(305 ILCS 5/10‑2) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑2) Sec. 10‑2. Extent of Liability. A husband is liable for the support of his wife and a wife for the support of her husband. Unless the child is otherwise emancipated, the parents are severally liable for the support of any child under age 18, and for any child aged 18 who is attending high school, until that child graduates from high school, or attains the age of 19, whichever is earlier. The term "child" includes a child born out of wedlock, or legally adopted child. In addition to the primary obligation of support imposed upon responsible relatives, such relatives, if individually or together in any combination they have sufficient income or other resources to support a needy person, in whole or in part, shall be liable for any financial aid extended under this Code to a person for whose support they are responsible, including amounts expended for funeral and burial costs. (Source: P.A. 92‑876, eff. 6‑1‑03.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑3) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑3) Sec. 10‑3. Standard and Regulations for Determining Ability to Support. The Illinois Department shall establish a standard by which shall be measured the ability of responsible relatives to provide support, and shall implement the standard by rules governing its application. The standard and the rules shall take into account the buying and consumption patterns of self‑supporting persons of modest income, present or future contingencies having direct bearing on maintenance of the relative's self‑support status and fulfillment of his obligations to his immediate family, and any unusual or exceptional circumstances including estrangement or other personal or social factors, that have a bearing on family relationships and the relative's ability to meet his support obligations. The standard shall be recomputed periodically to reflect changes in the cost of living and other pertinent factors. In addition to the standard, the Illinois Department may establish guidelines to be used exclusively to measure the ability of responsible relatives to provide support on behalf of applicants for or recipients of financial aid under Article IV of this Act and other persons who are given access to the child support enforcement services of this Article as provided in Section 10‑1. In such case, the Illinois Department shall base the guidelines upon the applicable provisions of Sections 504, 505 and 505.2 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, as amended, and shall implement such guidelines by rules governing their application. The term "administrative enforcement unit", when used in this Article, means local governmental units or the Child and Spouse Support Unit established under Section 10‑3.1 when exercising the powers designated in this Article. The administrative enforcement unit shall apply the standard or guidelines, rules and procedures provided for by this Section and Sections 10‑4 through 10‑8 in determining the ability of responsible relatives to provide support for applicants for or recipients of financial aid under this Code, except that the administrative enforcement unit may apply such standard or guidelines, rules and procedures at its discretion with respect to those applicants for or recipients of financial aid under Article IV and other persons who are given access to the child support enforcement services of this Article as provided by Section 10‑1. (Source: P.A. 92‑590, eff. 7‑1‑02; 92‑651, eff. 7‑11‑02.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑3.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑3.1) Sec. 10‑3.1. Child and Spouse Support Unit. The Illinois Department shall establish within its administrative staff a Child and Spouse Support Unit to search for and locate absent parents and spouses liable for the support of persons resident in this State and to exercise the support enforcement powers and responsibilities assigned the Department by this Article. The unit shall cooperate with all law enforcement officials in this State and with the authorities of other States in locating persons responsible for the support of persons resident in other States and shall invite the cooperation of these authorities in the performance of its duties. In addition to other duties assigned the Child and Spouse Support Unit by this Article, the Unit may refer to the Attorney General or units of local government with the approval of the Attorney General, any actions under Sections 10‑10 and 10‑15 for judicial enforcement of the support liability. The Child and Spouse Support Unit shall act for the Department in referring to the Attorney General support matters requiring judicial enforcement under other laws. If requested by the Attorney General to so act, as provided in Section 12‑16, attorneys of the Unit may assist the Attorney General or themselves institute actions in behalf of the Illinois Department under the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act; under the Illinois Parentage Act of 1984; under the Non‑Support of Spouse and Children Act; under the Non‑Support Punishment Act; or under any other law, State or Federal, providing for support of a spouse or dependent child. The Illinois Department shall also have the authority to enter into agreements with local governmental units or individuals, with the approval of the Attorney General, for the collection of moneys owing because of the failure of a parent to make child support payments for any child receiving services under this Article. Such agreements may be on a contingent fee basis, but such contingent fee shall not exceed 25% of the total amount collected. An attorney who provides representation pursuant to this Section shall represent the Illinois Department exclusively. Regardless of the designation of the plaintiff in an action brought pursuant to this Section, an attorney‑client relationship does not exist for purposes of that action between that attorney and (i) an applicant for or recipient of child support enforcement services or (ii) any other party to the action other than the Illinois Department. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to modify any power or duty (including a duty to maintain confidentiality) of the Child and Spouse Support Unit or the Illinois Department otherwise provided by law. The Illinois Department may also enter into agreements with local governmental units for the Child and Spouse Support Unit to exercise the investigative and enforcement powers designated in this Article, including the issuance of administrative orders under Section 10‑11, in locating responsible relatives and obtaining support for persons applying for or receiving aid under Article VI. Payments for defrayment of administrative costs and support payments obtained shall be deposited into the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund. Support payments shall be paid over to the General Assistance Fund of the local governmental unit at such time or times as the agreement may specify. With respect to those cases in which it has support enforcement powers and responsibilities under this Article, the Illinois Department may provide by rule for periodic or other review of each administrative and court order for support to determine whether a modification of the order should be sought. The Illinois Department shall provide for and conduct such review in accordance with any applicable federal law and regulation. As part of its process for review of orders for support, the Illinois Department, through written notice, may require the responsible relative to disclose his or her Social Security Number and past and present information concerning the relative's address, employment, gross wages, deductions from gross wages, net wages, bonuses, commissions, number of dependent exemptions claimed, individual and dependent health insurance coverage, and any other information necessary to determine the relative's ability to provide support in a case receiving child support enforcement services under this Article X. The Illinois Department may send a written request for the same information to the relative's employer. The employer shall respond to the request for information within 15 days after the date the employer receives the request. If the employer willfully fails to fully respond within the 15‑day period, the employer shall pay a penalty of $100 for each day that the response is not provided to the Illinois Department after the 15‑day period has expired. The penalty may be collected in a civil action which may be brought against the employer in favor of the Illinois Department. A written request for information sent to an employer pursuant to this Section shall consist of (i) a citation of this Section as the statutory authority for the request and for the employer's obligation to provide the requested information, (ii) a returnable form setting forth the employer's name and address and listing the name of the employee with respect to whom information is requested, and (iii) a citation of this Section as the statutory authority authorizing the employer to withhold a fee of up to $20 from the wages or income to be paid to each responsible relative for providing the information to the Illinois Department within the 15‑day period. If the employer is withholding support payments from the responsible relative's income pursuant to an order for withholding, the employer may withhold the fee provided for in this Section only after withholding support as required under the order. Any amounts withheld from the responsible relative's income for payment of support and the fee provided for in this Section shall not be in excess of the amounts permitted under the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act. In a case receiving child support enforcement services, the Illinois Department may request and obtain information from a particular employer under this Section no more than once in any 12‑month period, unless the information is necessary to conduct a review of a court or administrative order for support at the request of the person receiving child support enforcement services. The Illinois Department shall establish and maintain an administrative unit to receive and transmit to the Child and Spouse Support Unit information supplied by persons applying for or receiving child support enforcement services under Section 10‑1. In addition, the Illinois Department shall address and respond to any alleged deficiencies that persons receiving or applying for services from the Child and Spouse Support Unit may identify concerning the Child and Spouse Support Unit's provision of child support enforcement services. Within 60 days after an action or failure to act by the Child and Spouse Support Unit that affects his or her case, a recipient of or applicant for child support enforcement services under Article X of this Code may request an explanation of the Unit's handling of the case. At the requestor's option, the explanation may be provided either orally in an interview, in writing, or both. If the Illinois Department fails to respond to the request for an explanation or fails to respond in a manner satisfactory to the applicant or recipient within 30 days from the date of the request for an explanation, the applicant or recipient may request a conference for further review of the matter by the Office of the Administrator of the Child and Spouse Support Unit. A request for a conference may be submitted at any time within 60 days after the explanation has been provided by the Child and Spouse Support Unit or within 60 days after the time for providing the explanation has expired. The applicant or recipient may request a conference concerning any decision denying or terminating child support enforcement services under Article X of this Code, and the applicant or recipient may also request a conference concerning the Unit's failure to provide services or the provision of services in an amount or manner that is considered inadequate. For purposes of this Section, the Child and Spouse Support Unit includes all local governmental units or individuals with whom the Illinois Department has contracted under Section 10‑3.1. Upon receipt of a timely request for a conference, the Office of the Administrator shall review the case. The applicant or recipient requesting the conference shall be entitled, at his or her option, to appear in person or to participate in the conference by telephone. The applicant or recipient requesting the conference shall be entitled to be represented and to be afforded a reasonable opportunity to review the Illinois Department's file before or at the conference. At the conference, the applicant or recipient requesting the conference shall be afforded an opportunity to present all relevant matters in support of his or her claim. Conferences shall be without cost to the applicant or recipient requesting the conference and shall be conducted by a representative of the Child or Spouse Support Unit who did not participate in the action or inaction being reviewed. The Office of the Administrator shall conduct a conference and inform all interested parties, in writing, of the results of the conference within 60 days from the date of filing of the request for a conference. In addition to its other powers and responsibilities established by this Article, the Child and Spouse Support Unit shall conduct an annual assessment of each institution's program for institution based paternity establishment under Section 12 of the Vital Records Act. (Source: P.A. 91‑24, eff. 7‑1‑99; 91‑613, eff. 10‑1‑99; 92‑16, eff. 6‑28‑01; 92‑590, eff. 7‑1‑02.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑3.2) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑3.2) Sec. 10‑3.2. Parent Locator Service. The Illinois Department through its Child and Spouse Support Unit shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Health and Human Services or his designee under which the services of the federal Parent Locator Service established by the Social Security Act are made available to this State and the Illinois Department for the purpose of locating an absent parent or child when the child has been abducted or otherwise improperly removed or retained from the physical custody of a parent or other person entitled to custody of the child, or in connection with the making or enforcing of a child custody determination in custody proceedings instituted under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act or the Uniform Child‑Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, or otherwise in accordance with law. The Illinois Department shall provide general information to the public about the availability and use of the Parent Locator Service in relation to child abduction and custody determination proceedings, shall promptly respond to inquiries made by those parties specified by federal regulations upon receipt of information as to the location of an absent parent or child from the federal Parent Locator Service and shall maintain accurate records as to the number of such inquiries received and processed by the Department. (Source: P.A. 93‑108, eff. 1‑1‑04.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑3.3) Sec. 10‑3.3. Locating support obligor and others; penalties. (a) Upon request by the Child and Spouse Support Unit, employers, labor unions, and telephone companies shall provide location information concerning putative fathers and noncustodial parents for the purpose of establishing a child's paternity or establishing, enforcing, or modifying a child support obligation. In this Section, "location information" means information about (i) the physical whereabouts of a putative father or noncustodial parent, (ii) the putative father or noncustodial parent's employer, or (iii) the salary, wages, and other compensation paid and the health insurance coverage provided to the putative father or noncustodial parent by the employer of the putative father or noncustodial parent or by a labor union of which the putative father or noncustodial parent is a member. An employer, labor union, or telephone company shall respond to the request of the Child and Spouse Support Unit within 15 days after receiving the request. Any employer, labor union, or telephone company that willfully fails to fully respond within the 15‑day period shall be subject to a penalty of $100 for each day that the response is not provided to the Illinois Department after the 15‑day period has expired. The penalty may be collected in a civil action, which may be brought against the employer, labor union, or telephone company in favor of the Illinois Department. (b) Upon being served with an administrative subpoena as authorized under this Code, a utility company or cable television company must provide location information to the Child and Spouse Support Unit for the purpose of establishing a child's paternity or establishing, enforcing, or modifying a child support obligation. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other State or local law to the contrary, an employer, labor union, telephone company, utility company, or cable television company shall not be liable to any person for disclosure of location information under the requirements of this Section, except for willful and wanton misconduct. (Source: P.A. 93‑116, eff. 7‑10‑03.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑3.4) Sec. 10‑3.4. Obtaining location information. (a) The Illinois Department shall enter into agreements with the Department of State Police and the Secretary of State to obtain location information on persons for the purpose of establishing paternity, and establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support obligations. (b) Upon request, the Illinois Department shall provide information obtained pursuant to this Section to federal agencies and other states' agencies conducting child support enforcement activities under Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act. (Source: P.A. 90‑18, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑5) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑5) Sec. 10‑5. Declarations by Responsible Relatives‑Penalty. Information requested of responsible relatives shall be submitted on forms or questionnaires prescribed by the Illinois Department or local governmental units, as the case may be, and shall contain a written declaration to be signed by the relative in substantially the following form: "I declare under penalties of perjury that I have examined this form (or questionnaire) and all accompanying statements or documents pertaining to my income, resources, or any other matter having bearing upon my status and ability to provide support, and to the best of my knowledge and belief the information supplied is true, correct, and complete". A person who makes and subscribes a form or questionnaire which contains, as hereinabove provided, a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, knowing it to be false, incorrect or incomplete, in respect to any material statement or representation bearing upon his status as a responsible relative, or upon his income, resources, or other matter concerning his ability to provide support, shall be subject to the penalties for perjury provided for in Section 32‑2 of the "Criminal Code of 1961", approved July 28, 1961, as amended. (Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑6) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑6) Sec. 10‑6. Investigation and Determination. The administrative enforcement unit shall review the forms or questionnaires returned by each responsible relative and supplement the information provided therein, where required, by such additional consultations with the responsible relative and such other investigations as may be necessary, including genetic testing if paternity is an issue and, applying the standard or guidelines and regulations established by the Illinois Department, shall determine whether and the extent to which, the responsible relative individually or together