(225 ILCS 720/2.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.01) Sec. 2.01. Necessity of a Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in mining operations subject to the provisions of this Act without first obtaining from the Department a permit to do so. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.02) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.02) Sec. 2.02. Contents of Permit Application. (a) Each permit application, and each application for revision of a permit, submitted under this Act shall contain all information, maps, surveys, data and other materials which the Department by rule requires, in a form prescribed by the Department by rule. Such rules shall satisfy the requirements for permit applications and for applications for revision of a permit under the Federal Act and Regulations. (b) If the Department finds that the probable total annual production at all locations of an operation will not exceed 300,000 tons, the Department shall provide assistance under this subsection to that operator to the extent required under the Federal Act. The following shall be performed for such operator by a qualified public or private laboratory designated by the Department to the extent required by the Department by rule to be part of such operator's application, and if such operator requests such assistance in writing: (1) the determination of probable hydrologic | ||
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(2) the development of cross‑section maps and plans; (3) the geologic drilling and statement of results | ||
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(4) the collection of archaeological information and | ||
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(5) pre‑blast surveys; and (6) the collection of site‑specific resource | ||
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The cost of the preparation of such determinations, test borings, core samplings and statements for such operator shall be paid by the Department to the extent required under the Federal Act. A coal operator that has received assistance pursuant to this subsection shall reimburse the regulatory authority for the cost of the services rendered if the program administrator finds that the operator's actual and attributed annual production of coal for all locations exceeds 300,000 tons during the 12 months immediately following the date on which the operator is issued the surface coal mining and reclamation permit. (c) With respect to applications for surface mining operations in cases where the private mineral estate has been severed from the private surface estate, the applicant shall submit to the Department with the application either (1) the written consent of the surface owner to the extraction of coal by surface mining operations, (2) a conveyance that expressly grants or reserves the right to extract the coal by surface mining operations, or (3) if the conveyance does not expressly grant the right to extract coal by surface mining operations, a determination in accordance with State law of the surface‑subsurface legal relationship. (Source: P.A. 88‑599, eff. 9‑1‑94.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.03) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.03) Sec. 2.03. Reclamation Plan. (a) Each permit application shall include a reclamation plan which meets all requirements which the Department by rule prescribes. Such rules shall as a minimum prescribe the applicable requirements for such plans set forth in the Federal Act and Regulations. (b) Each application for revision of a permit shall include a revised reclamation plan or a statement with supporting evidence that the proposed revision does not require a revision of the reclamation plan. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.04) Sec. 2.04. Notice and Public Review of Applications. (a) At the time of submission of a permit application, the applicant shall (1) place a public notice of the application in a local newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the proposed mining operations to appear at least once a week for four consecutive weeks, and (2) file the application for public inspection at the county seat of each county containing land to be affected under the permit. Information which pertains to coal seams, test borings, core samplings, or soil samples required to be part of a permit application shall be made available to any person with an interest which is or may be adversely affected. Information which pertains only to the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of the coal (excepting information regarding mineral or elemental content which is potentially toxic in the environment) need not be made available for public inspection. On the written request of the applicant, such information shall be kept confidential by the Department and not made a matter of public record. (b) The contents and other requirements for the public notices and filings required by this Section shall be prescribed by the Department by rule. (c) When an application is received, the Department shall notify various local governmental bodies, planning agencies, sewage and water treatment authorities, and water companies in the locality in which the proposed mining will take place, of the operator's intention to mine a particularly described tract of land and state the permit application's number and where a copy of the application may be inspected. Written comments on the permit application may be submitted to the Department in the manner and within the time prescribed by the Department by rule. Immediately on receipt of such comments, the Department shall transmit a copy of them to the applicant, and shall file them for public inspection at the same locations at which the application is available for public