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Article X - Violations, Penalties, Searches And Seizures

      (235 ILCS 5/Art. X heading)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑1) (from Ch. 43, par. 183)
    Sec. 10‑1. Violations; penalties. Whereas a substantial threat to the sound and careful control, regulation, and taxation of the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic liquors exists by virtue of individuals who manufacture, import, distribute, or sell alcoholic liquors within the State without having first obtained a valid license to do so, and whereas such threat is especially serious along the borders of this State, and whereas such threat requires immediate correction by this Act, by active investigation and prosecution by law enforcement officials and prosecutors, and by prompt and strict enforcement through the courts of this State to punish violators and to deter such conduct in the future:
    (a) Any person who manufactures, imports for distribution or use, or distributes or sells alcoholic liquor at any place within the State without having first obtained a valid license to do so under the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a business offense and fined not more than $1,000 for the first such offense and shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony for each subsequent offense.
    (b) (1) Any retailer, licensed in this State, who knowingly causes to furnish, give, sell, or otherwise being within the State, any alcoholic liquor destined to be used, distributed, consumed or sold in another state, unless such alcoholic liquor was received in this State by a duly licensed distributor, or importing distributors shall have his license suspended for 7 days for the first offense and for the second offense, shall have his license revoked by the Commission.
    (2) In the event the Commission receives a certified copy of a final order from a foreign jurisdiction that an Illinois retail licensee has been found to have violated that foreign jurisdiction's laws, rules, or regulations concerning the importation of alcoholic liquor into that foreign jurisdiction, the violation may be grounds for the Commission to revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue or renew a license, to impose a fine, or to take any additional action provided by this Act with respect to the Illinois retail license or licensee. Any such action on the part of the Commission shall be in accordance with this Act and implementing rules.
    For the purposes of paragraph (2): (i) "foreign jurisdiction" means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and (ii) "final order" means an order or judgment of a court or administrative body that determines the rights of the parties respecting the subject matter of the proceeding, that remains in full force and effect, and from which no appeal can be taken.
    (c) Any person who shall make any false statement or otherwise violates any of the provisions of this Act in obtaining any license hereunder, or who having obtained a license hereunder shall violate any of the provisions of this Act with respect to the manufacture, possession, distribution or sale of alcoholic liquor, or with respect to the maintenance of the licensed premises, or shall violate any other provision of this Act, shall for a first offense be guilty of a petty offense and fined not more than $500, and for a second or subsequent offense shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
    (d) Each day any person engages in business as a manufacturer, foreign importer, importing distributor, distributor or retailer in violation of the provisions of this Act shall constitute a separate offense.
    (e) Any person, under the age of 21 years who, for the purpose of buying, accepting or receiving alcoholic liquor from a licensee, represents that he is 21 years of age or over shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
    (f) In addition to the penalties herein provided, any person licensed as a wine‑maker in either class who manufactures more wine than authorized by his license shall be guilty of a business offense and shall be fined $1 for each gallon so manufactured.
    (g) A person shall be exempt from prosecution for a violation of this Act if he is a peace officer in the enforcement of the criminal laws and such activity is approved in writing by one of the following:
        (1) In all counties, the respective State's Attorney;
        (2) The Director of State Police under Section
     2605‑10, 2605‑15, 2605‑75, 2605‑100, 2605‑105, 2605‑110, 2605‑115, 2605‑120, 2605‑130, 2605‑140, 2605‑190, 2605‑200, 2605‑205, 2605‑210, 2605‑215, 2605‑250, 2605‑275, 2605‑300, 2605‑305, 2605‑315, 2605‑325, 2605‑335, 2605‑340, 2605‑350, 2605‑355, 2605‑360, 2605‑365, 2605‑375, 2605‑390, 2605‑400, 2605‑405, 2605‑420, 2605‑430, 2605‑435, 2605‑500, 2605‑525, or 2605‑550 of the Department of State Police Law (20 ILCS 2605/2605‑10, 2605/2605‑15, 2605/2605‑75, 2605/2605‑100, 2605/2605‑105, 2605/2605‑110, 2605/2605‑115, 2605/2605‑120, 2605/2605‑130, 2605/2605‑140, 2605/2605‑190, 2605/2605‑200, 2605/2605‑205, 2605/2605‑210, 2605/2605‑215, 2605/2605‑250, 2605/2605‑275, 2605/2605‑300, 2605/2605‑305, 2605/2605‑315, 2605/2605‑325, 2605/2605‑335, 2605/2605‑340, 2605/2605‑350, 2605/2605‑355, 2605/2605‑360, 2605/2605‑365, 2605/2605‑375, 2605/2605‑390, 2605/2605‑400, 2605/2605‑405, 2605/2605‑420, 2605/2605‑430, 2605/2605‑435, 2605/2605‑500, 2605/2605‑525, or 2605/2605‑550); or
