(225 ILCS 710/1) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4201) Sec. 1. Application of Act; short title; definitions. (a) This Act shall apply to all mines in the State of Illinois producing minerals within the meaning of that term, as hereinafter defined. (b) This Act may be cited as the Fluorspar and Underground Limestone Mines Act. (c) For the purpose of this Act the singular numbers when in reference to persons, acts, objects and things of whatsoever kind and description shall, whenever the context will permit, be taken and held to import and include the plural number and the plural number shall similarly be taken and held to import and include the singular, and terms that impart the masculine gender shall be taken to impart and include the feminine gender as well. (d) The term "mine," when used in the Act, shall include prospects, openings and open‑cuts and workings, and shall embrace any and all parts of the property of such "mine" and mining plant on the surface or underground, that contribute directly or indirectly to the mining and handling of minerals. Provided, that when a group of workings in proximity to one another and under one management are administered as distinct units each working shall be considered a separate mine. (e) The term "mineral" when used in this Act shall mean whatever is recognized by the standard authorities as mineral, whether metalliferous or non‑metalliferous, but shall not be held to embrace or include silica, granite, marble, salt, sand, gravel, clay, rock, coal, lignite, gas, oil or any substance extracted in solution or in the molten state through bore holes. (f) The term "operator" when used in this Act shall mean the person, firm, or body corporate, in immediate possession of any mine and its accessories as owner or lessee thereof, and as such responsible for the condition and management thereof. (g) The term "superintendent" when used in this Act shall mean the person having the immediate supervision of the mine. (h) The term "mine foreman" when used in this Act shall mean the person who at any one time is charged with the general direction of the underground work. (i) The term "inspector" when used in this Act shall signify the official State Inspector. (j) The words "excavation" and "workings" when used in this Act shall signify any and all parts of a mine excavated or being excavated, including shafts, raises, tunnels, adits, open‑cuts, and all working places, whether abandoned or in use. (k) Whenever the expression "number of men" or "average number of men" employed in a mine are used in this Act as defining or constituting classes of mines to which this Act or any specific section, clauses, provision or rule thereof, does or does not apply, such expressions shall be construed to mean the average number of individuals employed during the previous year as shown by the returns to the mine inspector or by the books or pay roll of the mine, or by all of such means and such average number shall be determined by dividing the total number of man shifts by the number of days the mine worked during such period. (l) The term "explosive" or "explosives" as used in this Act shall be held to mean and to include any chemical or any mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and combustible units or other ingredients in such proportions, quantities, or packing that an ignition by fire, by friction, by concussion, by percussion or by detonation of any part of the compound or mixture may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures are capable of producing destructive effect on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. (m) The term "person" when used in this Act shall be held to mean and include a firm or body corporate as well as natural persons. (n) The term "underground" as used in this Act shall be held to mean "within the limits of" any mine working or excavation and shall not exclude such workings or excavations as may not be covered over by rock or earth. (o) The term "employees" and "men employed" shall be held to mean all individuals receiving compensation from the operator, directly or indirectly, for labor or services performed in connection with the mine and shall include contractors, lessors, lessees, tributers, or any one similarly employed. (Source: P.A. 88‑185.) |
(225 ILCS 710/2.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4203) Sec. 2.01. Inspector of mines. The Office of Inspector of Mines is hereby created. From names certified by the Mining Board, the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals shall select and appoint Inspectors as required to provide adequate inspection of all properties coming within the regulations of this Act. Their commissions shall be for a term of 2 years from July 1st provided any State Inspector in actual service and in good standing who has passed one examination under this Act may be reappointed for the next ensuing term without further certification; and provided, further, no person shall be eligible for appointment as a State Inspector of Mines who has pecuniary interest in any metal or mineral mines. He or she shall be at least 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the State for at least one year previous to his or her appointment and shall have been practically engaged in metalliferous or mineral mining for a sufficient number of years to be familiar with mining operations above and below ground and able to pass an examination for mine inspector before the State Mining Board. The State Inspector shall receive as compensation the rate of pay established for coal mine inspectors in the State of Illinois. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/3) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4204) Sec. 3. Office of Inspector of Mines. The Office of Inspector of Mines as created by this Act shall be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources to the same purport and effect as all other mining operations provided for by law, unless otherwise provided. The Inspector of Mines appointed hereunder shall keep an office within and as a part of the office of the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals, and whose necessary employees shall be employed and paid in the same manner as is provided for the employment and pay of the necessary employees of the State departments under the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, and as is provided in Section 5‑645 of the Departments of State Government Law (20 ILCS 5/5‑645. (Source: P.A. 91‑239, eff. 1‑1‑00.) |