inspection. (d) Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected or any person who is an officer of any government agency, or the county board of a county to be affected under a proposed permit, may file written objections to a permit application and may request an informal conference with the Department. If no informal conference is requested, or if the issues in question are not resolved by the informal conference, such interested person, officer, or county board may request a public hearing within 80 days after the first newspaper notice required by subsection (a) of this Section. If a hearing is requested, the Department shall hold at least one hearing in the locality affected by the permit, and shall hold a hearing in each county to be affected under the proposed permit in which a county board has requested a hearing. The Department may provide funds to county boards to assist them under this Section, provided funds are specifically appropriated for such purpose. (e) By rule the Department shall establish hearing dates which provide reasonable time in which to have reviewed the proposed plans, and procedural rules for the calling and conducting of the public hearing. Such procedural rules shall include provisions for reasonable notice to all parties, including the applicant, and reasonable opportunity for all parties to respond by oral or written testimony, or both, to statements and objections made at the public hearing. County boards and the public shall present their recommendations at these hearings. (f) A complete record of the hearings and all testimony shall be made by the Department and recorded stenographically or electronically. Such record shall be maintained and shall be accessible to the public until final release of the applicant's performance bond. (g) If all parties requesting a hearing withdraw their requests, the hearing need not be held. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.05) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.05) Sec. 2.05. Application Fee. A permit application shall be accompanied by a fee based on the number of surface acres of land to be affected by the proposed operation. Such fees shall be established by the Department by rule. An application for renewal of a permit under Section 2.07 may be filed without payment of an additional fee. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.06) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.06) Sec. 2.06. Duration of Permit. (a) A permit entitles the permittee to engage in the mining operations described in the permit for the period determined by the Department and stated in the permit. Except as provided by subsection (b) of this Section, such period shall not exceed five years from the date the permit is issued. (b) If the applicant requests a specified permit term longer than five years in an application, and if the applicant demonstrates that such specified permit term is reasonably needed to allow the applicant to obtain necessary financing for equipment and the opening of the proposed mining operation and if the application is in all respects full and complete for such specified longer term, the Department may grant a permit for such longer permit term. (c) A permit shall terminate if the permittee has not commenced the mining operations covered by the permit within three years after the date on which the permit is issued. The Department may grant reasonable extensions of time to avoid automatic termination at the expiration of three years under this subsection if the applicant shows that such extensions are necessary because commencement of mining operations was precluded by litigation or other conditions beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the permittee. No such extension shall extend the time for commencement beyond the period of the permit. With respect to coal to be mined for use in a specific synthetic fuel facility or specific major electric generating facility, the permittee shall be deemed to have commenced mining operations for purposes of this subsection at such time as the construction of the synthetic fuel or generating facility is initiated. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.07) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.07) Sec. 2.07. Renewals. (a) Any valid permit issued under this Act shall carry with it the right of successive renewal on expiration of the permit term with respect to the areas within the boundaries of the existing permit. (b) The permittee shall apply for permit renewal on such forms as the Department shall by rule prescribe. Application shall be made not less than 180 days before the permit term expires. A renewal permit shall be issued unless it is established that, and written findings by the Department are made that, (1) the present mining and reclamation operation is not in compliance with the permit and this Act; (2) the renewal requested substantially jeopardizes the operator's continuing responsibility on existing permit areas; (3) the operator has not provided evidence that the performance bond in effect for said operation will continue in full force and effect for the term of the requested renewal; (4) any additional bond the Department might require under Section 6.01 has not been filed; or (5) any additional revised or updated information required by the Department has not been provided. (c) Prior to the approval of any renewal of a permit, the requirements of Section 2.04 shall be complied with. (d) With respect to an application for renewal, the burden shall be on the opponents of renewal to establish that the application is not in compliance with all requirements of this Act. (e) If an application for renewal of a valid permit includes a proposal to extend the mining operation beyond the boundaries authorized in the existing permit, the portion of the application which addresses any new land areas shall be subject to the full standards and procedures applicable to new applications under this Act. (f) A permit renewal shall be for a term not to exceed the term for an original permit under Section 2.06. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.08) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.08) Sec. 2.08. Standards for approval of permits and revisions. (a) On the basis of a complete application, or a revision thereof, and after completion of the procedures required by Section 2.04, the Department shall grant, require modification of, or deny the application. The applicant shall have the burden of establishing that its application complies with all the requirements of this Act. (b) No permit or revised permit shall be issued unless the application affirmatively demonstrates, and the Department finds that (1) the application is accurate and complete and that all the requirements of this Act have been complied with; (2) the applicant has demonstrated that reclamation as required by this Act can be accomplished under this reclamation plan and that completion of the reclamation plan will in fact comply with every applicable performance standard of this Act; (3) the assessment of the probable cumulative impact of all anticipated mining in the area on the hydrologic balance specified by the Department by rule has been made by the Department and the proposed mining operation has been designed to prevent material damage to hydrologic balance outside the permit area; and (4) the area proposed to be mined is not included within an area designated unsuitable for surface coal mining under Article VII and is not within an area under study for such designation in an administrative proceeding commenced under Article VII. Except for operations subject to exemption by Section 510(d)(2) of the Federal Act (PL95‑87), a permit or revised permit for mining operations on prime farmland may be issued only if the Department also finds in writing that the operator has the technological capability to restore such mined area, within a reasonable time, to equivalent or higher levels of yield as non‑mined prime farmland in the surrounding area under equivalent levels of management and can meet the soil reconstruction standards in Section 3.07. Such findings shall be made in accordance with standards and procedures adopted by the Department by rule. The Department shall make the findings required by this subsection in writing on the basis of the information set forth in the application, or from information otherwise available which is described in the Department's findings and made available to the applicant and the public. (c) A permit or revised permit may be issued only after the Department considers in writing any comments filed by members of the Interagency Committee and County Boards. When a complete application is received by the Department, a copy of it shall be provided to each member of the Interagency Committee. Members of the Interagency Committee shall review and comment on protection of the hydrologic system, water pollution control, the reclamation plan, soil handling techniques, dams and impoundments and postmining land use. Comments on the application shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Department within 45 days. Each member's comments shall be based on factual, legal and technical considerations with respect to which his agency has authority, and which shall be set forth in writing. A member who does not comment within 45 days shall be deemed to have waived his right to comment under this subsection. The Department shall file comments received from Interagency Committee members at the same locations at which the permit application is available for public inspection in accordance with Section 2.04. (d) If information available to the Department indicates that any mining operation owned or controlled by the applicant is currently in violation of this Act or other laws pertaining to air or water environmental protection, the permit shall not be issued until the applicant submits proof that such violation has been corrected or is in the process of being corrected to the satisfaction of the Department, or of the department or agency which has jurisdiction over such violation. No permit shall be issued to an applicant after a finding by the Department, after opportunity for hearing, that the applicant, or the operator specified in the application, controls or has controlled mining operations with a demonstrated pattern of wilful violations of the Federal Act or this Act of such nature and duration and with such resulting irreparable damage to the environment as to indicate an intent not to comply with the provisions of the Federal Act or this Act. (e) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, the prohibition of subsection (d) shall not apply to a permit application due to any violation resulting from an unanticipated event or condition at a surface coal mining operation on lands eligible for remining under a permit held by the person making such application. As used in this subsection: (1) "unanticipated event or condition" means an | ||
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(2) "violation" has the same meaning as such term | ||
