(30 ILCS 350/1) (from Ch. 17, par. 6901) Sec. 1. Short title. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Local Government Debt Reform Act. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/2) (from Ch. 17, par. 6902) Sec. 2. Findings. The General Assembly finds: (a) There have been many and important changes in the market for and practices with respect to the issuance of bonds of local governmental units in recent years. (b) Various provisions of the Illinois law are inconsistent and outdated. (c) Many of these provisions result in additional costs for the citizens of the State of Illinois residing in local governmental units because of the sale and issuance of bonds at higher rates than would otherwise be necessary. (d) The General Assembly deems it advisable and in the best interests of the residents of Illinois local governmental units to provide supplemental authority regarding the issuance and sale of bonds to accommodate such market practices and the provisions of current federal income tax law. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/3) (from Ch. 17, par. 6903) Sec. 3. Definitions. In this Act words or terms shall have the following meanings unless the context or usage clearly indicates that another meaning is intended. (a) "Alternate bonds" means bonds issued in lieu of revenue bonds or payable from a revenue source as provided in Section 15. (b) "Applicable law" means any provision of law, including this Act, authorizing governmental units to issue bonds. (c) "Backdoor referendum" means the submission of a public question to the voters of a governmental unit, initiated by a petition of voters, residents or property owners of such governmental unit, to determine whether an action by the governing body of such governmental unit shall be effective, adopted or rejected. (d) "Bond" means any instrument evidencing the obligation to pay money authorized or issued by or on behalf of a governmental unit under applicable law, including without limitation, bonds, notes, installment or financing contracts, leases, certificates, tax anticipation warrants or notes, vouchers, and any other evidences of indebtedness. (e) "Debt service" on bonds means the amount of principal, interest and premium, if any, when due either at stated maturity or upon mandatory redemption. (f) "Enterprise revenues" means the revenues of a utility or revenue producing enterprise from which revenue bonds may be payable. (g) "General obligation bonds" means bonds of a governmental unit for the payment of which the governmental unit is empowered to levy ad valorem property taxes upon all taxable property in a governmental unit without limitation as to rate or amount. (h) "Governing body" means the legislative body, council, board, commission, trustees, or any other body, by whatever name it is known, having charge of the corporate affairs of a governmental unit. (h‑5) "Governmental revenue source" means a revenue source that is either (1) federal or State funds that the governmental unit has received in some amount during each of the 3 fiscal years preceding the issuance of alternate bonds or (2) revenues to be received from another governmental unit under an intergovernmental cooperation agreement. (i) "Governmental unit" means a county, township, municipality, municipal corporation, unit of local government, school district, special district, public corporation, body corporate and politic, forest preserve district, fire protection district, conservation district, park district, sanitary district, and all other local governmental agencies, including any entity created by intergovernmental agreement among any of the foregoing governmental units, but does not include any office, officer, department, division, bureau, board, commission, university, or similar agency of the State. (j) "Ordinance" means an ordinance duly adopted by a governing body or, if appropriate under applicable law, a resolution so adopted. (k) "Revenue bonds" means any bonds of a governmental unit other than general obligation bonds, but "revenue bonds" does include any debt authorized under Section 11‑29.3‑1 of the Illinois Municipal Code. (l) "Revenue source" means a source of funds, other than enterprise revenues, received or available to be received by a governmental unit and available for any one or more of its corporate purposes. (m) "Limited bonds" means bonds, excluding leases, notes, installment or financing contracts, certificates, tax anticipation warrants or notes, vouchers, and any other evidences of indebtedness, issued under Section 15.01 of this Act. (Source: P.A. 92‑879, eff. 1‑13‑03.) |