(225 ILCS 710/4) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4205) Sec. 4. Qualifications of inspector. No person shall be qualified to hold the office of inspector while that person is an employee, director, or officer of any mining or metallurgical concern or company, or while directly or indirectly connected with any mining or metallurgical concern or company or copartnership operating in this State, either as partner or in any other capacity, or while engaged in private practice as a consulting engineer. The inspector shall devote his or her entire time to the duties of his or her respective office, and when not engaged in metal mines or other duties in connection therewith he or she may be assigned to any work under the supervision of the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals, and it is unlawful for the inspector to be otherwise employed by the State of Illinois or to act directly or indirectly for or on behalf of any candidate for public office or for any political party, or receive compensation, either directly or indirectly, from any candidate for public office or from any political party in the State during the term of such inspector. Failure to observe the provisions of this Section shall render the inspector liable to immediate removal from office by the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals without further cause shown and the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals is authorized and empowered to make removals in such cases. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/5) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4206) Sec. 5. Record of mines. The inspector of mines shall keep a record of all mines, in the State, a record of all mines examined, showing the dates of such examinations, the condition in which the mines so examined were found, with particular reference to the safety, ventilation and sanitary condition of each mine so examined, the manner and method of working, all violations of the provisions of this Act found, if any, the action taken thereon, and the result of such action, together with recommendations made in the cases of each mine examiner by the inspector and any other data or information pertaining to his or her office and acquired during the carrying out of this Act. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/6.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4208) Sec. 6.01. Monthly report. It is hereby the duty of the operator of each mine to forward to the Department of Natural Resources, not later than the 15th day of each month a report in writing on a form supplied by the Department of Natural Resources, showing for the preceding calendar month the tonnage of product, the average number of people employed, and the number and nature of fatal and all other accidents. All such reports shall be filed in and become a part of the records of the Department of Natural Resources. Blank forms for such reports shall be furnished by the State. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/6.02) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4209) Sec. 6.02. Accident reports. In all cases, occurring in or about any mine, of fires, appearance of dangerous gas, breakage of ropes or other gear by which people are hoisted or lowered, overwinding while people are being hoisted, unexpected inrush of water, threatened crushing of mine workings, or any other accident, occurrence or change of conditions tending to increase the hazards of mining whether or not personal injury results, a telephone report, followed by a written report thereof signed by the operator or superintendent, shall immediately be made to the inspector. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/6.03) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4210) Sec. 6.03. A failure, neglect or refusal to make such report or give such information as is specified in Section 6.01 or 6.02 constitutes a misdemeanor and every such operator or superintendent so failing, neglecting or refusing is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and each separate failure, neglect or refusal constitutes a separate offense. However, no other or different report to any other department of State shall be required of any operator of or concerning the matters required to be so reported. (Source: P. A. 78‑255.) |