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(Source: P.A. 90‑490, eff. 8‑17‑97.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.09) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.09) Sec. 2.09. Permit Revision. (a) During the term of the permit the permittee may submit an application for revision of a permit. The Department shall by rule establish guidelines for a determination of the scale or extent of a revision application for which all permit application requirements and procedures, including notices and public hearings under Section 2.04, shall apply. Revisions which propose significant alterations in the reclamation plan shall be subject to all such requirements and procedures. (b) An application for revision of a permit shall not be approved unless the Department finds that reclamation as required by this Act can be accomplished under the revised reclamation plan. (c) Extensions of area covered by a permit, except for incidental boundary revisions as defined by the Department by rule, shall be made by application for another permit. (d) No transfer, assignment, or sale of the rights granted under any permit shall be made without the written approval of the Department. Such approval shall be given only if the mining operation will comply with all requirements of this Act after the transfer, assignment or sale. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.10) Sec. 2.10. Periodic Review of Permits. The Department shall review outstanding permits and may require reasonable revision or modification of the permit provisions during the term of such permit if necessary to insure that the mining operation will comply with all requirements of this Act. The Department shall make such reviews not later than the middle of the term of the permit. Such revision or modification shall be based on written findings and shall be subject to notice and hearing requirements established by the Department by rule. (Source: P.A. 81‑1015.) |
(225 ILCS 720/2.11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 7902.11) Sec. 2.11. Procedures for Approval. (a) If a hearing has been held under Section 2.04, the Department shall within 60 days after the last such hearing make its decision on the application and shall promptly furnish the applicant, local government officials in the area of the affected land, and persons who are parties to the administrative proceedings, with the written findings of the Department and stating the specific reasons for its decision. (b) If no hearing has been held under Section 2.04, the Department shall make its decision on the application within 120 days after receipt by the Department of a complete application and shall promptly notify the applicant, local government officials in the area of the affected land, and persons who have submitted written comments on the application of the Department's decision with the written findings of the Department and stating the specific reasons for its decision. (c) Within 30 days after the applicant is notified of the final decision of the Department on the permit application, the applicant or any person with an interest that is or may be adversely affected may request a hearing on the reasons for the final determination. The Department shall hold a hearing within 30 days after this request and notify all interested parties at the time that the applicant is notified. The notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which any part of the area of the affected land is located. The notice shall appear no more than 14 days nor less than 7 days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall be no less than one eighth page in size, and the smallest type used shall be twelve point and shall be enclosed in a black border no less than 1/4 inch wide. The notice shall not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. The hearing shall be of record and adjudicatory in nature. No person who presided at a hearing under Section 2.04 shall either preside at the hearing or participate in the decision on the hearing. Within 30 days after the hearing, the Department shall issue, and furnish the applicant, local government officials in the area of the affected land, and all persons who participated in the hearing, its written decision granting or denying the permit in whole or in part and stating the reasons for its decision. No party to a formal adjudicatory hearing under this subsection may seek judicial review of the Department's final decision on the permit application until after the issuance of the hearing officer's written decision granting or denying the permit. (d) If the application is approved under either subsection (a) or (b) of this Section, the permit shall be issued. (e) If a hearing is requested under subsection (c) of this Section, the Department may, under such conditions as it may prescribe, grant such temporary relief as it deems appropriate pending final determination of the proceedings if all parties to the proceedings have been notified and given an opportunity to be heard on a request for temporary relief, the person requesting such relief shows that there is a substantial likelihood that he will prevail on the merits of the final determination of the proceeding, and such relief will not adversely affect the public health or safety or cause significant imminent environmental harm to land, air, or water resources. (f) If final action on an application does not occur within the times prescribed in subsections (a) or (b) of this Section, whichever applies, the applicant may deem the application denied, and such denial shall constitute final action. The applicant may waive these time limits. (g) For the purpose of hearings under this Section, the Department may administer oaths, subpoena witnesses or written or printed materials, compel attendance of the witnesses or production of the materials, and take evidence including but not limited to site inspections of the land to be affected and other mining operations carried on by the applicant in the general vicinity of the proposed operation. A verbatim record of each hearing under this Section shall be made, and a transcript shall be made available on the motion of any party or by order of the Department. (Source: P.A. 88‑63; 88‑185; 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.) |