        (3) In cities over 1,000,000, the Superintendent of
(Source: P.A. 90‑739, eff. 8‑13‑98; 91‑239, eff. 1‑1‑00.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑2) (from Ch. 43, par. 184)
    Sec. 10‑2. If the owner of the licensed premises or any person from whom the licensee derives the right to possession of such premises, or the agent of such owner or person, shall knowingly permit the licensee to use said licensed premises in violation of the terms of this Act, said owner, agent or other person shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Act to the same extent as said licensee and be subject to the same punishment.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑3) (from Ch. 43, par. 185)
    Sec. 10‑3. Every Act or omission of whatsoever nature constituting a violation of any of the provisions of this Act, by any officer, director, manager or other agent or employee of any licensee, shall be deemed and held to be the act of such employer or licensee, and said employer or licensee shall be punishable in the same manner as if said act or omission had been done or omitted by him personally.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑4) (from Ch. 43, par. 186)
    Sec. 10‑4. Whenever any licensee shall be convicted of any violation of this Act, the licenses of said licensee may, in the discretion of the State commission or of the local commissioner, (whichever has jurisdiction) be revoked and forfeited and all fees paid thereon shall be forfeited, and the bond given by said licensee to secure such licensee's faithful compliance with the terms of this Act shall be forfeited, and it shall thereafter be unlawful and shall constitute a further violation of this Act for said licensee to continue to operate under said license.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑5) (from Ch. 43, par. 187)
    Sec. 10‑5. Whenever any officer, director, manager or other employe in a position of authority of any licensee under this Act shall be convicted of any violation of this Act while engaged in the course of his employment or while upon the premises described by said license, said license shall be revoked and the fees paid thereon forfeited both as to the holder of said license and as to said premises, and said bond given by said licensee to secure the faithful compliance with the terms of this Act shall be forfeited in like manner as if said licensee had himself been convicted.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑6) (from Ch. 43, par. 188)
    Sec. 10‑6. Any person who shall knowingly possess, sell, ship, transport or in any wise dispose of any alcoholic liquor under any other than the proper name or brand known to the trade as designating the kind and quality of the contents of the package or other containers of said alcoholic liquor, or who shall cause any such Act to be done, shall forfeit to the State said alcoholic liquor and said packages and containers and shall be subject to the punishment and penalties provided for violation of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑7) (from Ch. 43, par. 189)
    Sec. 10‑7. Every lot, parcel or tract of land, and every building, structure, tent, railroad car, boat, wagon, vehicle, establishment or place whatsoever, together with all furniture, fixtures, ornaments and machinery located thereon, wherein there shall be conducted any unlawful manufacture, distribution or sale of any alcoholic liquor, or whereon or wherein there shall be kept, stored, concealed or allowed any alcoholic liquor intended for illegal sale or to be sold, disposed of or in any other manner used in violation of any of the provisions of this Act is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated as provided by the laws of this State for the abatement of public nuisances.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑7.1) (from Ch. 43, par. 189.1)
    Sec. 10‑7.1. The Commission, upon receipt of a complaint or upon having knowledge that any person is engaged in the business as a manufacturer, importing distributor, distributor or retailer without a license or valid license, shall notify the Department of Revenue and the local liquor authority, and file a complaint with the State's Attorney's Office of the County where the incident occurred or initiate an investigation with the appropriate law enforcement officials.
(Source: P.A. 90‑739, eff. 8‑13‑98.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑8) (from Ch. 43, par. 190)
    Sec. 10‑8. Whenever complaint is made in writing, verified by affidavit, to any judge of the circuit court, that complainant has just and reasonable grounds to believe and does believe that alcoholic liquor is manufactured, possessed, kept for sale, used or transported, in violation of this Act, or any mash, still or other property designed for the manufacture of alcoholic liquor is possessed in any premises which are not licensed hereunder, (particularly describing and designating such property in the complaint), the judge may issue a search warrant as hereinafter provided; provided, however, no search warrant shall be necessary for the inspection or search of any premises licensed under this Act, and provided, further, that no search warrant shall be issued for the search of premises in use for residence purposes. The property seized on any such warrant shall not be taken from the officer seizing the same on any order of replevin or other like process.
