taken by the Department.
        (3) The cost and cost effectiveness to the public,
     third‑party payors, and government of the alternative health care models, including the impact of pilot programs on aggregate health care costs in the area. In addition to any other information collected by the Board under this Section, the Board shall collect from postsurgical recovery care centers uniform billing data substantially the same as specified in Section 4‑2(e) of the Illinois Health Finance Reform Act. To facilitate its evaluation of that data, the Board shall forward a copy of the data to the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council. All patient identifiers shall be removed from the data before it is submitted to the Board or Council.
        (4) The impact of the alternative health care models
     on the health care system in that area, including changing patterns of patient demand and utilization, financial viability, and feasibility of operation of service in inpatient and alternative models in the area.
        (5) The implementation by alternative health care
     models of any special commitments made during application review to the Health Facilities and Services Review Board.
        (6) The continuation, expansion, or modification of
     the alternative health care models.
    (c) The Board shall advise the Department on the definition and scope of alternative health care models demonstration programs.
    (d) In carrying out its responsibilities under this Section, the Board shall seek the advice of other Department advisory boards or committees that may be impacted by the alternative health care model or the proposed model of health care delivery. The Board shall also seek input from other interested parties, which may include holding public hearings.
    (e) The Board shall otherwise advise the Department on the administration of the Act as the Board deems appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 96‑31, eff. 6‑30‑09.)

    (210 ILCS 3/25)
    Sec. 25. Department responsibilities. The Department shall have the responsibilities set forth in this Section.
    (a) The Department shall adopt rules for each alternative health care model authorized under this Act that shall include but not be limited to the following:
        (1) Further definition of the alternative health
     care models.
        (2) The definition and scope of the demonstration
     program, including the implementation date and period of operation, not to exceed 5 years.
        (3) License application information required by the
        (4) The care of patients in the alternative health
     care models.
        (5) Rights afforded to patients of the alternative
     health care models.
        (6) Physical plant requirements.
        (7) License application and renewal fees, which may
     cover the cost of administering the demonstration program.
        (8) Information that may be necessary for the Board
     and the Department to monitor and evaluate the alternative health care model demonstration program.
        (9) Administrative fines that may be assessed by the
     Department for violations of this Act or the rules adopted under this Act.
    (b) The Department shall issue, renew, deny, suspend, or revoke licenses for alternative health care models.
    (c) The Department shall perform licensure inspections of alternative health care models as deemed necessary by the Department to ensure compliance with this Act or rules.
    (d) The Department shall deposit application fees, renewal fees, and fines into the Regulatory Evaluation and Basic Enforcement Fund.
    (e) The Department shall assist the Board in performing the Board's responsibilities under this Act.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 96‑669, eff. 8‑25‑09.)

    (210 ILCS 3/30)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 96‑31)
    Sec. 30. Demonstration program requirements. The requirements set forth in this Section shall apply to demonstration programs.
    (a) There shall be no more than:
        (i) 3 subacute care hospital alternative health care
     models in the City of Chicago (one of which shall be located on a designated site and shall have been licensed as a hospital under the Illinois Hospital Licensing Act within the 10 years immediately before the application for a license);
        (ii) 2 subacute care hospital alternative health
     care models in the demonstration program for each of the following areas:
            (1) Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
            (2) DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
            (3) Municipalities with a population greater
         than 50,000 not located in the areas described in item (i) of subsection (a) and paragraphs (1) and (2) of item (ii) of subsection (a); and
        (iii) 4 subacute care hospital alternative health
     care models in the demonstration program for rural areas.
    In selecting among applicants for these licenses in rural areas, the Health Facilities and Services Review Board and the Department shall give preference to hospitals that may be unable for economic reasons to provide continued service to the community in which they are located unless the hospital were to receive an alternative health care model license.
    (a‑5) There shall be no more than a total of 12 postsurgical recovery care center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, located as follows:
        (1) Two in the City of Chicago.
        (2) Two in Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
     At least one of these shall be owned or operated by a hospital devoted exclusively to caring for children.
        (3) Two in Kane, Lake, and McHenry Counties.
        (4) Four in municipalities with a population of
     50,000 or more not located in the areas described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), 3 of which shall be owned or operated by hospitals, at least 2 of which shall be located in counties with a population of less than 175,000, according to the most recent decennial census for which data are available, and one of which shall be owned or operated by an ambulatory surgical treatment center.
        (5) Two in rural areas, both of which shall be owned
     or operated by hospitals.
    There shall be no postsurgical recovery care center alternative health care models located in counties with populations greater than 600,000 but less than 1,000,000. A proposed postsurgical recovery care center must be owned or operated by a hospital if it is to be located within, or will primarily serve the residents of, a health service area in which more than 60% of the gross patient revenue of the hospitals within that health service area are derived from Medicaid and Medicare, according to the most recently available calendar year data from the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude a hospital and an ambulatory surgical treatment center from forming a joint venture or developing a collaborative agreement to own or operate a postsurgical recovery care center.
    (a‑10) There shall be no more than a total of 8 children's respite care center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, which shall be located as follows:
        (1) One in the City of Chicago.
        (2) One in Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
        (3) A total of 2 in the area comprised of DuPage,
     Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties.
        (4) A total of 2 in municipalities with a population
     of 50,000 or more and not located in the areas described in paragraphs (1), (2), or (3).
        (5) A total of 2 in rural areas, as defined by the
     Health Facilities and Services Review Board.
    No more than one children's respite care model owned and operated by a licensed skilled pediatric facility shall be located in each of the areas designated in this subsection (a‑10).
    (a‑15) There shall be an authorized community‑based residential rehabilitation center alternative health care model in the demonstration program.
    (a‑20) There shall be an authorized Alzheimer's disease management center alternative health care model in the demonstration program. The Alzheimer's disease management center shall be located in Will County, owned by a not‑for‑profit entity, and endorsed by a resolution approved by the county board before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
    (a‑25) There shall be no more than 10 birth center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, located as follows:
        (1) Four in the area comprising Cook, DuPage, Kane,
     Lake, McHenry, and Will counties, one of which shall be owned or operated by a hospital and one of which shall be owned or operated by a federally qualified health center.
        (2) Three in municipalities with a population of
     50,000 or more not located in the area described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, one of which shall be owned or operated by a hospital and one of which shall be owned or operated by a federally qualified health center.
        (3) Three in rural areas, one of which shall be owned
     or operated by a hospital and one of which shall be owned or operated by a federally qualified health center.
    The first 3 birth centers authorized to operate by the Department shall be located in or predominantly serve the residents of a health professional shortage area as determined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. There shall be no more than 2 birth centers authorized to operate in any single health planning area for obstetric services as determined under the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act. If a birth center is located outside of a health professional shortage area, (i) the birth center shall be located in a health planning area with a demonstrated need for obstetrical service beds, as determined by the Health Facilities and Services Review Board or (ii) there must be a reduction in the existing number of obstetrical service beds in the planning area so that the establishment of the birth center does not result in an increase in the total number of obstetrical service beds in the health planning area.
    (b) Alternative health care models, other than a model authorized under subsections (a‑10) and (a‑20), shall obtain a certificate of need from the Health Facilities and Services Review Board under the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act before receiving a license by the Department. If, after obtaining its initial certificate of need, an alternative health care delivery model that is a community based residential rehabilitation center seeks to increase the bed capacity of that center, it must obtain a certificate of need from the Health Facilities and Services Review Board before increasing the bed capacity. Alternative health care models in medically underserved areas shall receive priority in obtaining a certificate of need.
    (c) An alternative health care model license shall be issued for a period of one year and shall be annually renewed if the facility or program is in substantial compliance with the Department's rules adopted under this Act. A licensed alternative health care model that continues to be in substantial compliance after the conclusion of the demonstration program shall be eligible for annual renewals unless and until a different licensure program for that type of health care model is established by legislation. The Department may issue a provisional license to any alternative health care model that does not substantially comply with the provisions of this Act and the rules adopted under this Act if (i) the Department finds that the alternative health care model has undertaken changes and corrections which upon completion will render the alternative health care model in substantial compliance with this Act and rules and (ii) the health and safety of the patients of the alternative health care model will be protected during the period for which the provisional license is issued. The Department shall advise the licensee of the conditions under which the provisional license is issued, including the manner in which the alternative health care model fails to comply with the provisions of this Act and rules, and the time within which the changes and corrections necessary for the alternative health care model to substantially comply with this Act and rules shall be completed.
    (d) Alternative health care models shall seek certification under Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act. In addition, alternative health care models shall provide charitable care consistent with that provided by comparable health care providers in the geographic area.
    (d‑5) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois Department of Public Aid), in cooperation with the Illinois Department of Public Health, shall develop and implement a reimbursement methodology for all facilities participating in the demonstration program. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall keep a record of services provided under the demonstration program to recipients of medical assistance under the Illinois Public Aid Code and shall submit an annual report of that information to the Illinois Department of Public Health.
    (e) Alternative health care models shall, to the extent possible, link and integrate their services with nearby health care facilities.
    (f) Each alternative health care model shall implement a quality assurance program with measurable benefits and at reasonable cost.
(Source: P.A. 95‑331, eff. 8‑21‑07; 95‑445, eff. 1‑1‑08; 96‑31, eff. 6‑30‑09.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 96‑129)
    Sec. 30. Demonstration program requirements. The requirements set forth in this Section shall apply to demonstration programs.
    (a) There shall be no more than:
        (i) 3 subacute care hospital alternative health care
     models in the City of Chicago (one of which shall be located on a designated site and shall have been licensed as a hospital under the Illinois Hospital Licensing Act within the 10 years immediately before the application for a license);
        (ii) 2 subacute care hospital alternative health
     care models in the demonstration program for each of the following areas:
            (1) Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
            (2) DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will
            (3) Municipalities with a population greater
         than 50,000 not located in the areas described in item (i) of subsection (a) and paragraphs (1) and (2) of item (ii) of subsection (a); and
        (iii) 4 subacute care hospital alternative health
     care models in the demonstration program for rural areas.
    In selecting among applicants for these licenses in rural areas, the Health Facilities Planning Board and the Department shall give preference to hospitals that may be unable for economic reasons to provide continued service to the community in which they are located unless the hospital were to receive an alternative health care model license.
    (a‑5) There shall be no more than a total of 12 postsurgical recovery care center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, located as follows:
        (1) Two in the City of Chicago.
        (2) Two in Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
     At least one of these shall be owned or operated by a hospital devoted exclusively to caring for children.
        (3) Two in Kane, Lake, and McHenry Counties.
        (4) Four in municipalities with a population of
     50,000 or more not located in the areas described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), 3 of which shall be owned or operated by hospitals, at least 2 of which shall be located in counties with a population of less than 175,000, according to the most recent decennial census for which data are available, and one of which shall be owned or operated by an ambulatory surgical treatment center.
        (5) Two in rural areas, both of which shall be owned
     or operated by hospitals.
    There shall be no postsurgical recovery care center alternative health care models located in counties with populations greater than 600,000 but less than 1,000,000. A proposed postsurgical recovery care center must be owned or operated by a hospital if it is to be located within, or will primarily serve the residents of, a health service area in which more than 60% of the gross patient revenue of the hospitals within that health service area are derived from Medicaid and Medicare, according to the most recently available calendar year data from the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude a hospital and an ambulatory surgical treatment center from forming a joint venture or developing a collaborative agreement to own or operate a postsurgical recovery care center.
    (a‑10) There shall be no more than a total of 9 children's respite care center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, which shall be located as follows:
        (1) Two in the City of Chicago.
        (2) One in Cook County outside the City of Chicago.
        (3) A total of 2 in the area comprised of DuPage,
     Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties.
        (4) A total of 2 in municipalities with a population
     of 50,000 or more and not located in the areas described in paragraphs (1), (2), or (3).
        (5) A total of 2 in rural areas, as defined by the
     Health Facilities Planning Board.
    No more than one children's respite care model owned and operated by a licensed skilled pediatric facility shall be located in each of the areas designated in this subsection (a‑10).
    (a‑15) There shall be an authorized community‑based residential rehabilitation center alternative health care model in the demonstration program. The community‑based residential rehabilitation center shall be located in the area of Illinois south of Interstate Highway 70.
    (a‑20) There shall be an authorized Alzheimer's disease management center alternative health care model in the demonstration program. The Alzheimer's disease management center shall be located in Will County, owned by a not‑for‑profit entity, and endorsed by a resolution approved by the county board before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
    (a‑25) There shall be no more than 10 birth center alternative health care models in the demonstration program, located as follows:
        (1) Four in the area comprising Cook, DuPage, Kane,

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