(30 ILCS 350/4) (from Ch. 17, par. 6904) Sec. 4. Powers supplemental. The provisions of this Act are intended to be supplemental and in addition to all other powers or authorities granted to any governmental unit, shall be construed liberally and shall not be construed as a limitation of any power or authority otherwise granted. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/5) (from Ch. 17, par. 6905) Sec. 5. Backdoor referendum procedure. (a) Whenever applicable law provides that the authorization or the issuance of bonds, or the becoming effective of an ordinance providing for the authorization or issuance of bonds, may be subject to a backdoor referendum, the provisions of this Section may be used as an alternative to the specific procedures as otherwise set forth by applicable law. (b) The governing body may adopt an authorizing ordinance describing briefly the authority under which bonds are proposed to be issued, the nature of the project or purpose to be financed, the estimated total costs of the project or purpose, including in such costs all items related to financing the project or purpose, and the maximum amount of bonds authorized to be issued to pay such costs. No further details or specifications are required in such authorizing ordinance. Such authorizing ordinance, along with any other notice as required by applicable law, including any notice as to the right of electors to file a petition and the number of voters required to sign any such petition, shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the governmental unit. The governing body may, but is not required to, post the notice electronically on its World Wide Web pages. A petition may be filed after such publication or posting during the period as provided by applicable law; but upon the expiration of any such period without the filing of a petition meeting the requirements of the applicable law, the governing body shall be authorized to issue such bonds as if they had followed all necessary procedures set forth in such applicable law. (c) If no petition meeting the requirements of applicable law is filed during the petition period, then the governing body may adopt additional ordinances or proceedings supplementing or amending the authorizing ordinance so long as the maximum amount of bonds as set forth in the authorizing ordinance is not exceeded and there is no material change in the project or purpose described in the authorizing ordinance. Such additional ordinances or proceedings shall in all instances become effective immediately without publication or posting or any further act or requirement. The authorizing ordinance, together with such additional ordinance or proceedings, shall constitute complete authority for the issuance of such bonds under applicable law. (d) If applicable law provides that notice alone shall be given to commence a backdoor referendum, the notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the governmental unit. The governing body may, but is not required to, post the notice electronically on its World Wide Web pages. (Source: P.A. 91‑868, eff. 6‑22‑00.) |
(30 ILCS 350/5.5) Sec. 5.5. Notices. (a) Whenever applicable law requires notice in connection with the issuance of bonds, the notice shall be sufficient if the notice appears above the name or title of the person required to give the notice. (b) Whenever applicable law requires any notice of a hearing or meeting held in connection with the issuance of bonds to be supplied to the members of the governing body or news media, such notice may be supplied by facsimile transmission (commonly referred to as fax) or electronic transmission (commonly referred to as e‑mail). (Source: P.A. 92‑879, eff. 1‑13‑03.) |
(30 ILCS 350/6) (from Ch. 17, par. 6906) Sec. 6. Costs of project or purpose. Whenever a governmental unit is authorized by applicable law to issue bonds without referendum pursuant to authority granted or mandate imposed to pay for some public purpose or facility, the public corporation may add to the estimate of costs and include in the authorized amount for such bonds and pay from bond proceeds an amount to provide for expenses of issuing such bonds, including underwriter's spread and costs of bond insurance or other credit enhancement, and also an amount to pay capitalized interest and provide a reserve fund as otherwise permitted by this Act. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/7) (from Ch. 17, par. 6907) Sec. 7. Reserves. A governing body may provide for a reserve fund solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds. Bond proceeds may be used to provide such reserve fund. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/8) (from Ch. 17, par. 6908) Sec. 8. Coverage covenant. A governing body is authorized and may covenant and contract with the holders of revenue bonds to levy, charge and collect moneys pledged as security for the payment of revenue bonds in amounts sufficient to provide for the prompt payment of debt service and to provide an additional amount of money as coverage computed as a percentage of the amount of debt service scheduled to be payable in any given year. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/9) (from Ch. 17, par. 6909) Sec. 9. Provisions for interest. (a) The proceeds of bonds may be used to provide for the payment of interest upon such bonds for a period not to exceed the greater of 2 years or a period ending 6 months after the estimated date of completion of the acquisition and construction of the project or accomplishment of the purpose for which such bonds are issued. (b) In addition it shall be lawful for the governing body of any governmental unit issuing bonds to appropriate money for the purpose of paying interest on such bonds during the period stated in subsection (a) of this Section. Such appropriation may be made in the ordinance authorizing such bonds and shall be fully effective upon the effective date of such ordinance without any further notice, publication or approval whatsoever. (c) The governing body of any governmental unit may authorize the transfer of interest earned on any of the moneys of the governmental unit, including moneys set aside to pay debt service, into the fund of the governmental unit that is most in need of the interest. This subsection does not apply to any interest earned that has been earmarked or restricted by the governing body for a designated purpose. This subsection does not apply to any interest earned on any funds for the purpose of municipal retirement under the Illinois Pension Code and tort immunity under the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Interest earned on those funds may be used only for the purposes authorized for the respective funds from which the interest earnings were derived. (Source: P.A. 92‑879, eff. 1‑13‑03.) |
(30 ILCS 350/11) (from Ch. 17, par. 6911) Sec. 11. Refundings and redemption premiums. Bonds may be refunded or advance refunded upon such terms as the governing body may set in accordance with this Act, for such term of years, not in excess of the maximum term of years permitted by applicable law for the bonds to be refunded, and in such principal amount, all as may be deemed necessary by the governing body. Revenue bonds may be issued to refund general obligation bonds or alternate bonds issued under this Act. General obligation bonds shall not be issued to refund revenue bonds or alternate bonds except as expressly permitted by applicable law. Any redemption premium payable upon the redemption of bonds may be payable from the proceeds of refunding bonds which may be issued for the purpose of refunding such bonds, from any other lawfully available source or from both proceeds and such other sources. (Source: P.A. 90‑306, eff. 8‑1‑97.) |
(30 ILCS 350/13) (from Ch. 17, par. 6913) Sec. 13. Certain pledges. A governmental unit may pledge, as security for the payment of its bonds, (1) revenues derived from the operation of any utility system or revenue producing enterprise, (2) moneys deposited or to be deposited into any special fund of the governmental unit, (3) grants or other revenues or taxes expected to be received by the governmental unit from the State or federal government, including taxes imposed by the governmental unit pursuant to grant of authority by the State, such as sales or use taxes or utility taxes, (4) special assessments to be collected with respect to a local improvement financed with the proceeds of bonds, or (5) payments to be made by another governmental unit pursuant to a service, user or other similar agreement with such governmental unit. Any such pledge made by a governmental unit shall be valid and binding from the time such pledge is made. The revenues, moneys and other funds so pledged and thereafter received by the governmental unit shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act; and, subject only to the provisions of prior agreements, the lien of such pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the governmental unit irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. Pursuant to any such pledge, a governmental unit may bind itself to impose rates, charges or taxes to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. No ordinance, resolution, trust agreement or other instrument by which such pledge is created need be filed or recorded except in the records of the governmental unit. The State Treasurer, the State Comptroller, the Department of Revenue, the Department of Transportation, the State Superintendent of Education, or any Regional Superintendent of Schools shall deposit or cause to be deposited any amount of grants or other revenues or taxes expected to be received by a qualified governmental unit from that official or entity that have been pledged to the payment of bonds of the qualified governmental unit, in accordance with the authorization of the qualified governmental unit, directly into a designated escrow account established by the qualified governmental unit at a trust company or bank having trust powers. The ordinance authorizing that disposition shall, within 10 days after adoption by the governing body of the qualified governmental unit, be filed with the official or entity having custody of the pledged grants or other revenues or taxes. For the purposes of this Section, "qualified governmental unit" means a governmental unit (i) that has issued not less than $6,000,000 principal amount of bonds, including the principal amount of bonds to be secured by the deposit into the designated escrow account, during the 24 months preceding the adoption of the ordinance authorizing the deposit, (ii) whose bonds secured by the deposit into the designated escrow account are rated without regard to any credit enhancement within the 3 highest general rating classifications established by a rating service of nationally recognized expertise in rating bonds of states and political subdivisions of states, (iii) that has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association or the equivalent award from the Association of School Business Officials International during the 24 months preceding the adoption of the ordinance authorizing the deposit, or (iv) that represents a population in excess of 300,000. (Source: P.A. 91‑868, eff. 6‑22‑00; 92‑78, eff. 7‑12‑01.) |
