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Article 8

      (30 ILCS 750/Art. 8 heading)
Article 8

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑1) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑1)
    Sec. 8‑1. Short Title. This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Programs Act".
(Source: P.A. 88‑453.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑2)(from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑2)
    Sec. 8‑2. Definitions. As used in this Article:
    (a) "Department" means the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
    (b) "Local government" means any unit of local government as defined in Article VII, Section 1 of the 1970 Illinois Constitution.
    (c) "Business retention, development or expansion project" means the expansion of an existing, for‑profit commercial, industrial, manufacturing, scientific, agricultural or service business within Illinois, or the establishment of a new such business on a site within Illinois, so long as the business to be established is not relocating from another site within the State, unless the relocation of such a business will result in a substantial increase in employment or retention of an existing such business.
    (d) "Public infrastructure" means local roads and streets, access roads, bridges, and sidewalks; waste disposal systems; water and sewer line extensions and water distribution and purification facilities, and sewage treatment facilities; rail or air or water port improvements; gas and electric utility facilities; transit capital facilities; development and improvement of publicly owned industrial and commercial sites, or other public capital improvements which are an essential precondition to a business retention, development or expansion project for the purposes of the Business Development Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Program. "Public Infrastructure" also means capital acquisitions, construction, and improvements to other local facilities and sites, and associated permanent furnishings and equipment that are a necessary precondition to local health, safety and economic development for purposes of the Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Program.
    (e) "Local public entity" means any entity as defined by Section 1‑206 of the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act.
    (f) "Medical facility" and "public health clinic" mean any entity as defined by subsections (a) and (c), respectively, of Section 6‑101 of the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act.
(Source: P.A. 94‑793, eff. 5‑19‑06.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑3)(from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑3)
    Sec. 8‑3. Powers of the Department. The Department has the power to:
    (a) provide business development public infrastructure loans or grants from appropriations from the Build Illinois Bond Fund, the Fund for Illinois' Future, and the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Fund to local governments to provide or improve a community's public infrastructure so as to create or retain private sector jobs pursuant to the provisions of this Article;
    (b) provide affordable financing of public infrastructure loans and grants to, or on behalf of, local governments, local public entities, medical facilities, and public health clinics from appropriations from the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Fund for the purpose of assisting with the financing, or application and access to financing, of a community's public infrastructure necessary to health, safety, and economic development;
    (c) enter into agreements, accept funds or grants, and engage in cooperation with agencies of the federal government, or state or local governments to carry out the purposes of this Article, and to use funds appropriated pursuant to this Article to participate in federal infrastructure loan and grant programs upon such terms and conditions as may be established by the federal government;
    (d) establish application, notification, contract, and other procedures, rules, or regulations deemed necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions of this Article;
    (e) coordinate assistance under this program with activities of the Illinois Finance Authority in order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of State development programs;
    (f) coordinate assistance under the Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Program with the activities of the Illinois Finance Authority, Illinois Housing Development Authority, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal and State programs and entities providing financing assistance to communities for public health, safety, and economic development infrastructure;
    (f‑5) provide staff, administration, and related support required to manage the programs authorized under this Article and pay for the staffing, administration, and related support from the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund;
    (g) exercise such other powers as are necessary or incidental to the foregoing.
(Source: P.A. 93‑205 (Sections 890‑10, 890‑34, and 890‑43), eff. 1‑1‑04; 94‑91, eff. 7‑1‑05.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑4) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑4)
    Sec. 8‑4. Business Development Public Infrastructure Loans and Grants.
    (a) The Department is authorized to provide loans, on an interest‑free or below market rate basis, or grants to local governments in the State for the purpose of assisting in financing the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, replacement, repair, rehabilitation, alteration, expansion, extension or improvement of public infrastructure.
    (b) Grants and loans are authorized for purposes designated in this Section, but only when the applicant local government demonstrates to the Department that it is unable to finance the public infrastructure improvement solely from local public or private revenue sources or funds.