    Each complaint shall be substantially in the following form:
State of Illinois,)
                  ) ss.
County of Cook.   )
Complaint for Search Warrant.
    The complaint and affidavit of .... (name of complainant), of .... (his residence), made before .... (name of officer) one of the .... (official title of officer), in and for the .... (county, city or village, as the case may be), on (insert date), being first duly sworn, upon his oath says: That he has just and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that alcoholic liquor is now unlawfully (manufactured, possessed, used, disposed of or kept for sale, or any mash, still or other property designed for the illegal manufacture of alcoholic liquor is possessed therein, as the case may be), to‑wit: At and within a certain .... (here describe the house, building, premises, boat, vehicle, receptacle or other place to be searched, with particulars as to the location sufficiently to identify it, stating the name of the person occupying the same, if known), in the .... (city, village or town of) ...., in the county and state set out above; that the following are the reasons for his or her belief, to‑wit .... (here insert the facts upon which such belief is based). Wherefore complainant prays that a search warrant may issue according to law. ........................... (Signature of complainant.)     Subscribed and Sworn to before me on (insert date). ............................ (Name of officer.) ............................ (Official title of officer.) (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑9) (from Ch. 43, par. 191)
    Sec. 10‑9. If the judge before whom any such complaint is made is satisfied that there is reasonable cause for such belief, he shall issue a warrant directed to any peace officer having jurisdiction, commanding him forthwith to enter the house, building, premises, boat, vehicle, receptacle or other place therein described and designated with particularity, and make diligent and careful search for alcoholic liquor manufactured, possessed or kept for sale, contrary to this Act, and if any such alcoholic liquor be there found, to seize the same, together with the vessels containing the same, and all property, implements, furniture and vehicles kept or used for the purpose of violating, or with which to violate any of the provisions of this Act, and bringing the same and any and all persons (if any there be) in whose possession they are found, before the judge who issued the warrant, or some other judge having a cognizance of the case.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

    (235 ILCS 5/10‑10) (from Ch. 43, par. 192)
    Sec. 10‑10. Upon the issuance of any such search warrant, it shall be the duty of the officers executing the same to forthwith enter the house, building, premises, boat, vehicle, receptacle or other place therein described, either in the day time or night time, by force, if necessary, and to remove therefrom and confiscate any alcoholic liquor manufactured, possessed or kept for sale, contrary to the terms of this Act, and any machinery, equipment or material used in connection therewith, and to hold such property until all prosecution arising out of said search and seizure shall have ended and determined, and it shall be the duty of the officers executing such search warrant to arrest any person or persons found using or in possession or control of such alcoholic liquor, articles or things. All alcoholic liquor unlawfully manufactured, stored, kept, sold or otherwise disposed of, and the containers thereof, and all equipment used or fit for use in the manufacture or production of the same which are found at or about any still or outfit for the unlawful manufacture of alcoholic liquor on unlicensed premises are hereby declared contraband, and no right of property shall be or exist in any person owning, furnishing or possessing any such property, liquor, material or equipment, but all such property, articles and things, including alcoholic liquor, shall be sold upon an order of the court, in the manner hereinbefore provided, and the proceeds thereof shall be disposed of in the manner herein provided for the disposition of license fees paid to the State Commission; provided that nothing shall be construed to prevent any officer whose duty it is to make arrests from arresting, with or without a warrant, any person or persons found violating any of the provisions of this Act; provided further, that any officer executing a search warrant shall forthwith make his return thereof to the court or officer issuing said search warrant of the manner and date of his execution thereof, showing what, if anything, was seized and held by said search, together with the name of the owner or owners, if known, and shall attach to said return an accurate list or inventory of the articles and things so seized.
    It shall be the duty of the officer who has seized and is holding any of the property mentioned in this section, to make application to the court on final determination of any prosecution arising under said search and seizure, and in which such prosecution shall have been commenced or prosecuted for an order to sell such property, and the court, if satisfied that the property so seized and held was, at the time of its seizure, being kept or used, or was fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or production of alcoholic liquor, then the court shall make an order that said property and effects be sold by such officer and shall fix the time, place, manner and notice of such sale, and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid over to the State Commission; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Act shall be considered to authorize the sale of any alcoholic liquor unlawfully manufactured fit for human consumption which comes into the possession of any officer by seizure, confiscation or forfeiture under the provisions of this Act without the payment of all taxes required by the laws of this State and of the United States; provided, further that all such unlawfully manufactured alcoholic liquor which is unfit for human consumption shall be destroyed.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783.)

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