(30 ILCS 350/14) (from Ch. 17, par. 6914) Sec. 14. Certain warrant provisions. Whenever applicable law permits a governmental unit to issue warrants in anticipation of taxes to be levied or other funds to be received, the governing body of such governmental unit may cause such warrants to have a specified due date reasonably calculated to be after the receipt of the taxes or other revenues anticipated, may designate and so cause such warrants to be general obligation bonds within the meaning of this Act, may provide for refunding warrants or general obligation bonds to refund such warrants should the taxes or other revenues to pay the same be delayed or insufficient to pay the same, and may provide for the separate levy of taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, on all ad valorem taxable property within the governmental unit, to pay such warrants or refunding warrants or bonds. Nothing herein shall authorize the issuance of warrants in excess of the amount otherwise permitted by applicable law. The county collector shall deposit any amount of tax proceeds pledged to the payment of warrants of any governmental unit, in accordance with the authorization of such governmental unit, directly into a designated escrow account established by the governmental unit. The ordinance authorizing such disposition shall be filed with the county collector or collectors of the county or counties within which taxable property of the governmental unit is located. Warrants initially issued pursuant to this Act shall not be regarded as or included in any computation of indebtedness for the purpose of any statutory provision or limitation. General obligation bonds to refund warrants issued hereunder or refunding warrants may be issued without regard to existing indebtedness but upon being issued shall be included and regarded as indebtedness. (Source: P.A. 85‑1419.) |
(30 ILCS 350/15.01) Sec. 15.01. Limited bonds. A governmental unit is authorized to issue limited bonds payable from the debt service extension base, as defined in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, as provided in this amendatory Act of 1995. Bonds authorized by Public Act 88‑503 and issued under Section 20a of the Chicago Park District Act for aquarium or museum projects shall not be issued as limited bonds. A governmental unit issuing limited bonds authorized by this Section shall provide in the bond ordinance that the bonds are issued as limited bonds and are also issued pursuant to applicable law, other than this amendatory Act of 1995, enabling the governmental unit to issue bonds. This amendatory Act of 1995 shall not change the rate, amount, purposes, limitations, source of funds for payment of principal or interest, or method of payment or defeasance of the bonds that a governmental unit may issue under any applicable law; provided, that limited bonds that are otherwise to be issued as general obligation bonds may be payable solely from the debt service extension base. This amendatory Act of 1995 provides no additional authority to any governmental unit to issue bonds that the governmental unit is not otherwise authorized to issue by a law other than this amendatory Act of 1995. (Source: P.A. 89‑385, eff. 8‑18‑95; 89‑449, eff. 6‑1‑96.) |
(30 ILCS 350/16) (from Ch. 17, par. 6916) Sec. 16. Levy for bonds. A governmental unit may levy a tax for the payment of principal of and interest on general obligation bonds or limited bonds at any time prior to March 1 of the calendar year during which the tax will be collected. The county clerk shall accept the filing of the ordinance levying such tax notwithstanding that such time is subsequent to the end of the calendar year next preceding the calendar year during which such tax will be collected. In extending taxes for general obligation bonds, the county clerk shall add to the levy for debt service on such bonds an amount sufficient, in view of all losses and delinquencies in tax collection, to produce tax receipts adequate for the prompt payment of such debt service. (Source: P.A. 91‑493, eff. 8‑13‑99.) |
(30 ILCS 350/16.5) Sec. 16.5. Proposition for bonds. For all elections held after July 1, 2000, the form of a proposition to authorize the issuance of bonds pursuant to either a referendum or backdoor referendum may be as set forth in this Section as an alternative to the form of proposition as otherwise set forth by applicable law. The proposition authorized by this Section shall be in substantially the following form: Shall (name of governmental unit) (state purpose for | ||
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If a school district expects to receive a school construction grant from the State of Illinois pursuant to the School Construction Law for a school construction project to be financed in part with proceeds of a bond authorized by referendum, then the form of proposition may at the option of the school district additionally contain substantially the following language: (Name of school district) expects to receive a | ||