    (c) Public infrastructure financing under this Section shall be used only where it can be shown that a business development, retention or expansion project on account of which such financing is being sought will substantially increase employment or retain a substantial number of jobs. The Department shall not make a loan or grant unless the application includes convincing evidence that a specific private business development, retention or expansion project is ready to occur and will only occur if the loan or grant is made.
    (d) In addition to establishing the essential need for financing of infrastructure to support a business development, retention or expansion project, the applicant shall be required to clearly document the employment that will occur or be retained as a result of the project, the additional non‑state financial resources that will be used, and the overall financing need that exists within the locality.
    (e) The Department shall make the determination to provide public infrastructure financing to local governments on the basis of criteria established by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 88‑453.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑5) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑5)
    Sec. 8‑5. Application Procedures for Business Development Public Infrastructure Loans and Grants. Application for funds shall be made in the form and manner as the Department shall prescribe. Each application shall address, at a minimum, the following criteria:
    (a) The essential need, which must be clearly documented, for the public infrastructure financing in order to secure a business development, retention or expansion project within the community.
    (b) The applicant's financing capability and its ability to pay for, or secure the payment of, part or all of the proposed public infrastructure improvements, and the local government's tax effort, as shown by local tax rates relative to other local governments of the same type in the State.
    (c) Local financing mechanisms available to help pay for the costs of the public infrastructure project, including, but not limited to, local revenue bonds, special service area tax proceeds, local user charges, or applicable federal loans or grants.
    (d) Clear documentation that there will be a significant increase in employment or a significant number of jobs retained as a result of the business development, retention or expansion project, including assurances from the firm undertaking the project relating to the number and type of jobs to be created or retained.
    (e) The proposed public infrastructure improvements, which shall be described in detail and which shall include a showing of their relationship to existing public property and capital improvement plans, as well as the pending business development or expansion project.
    (f) Documentation that the public infrastructure financing will provide a reasonable return, either through repayment of funds loaned through the program or new or retained personnel or business income.
    (g) Details regarding the firm undertaking the business development, retention or expansion project, including the company's history, future market prospects, actual and pro forma income statements, employment projections, and related details. Documentary materials or data regarding the firm or its commercial or financial information shall be deemed confidential and shall not be deemed public records; provided, however, that information pertaining to the ownership of the firm shall not be exempt under this Section from public disclosure.
    (h) Certification that the project is a business development, retention or expansion project as defined herein.
    (i) Certification that the community has a multi‑year capital improvement program, updated annually, which includes listings of specific capital projects and specifies all sources of funds for each project, and which is based on economic analysis of the costs and benefits of each project and an analysis of the implications of each project for operating, maintenance and repair costs, and shows each year what past projects have been completed, which are pending, and which have been dropped from the capital plan.
(Source: P.A. 88‑453.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑6) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑6)
    Sec. 8‑6. Business Development Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Conditions. Business Development Public Infrastructure loans and grants awarded by the Department are subject to the following conditions:
    (a) Financial assistance through the loans or grants must be used for public infrastructure capital improvement projects.
    (b) On Business Development Public Infrastructure loans, the Department shall determine the interest rate, if any, which the loans shall bear. The Department shall set the terms and conditions for repayment of the loans. The repayment period of loans shall not exceed 20 years.
    (c) Repayments of principal and interest on loans made and any funds collected because of a default or failure to comply with the terms or conditions of a loan under this program shall be paid into the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund.
    (d) The Department may take whatever actions are necessary or appropriate to protect the State's interest in the event of default, foreclosure or noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the loans or grants provided under this Article, including the power to sell, dispose, lease or rent, upon terms and conditions deemed to be appropriate by the Department, real or personal property which the Department may receive as a result thereof.
(Source: P.A. 88‑453.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑7) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑7)
    Sec. 8‑7. Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund. (a) There is hereby created within the State Treasury the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund ("Fund"). The Department shall have the authority to make expenditures from the Fund, pursuant to appropriations in furtherance of the purposes of this Article. The State Treasurer shall be custodian of the Fund and may invest such funds in securities constituting direct obligations of the United States Government, or in obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaranteed by the United States Government, or in certificates of deposit of any State or national bank which are fully secured by obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States Government.