(225 ILCS 710/7.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4212) Sec. 7.01. Authorized representative. Every operator of any mine shall in writing designate an authorized representative upon whom all reports, notices, warnings or other documents may be served under the provisions of this Act, and a copy of such authorization shall be filed with the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals and shall remain in full force until revoked by an instrument in writing filed with such Director. Every operator or his or her duly authorized representative shall sign by name and title on a dated line for each report, notice or warning issued and delivered to him or her by the Inspector of Mines. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/8) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4213) Sec. 8. Reports confidential. The inspector or any person employed by such inspector or any person having access to the papers filed in the office of said inspector, shall not make public or reveal to any person or persons, either orally or in writing, all or any part of the contents of any report, complaint, or document filed in the office of the inspector of mines of this State, or reveal or make public to any person or persons any knowledge or information in regard to the safety or physical or financial condition of any mine, mining rights, prospect, or mining company or concern obtained by the aforesaid inspector while in the exercise of his or her official duties. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to prevent any inspector or any clerk or employee of such inspector, from making official reports to the Governor or legislature of this State, to the inspector of mines, or from giving evidence in any court of justice in this State in discharge of his or her official duty, or from informing the operator or superintendent of a mine in regard to findings respecting his or her particular mine. Any violation of any of the provisions of this Section by an inspector of mines, or any employee or clerk, shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/9.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4215) Sec. 9.01. Duty to visit. It shall be the duty of each inspector in each district to personally visit every active mine not less than once every 3 months or as often as he or she deems it is necessary to assure the safety of people employed in the mines and the general public in the vicinity thereof and to inspect and examine into the operation, workings, timberings, safety appliances, machinery, sanitation, ventilation, means of ingress and egress and means taken to protect the lives and insure the safety of the miners, together with the cause of accidents and accidental death therein; and in general to inspect and ascertain what means are taken to comply with the provisions of this Act. For the purpose of making such inspection and ascertaining the facts in connection with such examination, the inspector shall have full power and authority at all hours to enter and examine any part of any mine or mining plant within this State, or any part of the workings, thereof, but so as not to unnecessarily impede or obstruct the workings of the mine. All operators and their employees shall render to the inspector such assistance as may be necessary to enable the inspector to make such examination. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/9.02) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4216) Sec. 9.02. For the purpose of ascertaining facts in connection with any inspection, inquiry, or examination, the inspector shall have full power to compel the attendance of witnesses by subpoena, to take depositions on the service of proper or usual notice to the mine owner or operator as required in the taking of depositions, to administer oaths, and to examine, cross‑examine, and take such testimony as may be deemed necessary for the information of the inspector. The refusal by any person to obey a subpoena issued by the inspector, or the wilful hindrance or obstruction by any person of the inspector in the performance of any of his duties under this Act, shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Any witness appearing before the inspector in response to a subpoena so issued, who shall knowingly and wilfully testify falsely to any material matter, shall be deemed guilty of perjury and upon conviction as by law provided, shall be punished for perjury. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(225 ILCS 710/10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4217) Sec. 10. Dangerous conditions; notice; remedial action. Whenever the inspector finds any mine or part of any mine in an unsafe condition by reason of any violation of any of the rules or provisions of this Act, or in a condition dangerous or detrimental to the life or health of those employed therein for the same reason or by reason of defects in timbering or other means of support, in mining, in ventilation, or in sanitation, it is the duty of the inspector at once to serve or cause to be served a notice in writing on the operator or superintendent of the mine or on the person designated by the operator for service in accordance with Section 7.01 of this Act, and the notice shall set forth in detail the nature and extent of the defects that render the mine or part of the mine unsafe, dangerous, or detrimental to the life or health of those employed therein, together with the point or place in the mine or in the workings of the mine where the defects exist, and the notice shall require the necessary changes to be made in the mine or part of the mine without delay and within a specified time, in the discretion of the inspector, as will make the same conform to the provisions of this Act. The inspector shall post a copy of the notice on the property of the mine, on a display board in the change house or in a place where it will be open and visible to all the employees of the mine. If it appears from a re‑examination of the mine by the inspector that the necessary changes have not been made within the time specified in the notice, and that the mine or part of the mine is still in a condition dangerous to life or health, and in the opinion of the inspector it is necessary for the safety of the life or health of the employees in the mine or part of the mine that the same be vacated, the inspector is empowered to order work stopped in any part of the mine, or in the entire mine, and to order the immediate withdrawal of any and all employees from the