in any combination, are reasonably able to provide support. If the child was born out of wedlock and the case is subject to the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity or the administrative determination of paternity under rules established under Section 10‑17.7, the Child and Spouse Support Unit of the Illinois Department shall determine the child support obligation under subsection (b) of Section 10‑7 upon establishing the child's paternity. If the child's paternity was established by judicial or administrative process in any other state, the Illinois Department may use administrative processes contained in this Article X to establish a child support order. In aid of its investigative authority, the Child and Spouse Support Unit of the Illinois Department may use the subpoena power as set forth in this Article. The Illinois Department, by rule, may authorize the administrative enforcement units to conduct periodic or other reinvestigations and redeterminations of the financial ability of responsible relatives. Any redeterminations shall have the effect of altering, amending, or modifying previous determinations and administrative orders entered pursuant to Sections 10‑7 and 10‑11. However, any redetermination which establishes liability for support or reimbursement, or which modifies the support or reimbursement liability specified in a prior order, shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10‑12 and the administrative and judicial review procedures herein provided for original orders. (Source: P.A. 89‑641, eff. 8‑9‑96; 90‑18, eff. 7‑1‑97.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑7) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑7) Sec. 10‑7. Notice of support due. (a) When an administrative enforcement unit has determined that a responsible relative is financially able to contribute to the support of an applicant or recipient, the responsible relative shall be notified by mailing him a copy of the determination by United States registered or certified mail, advising him of his legal obligation to make support payments for such period or periods of time, definite in duration or indefinite, as the circumstances require. The notice shall direct payment as provided in Section 10‑8. Where applicable, the determination and notice may include a demand for reimbursement for emergency aid granted an applicant or recipient during the period between the application and determination of the relative's obligation for support and for aid granted during any subsequent period the responsible relative was financially able to provide support but failed or refused to do so. (b) In the alternative, when support is sought on behalf of applicants for or recipients of financial aid under Article IV of this Act and other persons who are given access to the child support enforcement services of this Article as provided in Section 10‑1, the administrative enforcement unit shall not be required to send the notice and may enter an administrative order immediately under the provisions of Section 10‑11. The order shall be based upon the determination made under the provisions of Section 10‑6 or, in instances of default, upon the needs of the persons for whom support is sought. In addition to requiring payment of future support, the administrative order may require payment of support for a period before the date the order is entered. The amount of support to be paid for the prior period shall be determined under the guidelines established by the Illinois Department pursuant to Section 10‑3. The order shall direct payment as provided in Section 10‑10. (Source: P.A. 92‑590, eff. 7‑1‑02.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑8) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑8) Sec. 10‑8. Support Payments ‑ Partial Support ‑ Full Support. The notice to responsible relatives issued pursuant to Section 10‑7 shall direct payment (a) to the Illinois Department in cases of applicants and recipients under Articles III, IV, V and VII, (b) except as provided in Section 10‑3.1, to the local governmental unit in the case of applicants and recipients under Article VI, and (c) to the Illinois Department in cases of non‑applicants and non‑recipients given access to the child support enforcement services of this Article, as provided by Section 10‑1. However, if the support payments by responsible relatives are sufficient to meet needs of a recipient in full, including current and anticipated medical needs, and the Illinois Department or the local governmental unit, as the case may be, has reasonable grounds to believe that such needs will continue to be provided in full by the responsible relatives, the relatives may be directed to make subsequent support payments to the needy person or to some person or agency in his behalf and the recipient shall be removed from the rolls. In such instance the recipient also shall be notified by registered or certified mail of the action taken. If a recipient removed from the rolls requests the Illinois Department to continue to collect the support payments in his behalf, the Department, at its option, may do so and pay amounts so collected to the person. The Department may provide for deducting any costs incurred by it in making the collection from the amount of any recovery made and pay only the net amount to the person. Payments under this Section to the Illinois Department pursuant to the Child Support Enforcement Program established by Title IV‑D of the Social Security Act shall be paid into the Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund. All payments under this Section to the Illinois Department of Human Services shall be deposited in the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund. Disbursements from these funds shall be as provided in Sections 12‑9.1 and 12‑10.2 of this Code. Payments received by a local governmental unit shall be deposited in that unit's General Assistance Fund. To the extent the provisions of this Section are inconsistent with the requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit under Sections 10‑10.4 and 10‑26 of this Code, the requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit shall apply. (Source: P.A. 91‑24, eff. 7‑1‑99; 91‑212, eff. 7‑20‑99; 92‑16, eff. 6‑28‑01; 92‑590, eff. 7‑1‑02.) |
(305 ILCS 5/10‑9) (from Ch. 23, par. 10‑9) Sec. 10‑9. Alternative Actions to Enforce Support. If a responsible relative fails or refuses to furnish support, or contributes less than the amount indicated by the determination, the administrative enforcement unit shall take action to enforce support in accordance with Section 10‑‑10 or Section 10‑‑11. (Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.) |