    (b) There shall be deposited in the Fund such amounts, including but not limited to:
    (i) All receipts, including principal and interest payments and royalties, from any loan agreement made from the Fund or pursuant to this Article entered into by the Department;
    (ii) All proceeds of assets of whatever nature received by the Department as a result of default or delinquency with respect to loan agreements made from the Fund or from direct appropriations by the General Assembly, including proceeds from the sale, disposal, lease or rental of real or personal property which the Department may receive as a result thereof;
    (iii) Any appropriations, grants or gifts made to the Fund;
    (iv) Any income received from interest on investments of moneys in the Fund.
(Source: P.A. 84‑109.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑8) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑8)
    Sec. 8‑8. Confidentiality. Any documentary materials or data made or received by any member, agent, or employee of the Department, to the extent that such material or data consist of trade secrets, or commercial or financial information regarding the operation of any business conducted by a beneficiary or recipient of any form of assistance which the Department is empowered to render under this Article, or regarding the competitive position of such business in a particular field of endeavor, shall be deemed to be confidential and shall not be deemed public records; provided that information relating to the ownership of such recipient or beneficiary shall not be exempt under this Section from public disclosure requirements.
(Source: P.A. 84‑109.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑9) (from Ch. 127, par. 2708‑9)
    Sec. 8‑9. Federal Programs. The Department is authorized to accept and expend federal monies pursuant to this Article except that the terms and conditions hereunder which are inconsistent with or prohibited by the federal authorization under which such monies are made available shall not apply with respect to the expenditures of such monies.
(Source: P.A. 84‑109.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑10)
    Sec. 8‑10. Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Loans and Grants.
    (a) The Department is authorized to provide loans or grants to or on behalf of local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, and local public health clinics for the purpose of making affordable the financing of local public infrastructure improvements under the following conditions:
        (1) Where the Department has determined that no
     other source of affordable financing of the public infrastructure improvement project is available, Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans may be provided as the sole financing source, except that no individual loan shall exceed $100,000.
        (2) Where the Department has determined that other
     sources of financing of the public infrastructure improvement project are available, Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans and grants may be provided to or on behalf of those projects for the purposes of facilitating access to, or reducing the financing costs of other sources through leveraging, credit enhancement, participations, and financing cost subsidies.
    (b) The Department is authorized to provide small project Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans. The Department shall determine the interest rate, if any, which the loans shall bear. The repayment period for small project loans shall not exceed 10 years. No small project loan shall exceed $100,000 in principal amount. The Department shall not exceed $5,000,000 in total small project loan balances outstanding at any time. The Department is authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with other State government public infrastructure financing entities for the purpose of reliance upon their application, credit review, security, and loan closing procedures for individual small project loans. Small project Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans may be provided under the following conditions:
        (1) As the sole financing source when the Department
     has determined that no other affordable financing source is available for projects that are necessary to local community health, safety, and economic development;
        (2) As partial project financing in satisfaction of
     other financing source match requirements, to finance feasibility study and other project development costs necessary to accessing other financing, and to otherwise service financing gaps necessary to project feasibility.
    (c) The Department is authorized to provide Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure interest subsidy grants to local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, and public health clinics having successfully applied for public infrastructure project loan financing from other State and federal financing programs and intermediaries. The Department shall only provide public infrastructure interest subsidy grants to or on behalf of projects where it has been determined that the interest subsidy is warranted to make the total project's financing affordable.
    (d) The Department is authorized to provide small project Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure grants to local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, and public health clinics of up to 25% of the project costs where the Department has determined that affordable financing is available for the balance of the project cost, but not for the amount to be subject to the small project Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure grant. No small project grant shall exceed $100,000. The Department shall not award more than $500,000 per fiscal year in small project grants.