danger area. The inspector shall then immediately notify the Director of the Office of Mines and Minerals of the situation and the inspector may institute an action for an injunction in the circuit court, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, on the relation of the inspector, to restrain the operation and working of the mine or part of the mine, and the entrance of employees therein for purposes other than to remedy the defects complained of until the provisions of this Act are complied with, and the mine or part thereof is made safe for the employees therein; and the plaintiff in the action, without bond, and upon ex parte affidavits made by the inspector showing in detail the nature and extent of the defects that in the affiant's opinion, render the mine or part of the mine unsafe or detrimental to the life or health of those employed therein, and stating that the mine, or part of the mine, is, in the opinion of the affiant, in a condition dangerous to the life or health, may, pending the trial of the action, procure a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction from any circuit court if in the opinion of the court, the facts warrant the granting of such injunctive relief, enjoining the operation and working of the mine, or part of the mine, and the entrance of employees therein, except for the purpose of remedying the defects complained of, until the further order of the court. However, the defendants in the actions have the same opportunity to be heard upon motion to vacate or dissolve such temporary restraining order or preliminary injunctions as defendants have in any actions brought in this State in which such injunctive relief may be granted. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4218) Sec. 11. Refusal to allow inspection; court order. If the operator of any mine within the State shall fail or refuse to permit, or shall impede such inspection as is provided in Sections 9.01, 9.02 and 10 of this Act, the Department of Natural Resources may file its affidavit setting forth such refusal before any judge of the circuit court of the judicial circuit in which said mine is situated, or at the option of the Department of Natural Resources, in the county in which is situated the general office of the corporation owning or operating the mine and obtain an order directed to such operator so refusing as aforesaid, commanding him or her to permit and furnish all necessary facilities for the entering, examination, or inspection of such mine or to be adjudged to stand in contempt of court and be punished accordingly. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/12) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4219) Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the inspector, after every inspection of any mine or parts of any mine, as provided in this Act, to enter forthwith in a book to be kept at the mine and designated as the "record of inspection" the parts of the mine so inspected, the nature of such inspection, and every illegal defect observed in the state and condition of the mine, machinery and appliances; but nothing contained in or omitted from such entry shall limit or affect the duty and obligation of the owner or operator of such mine under this Act. Such "record of inspection" shall be open at all reasonable times to the examination of the inspector or to the examination of any person employed at the mine. Provided, however, that such records shall not be in lieu of, or a substitute for, the notice required to be served by section 10 of this Act. (Source: Laws 1921, p. 525.) |
(225 ILCS 710/13) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4220) Sec. 13. Employees complaint; inspection. Whenever the inspector receives a complaint in writing, signed by 5 or more persons employed in a mine, setting forth that the mine in which they are working is being operated contrary to law and is in any respect dangerous to the health and lives of those employed therein, the inspector shall in person examine such mine as soon as possible. The names of the persons making such complaint shall be kept secret by the inspector, unless permission to disclose them be expressly granted by the persons making the complaint. Such complaint, shall in all cases, set forth the alleged violation of law observed, the nature of the danger existing at the mine, and the time when such violation or danger was first observed. If on inspection the inspector finds the conditions, in his or her opinion, dangerous to the health and lives of those employed therein, by reason of any violation of any of the provisions and rules of this Act, the inspector shall serve or cause to be served a notice setting forth fully the facts upon which his or her opinion is based, as provided in Section 10 of this Act. It shall be the duty of the inspector to forward every such original complaint so received to the Office of Mines and Minerals, where it shall be indexed and filed among the official papers of the Office. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/14) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4221) Sec. 14. Serious accident; notice. Whenever a serious accident occurs in or about any mine, notice thereof shall be given promptly by telephone or telegraph, followed by a notice in writing, to the inspector by the superintendent or other person having immediate charge of the work at the time of the accident. The words "serious accident" shall be construed to mean, for the purposes of this Act, accidents resulting in such injuries as, in the opinion of an accredited physician, may result in the injured person being incapacitated from work for at least 14 days. Upon receiving such notice the inspector shall, if feasible and if the nature of the accident shows it to be necessary, proceed to the scene of the accident with all convenient speed and investigate fully the cause of the accident, and, within 20 days thereafter, shall file the result of such investigation as a report in the office of the inspector. Whenever the inspector cannot proceed as above to the scene of the accident, the person in charge of the mine shall be so informed by the inspector and such person in charge shall obtain sworn statements of those who witnessed the accident, or if no one was present at the time of such accident the person in charge shall obtain the sworn statement of those first arriving upon the scene. Such statements shall give, as far as possible, the details of the accident, the facts leading up to it, and its probable cause; such sworn statements shall immediately thereafter be sent to the inspector, who shall file the same in his office as public records. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/15) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4222) Sec. 15. The superintendent shall post or cause to be posted an emergency organization chart or plan in a conspicuous place on each mine property designating the duties of various employees and listing mine rescue stations, hospitals, doctors, etc., to be called in case of fire, explosion, flood, cave‑in or other emergency. Whenever loss of life occurs from accident in or about a mine, and when death results from personal injury, the superintendent or other person having immediate charge of the work at the time of the accident shall give notice to the inspector promptly by telephone or telegraph, followed by a notice in writing, after knowledge of death comes. Whenever possible, the inspector shall be present at the coroner's inquest held over the remains of a person killed in or about a mine. Due notice of an intended inquest to be held by the coroner shall be given by the coroner to the inspector, and at such inquest the inspector shall have the right to examine and cross‑examine witnesses, and such examination shall be part of the records of such inquest. If, at any inquest held over the body or bodies of persons whose death was caused by an accident in or about the mine, the inspector be not present, and it be found from the evidence given at the inquest that the accident was caused by neglect or by any defect in or about the mine, or because the mine was operated contrary to the provisions of this Act, the coroner shall send notice in writing to said inspector of such reported neglect or default; and the said inspector shall immediately take steps to have an investigation made of the same. The coroner before whom such an inquest is held shall promptly file with the inspector of mines a copy of the testimony taken thereat and a copy of the verdict rendered by the coroner's jury. (Source: Laws 1945, p. 1035.) |
(225 ILCS 710/16) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4223) Sec. 16. Employee failure; investigation. Whenever, in the opinion of the inspector of mines, a serious or fatal accident in or about any mine in this State shall have been caused by failure on the part of the operator or any employee of such mine, or by any other person, or by any of them, to observe the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the inspector to immediately notify the Department of Natural Resources by wire or telephone, and cause a copy of the report of such accident or a copy of the testimony taken at the coroner's inquest, together with the verdict of the coroner's jury, and all papers in his or her hands relating thereto, to be forwarded to the Department of Natural Resources that an investigation may be immediately conducted by the Department of Natural Resources, and if they concur with the inspector, all reports and testimony so assembled shall be delivered to the prosecuting officer of the county in which the accident or loss of life occurred, together with a statement of the inspector showing in what particular or particulars he or she believes the law to have been violated, and if upon the receipt thereof the prosecuting officer of the said county deems the facts to make a prima facie cause of action against any party, that officer shall present such evidence to the grand jury and take such further steps for the criminal prosecution of such operators, employees or other persons as may seem advisable. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(225 ILCS 710/17) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4224) Sec. 17. Report to Governor and General Assembly. It shall be the duty of the inspector of mines within 3 months after January 1, in each year to make a report directed to the Governor and legislature of this State, giving a statistical summary and report of the work of the inspector of mines during the previous year ended December 31. Such report shall contain a statement showing the number of people employed in each mine in the State, stating separately the number of people employed above ground and underground, the number and nature of fatal and serious accidents occurring in each mine, the number of inspections made, complaints filed, inquests attended, mines ordered to be vacated, violations found, and any other information deemed important and relevant by the inspector of mines, together with such recommendations as, in the judgment of the inspector of mines, are necessary or desirable to the carrying out of this Act and to insure the health and safety of the workers employed within the mines, subject to the provisions of this Act. Such report shall be published in and made a part of the annual coal report. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/18) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4225) Sec. 18. Superintendent; appointment. The operator of every mine shall appoint a person who shall be personally in charge of the mine and the performance of the work done therein, who shall be designated as the "superintendent." Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the owner or operator of any mine from personally filling the office of superintendent. The superintendent of every mine shall inspect or cause some competent person or persons appointed by him or her to inspect all mining appliances, boilers, engines, magazines, shafts, shaft‑houses, underground workings, roofs, pillars, timbers, explosives, bell ropes, speaking tubes, telephones, tracks, ladders, dry closets, and all parts and appliances of said mine in actual use, and any such person or persons appointed by the said superintendent shall at once report any defects therein to the superintendent. It shall be the duty of the superintendent upon ascertaining such defects to take immediate steps to remedy the same so as to make the same comply with the provisions of this Act, and he or she shall forthwith notify the operator of said mine of the existence of such defects. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to appoint a competent person to have full charge, under the direction of the superintendent, of every magazine containing explosives situated on such mining property, and to make such other appointments and perform such other duties as are provided by this Act to be performed by such superintendent. (Source: P.A. 87‑1133.) |
(225 ILCS 710/19) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 4226) Sec. 19. Mine foreman; appointment. Each superintendent shall appoint a person who shall be in charge of the development of the underground workings of all mines under the supervision of such superintendent and who shall direct the work of the people employed underground therein, who shall be designated as the "mine foreman": provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the superintendent of any mine from also filling the position of the mine foreman upon obtaining a certificate of competency as hereinafter provided. Such mine foreman shall be personally in charge of the development of the underground workings and shall personally direct the work of the people underground, except, that if more than one mine is under the supervision of the superintendent appointing such mine foreman, then such mine foreman may be placed in charge of all such mines and may appoint competent assistant mine foremen and delegate to them such of his or her duties or personal supervision and direction as are warranted by the circumstances. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any mine to have in his or her service as mine foreman, any person who does not hold a certificate of competency issued by the Mining Board of the Department of Natural Resources, provided however, that in case an emergency or exigency arises by virtue of which it is impossible for an operator to obtain the services of a certified mine foreman, a trustworthy and experienced person may be appointed temporarily as mine foreman for the duration of such emergency or exigency. Each applicant for a certificate of competency as a mine foreman shall produce evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she is a citizen of the United States, is at least 24 years of age, has had at least 4 years' practical mining experience, and is of good repute and temperate habits; provided, however, that graduation from an accredited engineering school shall be equivalent to 2 of the 4 years' required mining experience. Any applicant who is not a graduate of an accredited engineering school shall also pass an examination as to experience in mines and in the management of people, knowledge of mine machinery and appliances, the principles of ventilation and of first aid to the injured and of mine rescue methods and appliances. An applicant who is a graduate of an accredited engineering school may not be required to take such examination. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, a certificate of competency shall be issued to all mine foremen who, on the effective date of this Act, are employed by any mining companies as mine foremen. The failure of a superintendent to appoint a mine foreman as provided in this Section or the neglect or failure of a superintendent to appoint another in his or her place, in the event of said mine foreman vacating or losing his or her position for any cause, shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor, and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Such appointment shall be made in writing and it shall be the duty of such superintendent to post a notice of such appointment or re‑appointment immediately after the same shall have been made, in at least 2 conspicuous places about said mine and notice of such appointment or any reappointment shall be mailed immediately thereafter to the inspector of mines. The mine foreman shall see that the regulations provided herein for insuring the safety of all people employed in such mine are carried out; he or she immediately report to the superintendent of the mine any violations or infringements of this Act observed by him or her within the mine, and shall take immediate steps to remedy the same. He or she shall warn all employees of danger to life or limb observed by him or her within the mine and shall not knowingly permit any person to work in an unsafe place, except for the purpose of making it safe or when work in such a place is necessary and unavoidable; and shall supervise the miners in the performance of their work. It shall be the duty of the mine foreman to see that the number and identity of people going underground on every shift is established by the introduction and maintenance of an efficient life check system. (Source: P.A. 89‑455, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |