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30 ILCS 805/ State Mandates Act.

    (30 ILCS 805/1) (from Ch. 85, par. 2201)
    Sec. 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the State Mandates Act.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1475.)

    (30 ILCS 805/2) (from Ch. 85, par. 2202)
    Sec. 2. Findings and Purpose. (a) The General Assembly finds that preceding actions of the State government in specifying the manner, standards, and conditions under which public services are rendered to citizens by the political subdivisions of this State on occasion have not resulted in equitable relationships between the State government and its local political subdivisions. Some of these actions have dealt in detail with the internal management of local governments, others have specified the establishment of new services and facilities without providing any new revenue sources or any financial participation by the State in meeting the additional costs; still others have specified the adoption of higher service standards without a full assessment of the impact upon local expenditures and tax rates.
    (b) It is the purpose of this Act:
    (1) to provide for the collection and periodic publication of information on existing and future State and federal mandates;
    (2) to enunciate policies, criteria and procedures to govern any future State‑initiated specification of local government services, standards and employment conditions that has the effect of necessitating increased local government expenditures in such a way as to accommodate the constitutional obligations of the State government in addressing problems of State‑wide concern, while avoiding the imposition of State standards upon essentially local responsibilities without appropriate reimbursement or other appropriate fiscal participation on the part of the State government; and
    (3) to provide for a review of existing mandates and an identification of the nature and magnitude of corrective action needed to produce a consistent and equitable framework of State‑local relations regarding mandated services, standards, and expenditures.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1114; 81‑1115.)

    (30 ILCS 805/3) (from Ch. 85, par. 2203)
    Sec. 3. Definition. As used in this Act: (a) "Local government" means a municipality, county, township, other unit of local government, school district, or community college district.
    (b) "State mandate" means any State‑initiated statutory or executive action that requires a local government to establish, expand or modify its activities in such a way as to necessitate additional expenditures from local revenues, excluding any order issued by a court other than any order enforcing such statutory or executive action. State mandates may be reimbursable or nonreimbursable as provided in this Act. However, where the General Assembly enacts legislation to comply with a federal mandate, the State shall be exempt from the requirement of reimbursing for the cost of the mandated program.
    (c) "Local government organization and structure mandate" means a State mandate concerning such matters as (1) the form of local government and the adoption and revision of statutes on the organization of local government; (2) the establishment of multi‑county districts, councils of governments, or other forms and structures for interlocal cooperation and coordination; (3) the holding of local elections; (4) the designation of public officers, and their duties, powers and responsibilities; and (5) the prescription of administrative practices and procedures for local governing bodies.
    (d) "Due process mandate" means a State mandate concerning such matters as the (1) administration of justice; (2) notification and conduct of public hearings; (3) procedures for administrative and judicial review of actions taken by local governing bodies and (4) protection of the public from malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance by local government officials.
    (e) "Benefit spillover" means the process of accrual of social or other benefits from a governmental service to jurisdictions adjacent to or beyond the jurisdiction providing the service.
    (f) "Service mandate" means a State mandate as to creation or expansion of governmental services or delivery standards therefor and those applicable to services having substantial benefit spillover and consequently being wider than local concern. For purposes of this Act, applicable services include but are not limited to (1) elementary and secondary education, (2) community colleges, (3) public health, (4) hospitals, (5) public assistance, (6) air pollution control, (7) water pollution control, (8) solid waste treatment and disposal. A State mandate that expands the duties of a public official by requiring the provision of additional services is a "service mandate" rather than a "local government organization and structure mandate".
    (g) "Tax exemption mandate" means a State mandate that exempts privately owned property or other specified items from the local tax base, such as (1) exemption of business inventories from the local property tax base, and (2) exemption of food or medicine from the local "sales" tax.
    (h) "Personnel mandate" means a State mandate concerning or affecting local government (1) salaries and wages; (2) employee qualifications and training (except when any civil service commission, professional licensing board, or personnel board or agency established by State law sets and administers standards relative to merit‑based recruitment or candidates for employment or conducts and grades examinations and rates candidates in order of their relative excellence for purposes of making appointments or promotions to positions in the competitive division of the classified service of the public employer served by such commission, board, or agency); (3) hours, location of employment, and other working conditions; and (4) fringe benefits including insurance, health, medical care, retirement and other benefits.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1562.)

    (30 ILCS 805/4) (from Ch. 85, par. 2204)
    Sec. 4. Collection and maintenance of information concerning state mandates.
    (a) The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, hereafter referred to as the Department, shall be responsible for:
        (1) Collecting and maintaining information on State
     mandates, including information required for effective implementation of the provisions of this Act.
        (2) Reviewing local government applications for
     reimbursement submitted under this Act in cases in which the General Assembly has appropriated funds to reimburse local governments for costs associated with the implementation of a State mandate. In cases in which there is no appropriation for reimbursement, upon a request for determination of a mandate by a unit of local government, or more than one unit of local government filing a single request, other than a school district or a community college district, the Department shall determine whether a Public Act constitutes a mandate and, if so, the Statewide cost of implementation.
        (3) Hearing complaints or suggestions from local
     governments and other affected organizations as to existing or proposed State mandates.
        (4) Reporting each year to the Governor and the
     General Assembly regarding the administration of provisions of this Act and changes proposed to this Act.
    The Legislative Research Unit shall conduct public hearings as needed to review the information collected and the recommendations made by the Department under this subsection (a). The Department shall cooperate fully with the Legislative Research Unit, providing any information, supporting documentation and other assistance required by the Legislative Research Unit to facilitate the conduct of the hearing.
    (b) Within 2 years following the effective date of this Act, the Department shall collect and tabulate relevant information as to the nature and scope of each existing State mandate, including but not necessarily limited to (i) identity of type of local government and local government agency or official to whom the mandate is directed; (ii) whether or not an identifiable local direct cost is necessitated by the mandate and the estimated annual amount; (iii) extent of State financial participation, if any, in meeting identifiable costs; (iv) State agency, if any, charged with supervising the implementation of the mandate; and (v) a brief description of the mandate and a citation of its origin in statute or regulation.
    (c) The resulting information from subsection (b) shall be published in a catalog available to members of the General Assembly, State and local officials, and interested citizens. As new mandates are enacted they shall be added to the catalog, and each January 31 the Department shall list each new mandate enacted at the preceding session of the General Assembly, and the estimated additional identifiable direct costs, if any imposed upon local governments. A revised version of the catalog shall be published every 2 years beginning with the publication date of the first catalog.
    (d) Failure of the General Assembly to appropriate adequate funds for reimbursement as required by this Act shall not relieve the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity from its obligations under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 93‑632, eff. 2‑1‑04.)

    (30 ILCS 805/5) (from Ch. 85, par. 2205)
    Sec. 5. Specification of State Policy Objective. (a) After the effective date of this Act, any executive order or administrative rule that creates or enlarges a mandate as defined in subsection (b) of Section 3 of this Act shall have prepared for it a Statement of Statewide policy objectives that require or justify the imposition of the proposed requirements upon local government and the extent to which such policy objectives cannot be achieved in the absence of such proposed requirements. The Statement of Statewide policy objectives for an executive order shall be filed with the executive order with the Secretary of State. The Statement of Statewide policy objectives for an administrative rule shall be published with the rule in the Illinois Register as provided in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
    As used in this Section, "rule" has the meaning provided for it in Section 1‑70 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
    (b) If the Statement of Statewide policy objectives is incorporated in the order or rule instead of being set out separately it need not be published otherwise.
(Source: P.A. 88‑45.)

    (30 ILCS 805/6) (from Ch. 85, par. 2206)
    Sec. 6. State Reimbursement to Local Government For Increased Costs Arising From Certain Mandates. (a) Any increased costs accruing to local governments as a direct result of mandates dealing with the organization and structure of local government or due process mandates, as defined in subsections (c) and (d), respectively, of Section 3 above, are not reimbursable by the State.
    (b) At least 50%, but not more than 100% of the increase in costs of a local government directly attributable to a service mandate as defined in subsection (f) of Section 3 enacted by the General Assembly or established administratively after the effective date of this Act shall be reimbursed by the State unless there is in existence at the time of such enactment a program of State aid for the service affected by the mandate whereunder the non‑local share for any participating local government is 50% or greater and where the increased costs arising under the mandate constitute allowable expenditures under the aid program. Where all or part of the increased costs are met through federal or other external aid, only the net increase to the local government shall be included in the base against which the amount of State reimbursement is to be computed.
    (c) 100% of the loss in revenue of a local government directly attributable to a mandated classification or exemption of property for purposes of ad valorem real property taxation enacted after the effective date of this Act shall be reimbursed by the State. The loss of revenue does not include potential revenue from property of a type which was not being assessed and taxed on January 1, 1980.
    (d) Except for a State mandate that affects personnel qualifications for local employees, the salaries and wages of which are financed under a State program, and except as provided in subsection (e) below, any personnel mandate as defined in subsection (h) of Section 3 above enacted by the General Assembly or established administratively after the effective date of this Act shall be reimbursed by the State to the extent of increased costs incurred by local governments directly attributable to such mandate.
    (e) All of the increased costs of a local government directly attributable to a mandated increase in public employee retirement benefits which is enacted after the effective date of this Act and which has the effect of elevating retirement benefits of local government employees shall be reimbursed by the State; except that any increased costs of a local government attributable to Public Act 83‑152, 83‑374, 83‑375, 83‑528, 83‑558, 83‑661, 83‑664, 83‑737, 83‑772, 83‑773, 83‑780, 83‑792, 83‑793, 83‑802, 83‑810, 83‑812, 83‑823, 83‑827 or 83‑869 are not reimbursable by the State.
    (f) After the effective date of this Act, any bill filed and any amended bill that creates or enlarges a State mandate of the type specified in subsections (f), (g) and (h) of Section 3, shall have provided and identified for it an appropriation of an amount necessary to provide the reimbursement specified above unless a statement, stating the specific reasons for such exclusion is set out in the bill or amendment as provided in subsection (a) of Section 8.
    (g) If a local government or combination of local governments has been providing a service at its option which is subsequently mandated by the State, the State shall pay them for the subsequent costs of such program and the local government or governments shall proportionately reduce its or their property tax extensions by the amount that the State payment replaces property tax revenues which were being expended on such service. However, for purposes of calculating a school district's State aid, no district's operating tax rate shall be decreased as a result of reimbursement under this Act.
    (h) Any increased costs accruing to a local government as a direct result of the requirements of the Steel Products Procurement Act are not reimbursable by the State.
(Source: P.A. 83‑1362.)

    (30 ILCS 805/7) (from Ch. 85, par. 2207)
    Sec. 7. Review of Existing Mandates. (a) Concurrently with, or within 3 months subsequent to the publication of a catalog of State mandates as prescribed in subsection (b) of Section 4 the Department shall submit to the Governor and the General Assembly a review and report on mandates enacted prior to the effective date of this Act and remaining in effect at the time of submittal of the report.
    (b) The report shall include for each mandate the following: (1) The factual information specified in subsection (b) of Section 4 for the catalog; (2) extent to which the enactment of the mandate was requested, supported, encouraged or opposed by local governments or their respective organization; (3) whether the mandate continues to meet a Statewide policy objective or has achieved the initial policy intent in whole or in part; (4) amendments if any are required to make the mandate more effective; (5) whether the mandate should be retained or rescinded; (6) whether State financial participation in helping meet the identifiable increased local costs arising from the mandate should be initiated, and if so, recommended ratios and phasing‑in schedules; and (7) any other information or recommendations which the Department considers pertinent.
    (c) The appropriate committee of each house of the General Assembly shall review the report and shall initiate such legislation or other action as it deems necessary.
    The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by filing copies of the report with the Speaker, the Minority Leader and the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the President, the Minority Leader, the Secretary of the Senate, the members of the committees required to review the report under subsection (c) and the Legislative Research Unit, as required by Section 3.1 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to the General Assembly", approved February 25, 1874, as amended, and filing such additional copies with the State Government Report Distribution Center for the General Assembly as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 84‑1438.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8)(from Ch. 85, par. 2208)
    Sec. 8. Exclusions, reimbursement application, review, appeals, and adjudication.
    (a) Exclusions: Any of the following circumstances inherent to, or associated with, a mandate shall exclude the State from reimbursement liability under this Act. If the mandate (1) accommodates a request from local governments or organizations thereof; (2) imposes additional duties of a nature which can be carried out by existing staff and procedures at no appreciable net cost increase; (3) creates additional costs but also provides offsetting savings resulting in no aggregate increase in net costs; (4) imposes a cost that is wholly or largely recovered from Federal, State or other external financial aid; (5) imposes additional annual net costs of less than $1,000 for each of the several local governments affected or less than $50,000, in the aggregate, for all local governments affected.
    The failure of the General Assembly to make necessary appropriations shall relieve the local government of the obligation to implement any service mandates, tax exemption mandates, and personnel mandates, as specified in Section 6, subsections (b), (c), (d) and (e), unless the exclusion provided for in this Section are explicitly stated in the Act establishing the mandate. In the event that funding is not provided for a State‑mandated program by the General Assembly, the local government may implement or continue the program upon approval of its governing body. If the local government approves the program and funding is subsequently provided, the State shall reimburse the local governments only for costs incurred subsequent to the funding.
    (b) Reimbursement Estimation and Appropriation Procedure.
        (1) When a bill is introduced in the General
     Assembly, the Legislative Reference Bureau, hereafter referred to as the Bureau, shall determine whether such bill may require reimbursement to local governments pursuant to this Act. The Bureau shall make such determination known in the Legislative Synopsis and Digest.
        In making the determination required by this
     subsection (b) the Bureau shall disregard any provision in a bill which would make inoperative the reimbursement requirements of Section 6 above, including an express exclusion of the applicability of this Act, and shall make the determination irrespective of any such provision.
        (2) Any bill or amended bill which creates or
     expands a State mandate shall be subject to the provisions of "An Act requiring fiscal notes in relation to certain bills", approved June 4, 1965, as amended. The fiscal notes for such bills or amended bills shall include estimates of the costs to local government and the costs of any reimbursement required under this Act. In the case of bills having a potential fiscal impact on units of local government, the fiscal note shall be prepared by the Department. In the case of bills having a potential fiscal impact on school districts, the fiscal note shall be prepared by the State Superintendent of Education. In the case of bills having a potential fiscal impact on community college districts, the fiscal note shall be prepared by the Illinois Community College Board. Such fiscal note shall accompany the bill that requires State reimbursement and shall be prepared prior to any final action on such a bill by the assigned committee. However, if a fiscal note is not filed by the appropriate agency within 30 days of introduction of a bill, the bill can be heard in committee and advanced to the order of second reading. The bill shall then remain on second reading until a fiscal note is filed. A bill discharged from committee shall also remain on second reading until a fiscal note is provided by the appropriate agency.
        (3) The estimate required by paragraph (2) above,
     shall include the amount estimated to be required during the first fiscal year of a bill's operation in order to reimburse local governments pursuant to Section 6, for costs mandated by such bill. In the event that the effective date of such a bill is not the first day of the fiscal year the estimate shall also include the amount estimated to be required for reimbursement for the next following full fiscal year.
        (4) For the initial fiscal year, reimbursement funds
     shall be provided as follows: (i) any statute mandating such costs shall have a companion appropriation bill, and (ii) any executive order mandating such costs shall be accompanied by a bill to appropriate the funds therefor, or, alternatively an appropriation for such funds shall be included in the executive budget for the next following fiscal year.
        In subsequent fiscal years appropriations for such
     costs shall be included in the Governor's budget or supplemental appropriation bills.
    (c) Reimbursement Application and Disbursement Procedure.
        (1) For the initial fiscal year during which
     reimbursement is authorized, each local government, or more than one local government wishing to join in filing a single claim, believing itself to be entitled to reimbursement under this Act shall submit to the Department, State Superintendent of Education or Illinois Community College Board within 60 days of the effective date of the mandate a claim for reimbursement accompanied by its estimate of the increased costs required by the mandate for the balance of the fiscal year. The Department, State Superintendent of Education or Illinois Community College Board shall review such claim and estimate, shall apportion the claim into 3 equal installments and shall direct the Comptroller to pay the installments at equal intervals throughout the remainder of the fiscal year from the funds appropriated for such purposes, provided that the Department, State Superintendent of Education or Illinois Community College Board may (i) audit the records of any local government to verify the actual amount of the mandated cost, and (ii) reduce any claim determined to be excessive or unreasonable.
        (2) For the subsequent fiscal years, local
     governments shall submit claims as specified above on or before October 1 of each year. The Department, State Superintendent of Education or Illinois Community College Board shall apportion the claims into 3 equal installments and shall direct the Comptroller to pay the first installment upon approval of the claims, with subsequent installments to follow on January 1 and March 1, such claims to be paid from funds appropriated therefor, provided that the Department, State Superintendent of Education or Illinois Community College Board (i) may audit the records of any local governments to verify the actual amount of the mandated cost, (ii) may reduce any claim, determined to be excessive or unreasonable, and (iii) shall adjust the payment to correct for any underpayments or overpayments which occurred in the previous fiscal year.
        (3) Any funds received by a local government
     pursuant to this Act may be used for any public purpose.
        If the funds appropriated for reimbursement of the
     costs of local government resulting from the creation or expansion of a State mandate are less than the total of the approved claims, the amount appropriated shall be prorated among the local governments having approved claims.
    (d) Appeals and Adjudication.
        (1) Local governments may appeal determinations made
     by State agencies acting pursuant to subsection (c) above. The appeal must be submitted to the State Mandates Board of Review created by Section 9.1 of this Act within 60 days following the date of receipt of the determination being appealed. The appeal must include evidence as to the extent to which the mandate has been carried out in an effective manner and executed without recourse to standards of staffing or expenditure higher than specified in the mandatory statute, if such standards are specified in the statute. The State Mandates Board of Review, after reviewing the evidence submitted to it, may increase or reduce the amount of a reimbursement claim. The decision of the State Mandates Board of Review shall be final subject to judicial review. However, if sufficient funds have not been appropriated, the Department shall notify the General Assembly of such cost, and appropriations for such costs shall be included in a supplemental appropriation bill.
        (2) A local government may also appeal directly to
     the State Mandates Board of Review in those situations in which the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity does not act upon the local government's application for reimbursement or request for mandate determination submitted under this Act. The appeal must include evidence that the application for reimbursement or request for mandate determination was properly filed and should have been reviewed by the Department.
        An appeal may be made to the Board if the Department
     does not respond to a local government's application for reimbursement or request for mandate determination within 120 days after filing the application or request. In no case, however, may an appeal be brought more than one year after the application or request is filed with the Department.
(Source: P.A. 94‑793, eff. 5‑19‑06.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.1) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.1)
    Sec. 8.1. The following mandate is exempt from this Act: The homestead exemption set forth in Section 15‑175 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 87‑748; 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.2) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.2)
    Sec. 8.2. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the implementation of any mandate created by the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption under Section 15‑170 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 93‑511, eff. 8‑11‑03.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.3) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.3)
    Sec. 8.3. The following mandate is exempt from this Act: The homestead improvement exemption set forth in Section 19.23‑3 of the Revenue Act of 1939 or its successor provisions in Section 15‑180 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.4) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.4)
    Sec. 8.4. The following mandate is exempt from this Act: The exemption from occupation and use taxes of personal property purchased from a teacher‑sponsored student organization affiliated with an elementary or secondary school located in Illinois, as provided in "An Act in relation to occupation and use taxes imposed on personal property sold by student organizations in elementary and secondary schools", approved September 14, 1983 (P.A. 83‑327).
(Source: P.A. 83‑1362.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.5) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.5)
    Sec. 8.5. The following mandate is exempt from this Act: The property tax exemption for not‑for‑profit Health Maintenance Organizations set forth in Section 15‑65 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.6) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.6)
    Sec. 8.6. The following mandate is exempt from this Act: The limitation set forth in Section 20g‑4 of the "Revenue Act of 1939", as now or hereafter amended, with respect to the assessed valuation of certain platted and subdivided lands in counties containing less than 2,000,000 inhabitants (now Section 10‑30 of the Property Tax Code).
(Source: P.A. 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.7) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.7)
    Sec. 8.7. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State shall be required for the implementation of any mandate created by Public Act 83‑1365.
(Source: P.A. 83‑1528.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.8) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.8)
    Sec. 8.8. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State shall be required for the implementation of any mandate created by Public Act 83‑1377.
(Source: P.A. 83‑1528.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.9) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.9)
    Sec. 8.9. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State shall be required for the implementation of any mandate created by Public Acts 84‑11, 84‑159, 84‑1010, 84‑1028 and 84‑1104.
(Source: P.A. 84‑1308.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.10) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.10)
    Sec. 8.10. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State shall be required for the implementation of any mandate created by Public Act 84‑1472.
(Source: P.A. 85‑293.)

    (30 ILCS 805/8.11) (from Ch. 85, par. 2208.11)
    Sec. 8.11. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State shall be required for the implementation of any mandate created by Public Act 85‑903, 85‑941, 85‑964 or 85‑1008.
(Source: P.A. 85‑1209.)

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