    (e) The Department is authorized to provide Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Credit Enhancement loans and grants to State public infrastructure financing intermediaries on behalf of local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, and local public health clinics. Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Credit Enhancement loans and grants may be awarded to State public infrastructure financing intermediaries for the purpose of purchasing letters of credit and other forms of credit enhancements to allow the State public infrastructure financing intermediary to expand the pool of financing, or reduce the cost of financing available to local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, and local public health clinics to finance public infrastructure projects necessary to local health, safety, and economic development. The Department shall not award an amount of Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Credit Enhancement grants which combined with the total of outstanding Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Credit Enhancement loans exceeds $1,000,000 at any time.
    (f) The Department is authorized to provide Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Funding Reserve grants for the purpose of leveraging access to, and financing costs of, funding available through other State public infrastructure financing intermediaries. Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Funding Reserve grants may only be awarded to State public infrastructure financing intermediaries authorized to provide financing to local governments, local public entities, local medical facilities, or local public health clinics for the purposes of public infrastructure projects necessary to community health, safety, and economic development. The proceeds of Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Funding Reserve grants may only be used by State public infrastructure financing intermediaries to establish loss reserve funds intended to leverage access and financing costs of the public infrastructure financing available for community public infrastructure projects. Loss reserve funds shall be established pursuant to a trust indenture executed for that purpose by the grantee financing intermediary with a bank or trust company in the State of Illinois designated by the Treasurer having trust powers and possessing capital and surplus of not less than $25,000,000. The trust indenture shall limit the uses of the reserve fund to the payment of realized losses experienced in the State public infrastructure financing intermediary's community public infrastructure financing program as shall be specified in the grant award and for the fees and other costs of administering the loss reserve fund trust. Loss reserve fund trusts funded from Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Funding Reserve grants awarded by the Department shall not exceed 25% of the total public infrastructure financing made available by the State public infrastructure financing intermediary intended to be subject to the loss reserve fund. The Department shall not in total award Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Funding Reserve grants in excess of $1,000,000.
(Source: P.A. 88‑453; 89‑262, eff. 8‑10‑95.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑11)
    Sec. 8‑11. Application Procedures for Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Loans and Grants. Application for funds shall be made in the form and manner as the Department shall prescribe. Each application shall address, at a minimum, the following criteria:
    (a) The essential need, which must be clearly documented, for the public infrastructure financing in order to secure a health, safety or economic development project within the community.
    (b) The applicant's financing capability and its ability to pay for, or secure the payment of, part or all of the proposed public infrastructure improvements, and the local government's tax effort, as shown by local tax rates relative to other local governments of the same type in the State.
    (c) Local financing mechanisms available to help pay for the costs of the public infrastructure project, including, but not limited to, local revenue bonds, special service area tax proceeds, local user charges, or applicable federal loans or grants.
    (d) The proposed public infrastructure improvements, which shall be described in detail and which shall include a showing of their relationship to existing public property and capital improvement plans, as well as the pending health, safety or economic development project.
    (e) Certification that the project is a health, safety or economic development project as defined in this Article.
    (f) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 88‑453; 89‑262, eff. 8‑10‑95.)

    (30 ILCS 750/8‑12)
    Sec. 8‑12. Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure Loan and Grant Conditions. Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans and grants awarded by the Department are subject to the following conditions:
    (a) Financial assistance through the loans or grants must be used for the purposes specified in Section 8‑10.
    (b) On Affordable Financing of Public Infrastructure loans, the Department shall determine the interest rate, if any, that the loans shall bear. The Department shall set the terms and conditions for repayment of the loans. The repayment period of loans shall not exceed 20 years.
    (c) Repayments of principal and interest on loans made and any funds collected because of a default or failure to comply with the terms or conditions of a loan under this program shall be paid into the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund.
    (d) The Department may take whatever actions are necessary or appropriate to protect the State's interest in the event of default, foreclosure or noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the loans or grants provided under this Article, including the power to sell, dispose, lease or rent, upon terms and conditions deemed to be appropriate by the Department, real or personal property that the Department may receive as a result thereof.
(Source: P.A. 88‑453.)

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