(310 ILCS 5/1) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 151) Sec. 1. This act shall be known as the " State Housing Act. " (Source: Laws 1933, p. 396.) |
(310 ILCS 5/2) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 152) Sec. 2. It is hereby declared that congested and unsanitary housing conditions which exist in certain areas of the state in low‑priced dwellings are a menace to the health, safety, morals, welfare and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the state. The correction of these conditions in such areas being now otherwise impossible, it is essential that provision be made to encourage the investment of funds at low interest rates, the acquisition at fair prices of adequate parcels of land, the gradual demolition of existing unsanitary and unsafe housing and the construction of new housing facilities under public supervision, with proper standards of sanitation and safety, and at a cost which will permit monthly rentals or charges which wage‑earners can afford to pay, and not in excess of the rates hereinafter provided. Therefore, there are created and authorized the agencies and instrumentalities hereinafter prescribed, which are declared to be the agencies and instrumentalities of the state for the purpose of attaining the ends herein recited. (Source: Laws 1933, p. 396.) |
(310 ILCS 5/3) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 153) Sec. 3. Housing corporations may be organized in the manner provided by this Act to acquire, construct, alter, maintain, and operate lands and buildings when authorized by and subject to the supervision of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for the purpose of providing housing accommodations for persons and families of low income or moderate income as those terms are defined in Section 2 (g) of the Illinois Housing Development Act or for the reconstruction of slum areas subject to the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, a reasonable part of any property owned by a housing corporation may be used for stores, offices and community facilities appurtenant and incidental to housing accommodations. Every housing corporation shall remain at all times subject to the supervision and control of the Illinois Housing Development Authority; and all real estate acquired by it and all structures erected or altered by it shall be deemed to be acquired for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety and welfare, and subject to all the provisions of this act. Housing corporations may be formed under this act on a not‑for‑profit or a limited‑dividend basis. Every stockholder of a housing corporation formed on a limited dividend basis shall be deemed, by the subscription to or receipt of stock thereof, to have agreed that he shall at no time receive or accept from the corporation in repayment of his investment in its stock any sums in excess of the face value thereof, plus cumulative dividends at a rate not to exceed six per cent per annum. Upon the dissolution of such corporation, any surplus in excess of such amounts shall revert to the State of Illinois. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176 .) |
(310 ILCS 5/4) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 154) Sec. 4. Whenever three or more adult persons, citizens of the United States of America, at least two of whom shall be citizens of this State, shall desire to form a corporation under this act, on a limited‑dividend basis, they shall sign, acknowledge and verify under oath, before some officer competent to take acknowledgment of deeds, a statement of incorporation setting forth the following: (1) The name of the corporation. (2) The address, including street and number, if any, of its initial registered office in this State; and the name of its initial registered agent at such address. (3) The period of duration, which may be perpetual. (4) The name and address, including street and number, if any, of each incorporator. (5) The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized. (6) The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have authority to issue; also, if said shares are to consist of one class only, the par value of each of said shares, or a statement that all of said shares are without par value; or, if said shares are to be divided into classes, the number of shares of each class, if any, that are to have a par value and the par value of each share of each such class, and the number of shares of each class, if any, that are to be without par value. (7) If the shares are to be divided into classes, the designation of each class and a statement of the preferences, qualifications, limitations, restrictions, and the special or relative rights in respect of the shares of each class. (8) If the corporation is to issue the shares of any preferred or special class in series, then the designation of each series and a statement of the variations in the relative rights and preferences as between different series in so far as the same are to be fixed in the articles of incorporation, and a statement of any authority to be vested in the board of directors to establish series and fix and determine the variations in the relative rights and preferences as between series. (9) The number and class of shares which the corporation proposes to issue without further report to the Secretary of State, and the consideration to be received by the corporation therefor, which shall be not less than $1,000. If shares of more than one class are to be issued, the consideration for shares of each class shall be separately stated. (10) The number of directors to be elected at the first meeting of shareholders. (11) Any provision which the incorporators may choose to insert limiting or denying to shareholders the preemptive right to acquire additional shares, whether then or thereafter authorized, of the corporation. (12) Any provisions, not inconsistent with law, which the incorporators may choose to insert, for the regulation of the internal affairs of the corporation. (13) An estimate, expressed in dollars, of the value of all the property to be owned by the corporation for the following year, wherever located, and an estimate of the value of the property to be located within this State during such year, and an estimate, expressed in dollars, of the gross amount of business which will be transacted by it during such year and an estimate of the gross amount thereof which will be transacted by it at or from places of business in this State during such year. If all the property of the corporation is to be located in this State and all of its business is to be transacted at or from places of business in this State, or if the incorporators elect to pay the initial franchise tax on the basis of its entire stated capital and paid‑in surplus, then the information required by this sub‑paragraph need not be set forth in the articles of incorporation. (14) A statement that the corporation will not commence business until at least $1,000 has been received as consideration for the issuance of shares. (15) A provision that no real property of the corporation will be sold, transferred or assigned except under and pursuant to the provisions of this act. Whenever three or more adult persons, citizens of the United States of America, at least two of whom shall be citizens of this State, shall desire to form a corporation under this act on a not‑for‑profit basis, they shall sign, acknowledge and verify under oath, before some officer competent to take acknowledgment of deeds, articles of incorporation setting forth the following: (1) The name of the corporation. (2) The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized. (3) The period of duration, which may be perpetual. (4) The name and address of each incorporator. (5) The number of directors constituting the first board of directors, and the name and address of each such director. (6) The address of its initial registered office in this State, and the name of its initial registered agent at such address. (7) Any provision which the incorporators may choose to insert limiting, enlarging or denying the right of the members or any class or classes of members, to vote. (8) Any provisions, not inconsistent with law, which the incorporators may choose to insert for the regulation of the internal affairs of the corporation, including any provision for distribution of assets on dissolution or final liquidation. (9) A provision that no real property of the corporation shall be sold, transferred or assigned except under and pursuant to the provisions of this act. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/5) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 155) Sec. 5. The statement prescribed by Section 4 of this Act shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the Secretary of State, on forms prescribed and furnished by the Secretary of State. No such statement shall be filed unless it shall have endorsed thereon, or be accompanied by a certificate of, the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority to the filing thereof. If the Secretary of State finds that such statement is in conformity with the provisions of this act, he shall endorse thereon the word "filed," followed by the month, day and year of such filing. Upon such filing the corporation shall be deemed fully organized and may proceed to business. The Secretary of State shall also issue articles of incorporation to the incorporators, making a part of such articles a copy of all papers filed in his office, using for that purpose duplicate copies, if any, filed therein, authenticated under his signature and seal of the State. A copy of such articles of incorporation shall be prepared and filed by the Secretary of State in his office. (Source: P.A. 84‑550.) |
(310 ILCS 5/6) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 156) Sec. 6. Every corporation organized under this Act shall, subject to the conditions and limitations prescribed by this Act, have the following rights, powers and privileges: (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the period limited in its articles of incorporation or any amendment thereof. (2) To sue and be sued in its corporate name. (3) To have and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. (4) In the case of corporations formed on a limited‑dividend basis, to have a capital stock of such an amount and divided into shares as may be provided in the articles of incorporation or any amendment thereof, subject to the conditions prescribed by section 4 of this Act. (5) To acquire, own, use, convey and otherwise dispose of and deal in real property, subject only to the conditions and restrictions of this Act. (6) To own, purchase or otherwise acquire, whether in exchange for the issuance of its own stock, bonds or other obligations or otherwise, and to hold, vote, pledge, or dispose of the stocks, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of any corporation, domestic or foreign. (7) To borrow money at such rate of interest, as the corporation may determine, subject to the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, and to mortgage or pledge its property, both real and personal, to secure the payment thereof. (8) To elect officers, appoint agents, define their duties and fix their compensation. (9) Subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire real estate or any interest therein by exercise of the power of eminent domain in the manner provided by the general laws of the State relating thereto. (10) To make by‑laws not inconsistent with the laws of this State for the administration of the business and interest of such corporation. (11) To conduct business in this State, subject to the provisions of this Act. (12) To cease doing business and to surrender its charter. (13) To have and exercise all the powers necessary and convenient to carry into effect the purpose for which the corporation is formed. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/7) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 157) Sec. 7. No housing corporation shall: (1) Acquire any real property or interest therein unless it shall first have obtained a certificate from the Illinois Housing Development Authority that such acquisition is necessary or convenient for the public purpose defined by this Act. (2) Sell, transfer, or assign any real property except upon the written consent of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, except as provided in Section 26 of this Act. Except as otherwise provided in Section 26, no real property acquired for housing purposes under this Act shall be sold, transferred or assigned within a period of 10 years after its acquisition, except to another housing corporation, a not‑for‑profit corporation or a federal, State or local governmental agency. (3) In the case of corporations formed on a limited‑dividend basis, pay dividends upon its stock, at a higher rate than 6% per annum. (4) Issue its stock, securities or obligations in an amount greater in the aggregate than the total actual final cost, as determined by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, of the lands and improvements acquired or constructed by it, plus an allowance for working capital approved by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (5) Mortgage any real property without first having obtained the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (6) Issue any securities or evidences of indebtedness without first having obtained the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (7) Use any building erected or acquired by it for any purpose other than housing accommodation, except for stores, offices or community facilities appurtenant and incidental to housing accommodations, to the extent approved by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (8) Charge or accept any rental for housing accommodations in any building constructed, acquired, operated or managed by it in excess of the rates prescribed by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (9) Enter into contracts for the construction of buildings or for the payment of salaries to officers or employees, or for the purchase of materials, equipment or supplies, except subject to the inspection and revision of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, and under such regulations as the Illinois Housing Development Authority may from time to time prescribe. No housing corporation or contractor employed thereby shall deny employment to any person on account of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. (10) Make any guaranty without the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (11) Voluntarily dissolve without first having obtained the consent of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(310 ILCS 5/8) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 158) Sec. 8. The name of every housing corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall include the word "housing". (Source: P.A. 90‑575, eff. 3‑20‑98.) |
(310 ILCS 5/9) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 159) Sec. 9. No statement of the issuance of additional stock of a housing corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of State unless it shall have endorsed thereon, or be accompanied by a certificate of, the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/10) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 160) Sec. 10. No certificate of increase or decrease of capital stock of a housing corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of State unless it shall have endorsed thereon, or be accompanied by a certificate of, the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/11) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 161) Sec. 11. No statement of amendment to the articles of incorporation of a housing corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of State unless it shall have endorsed thereon, or be accompanied by a certificate of the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/12) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 162) Sec. 12. Merger, consolidation or reorganization of housing corporations shall be subject to the control and supervision of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. The amount of stock, securities and obligations to be issued by the merged, consolidated or reorganized corporation shall be approved by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, and shall not exceed the fair value of the assets as determined by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. No statement of merger or consolidation of a housing corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of State unless it shall have endorsed thereon, or be accompanied by a certificate of, the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (Source: P.A. 80‑1495.) |
(310 ILCS 5/14) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 164) Sec. 14. No holder of stock or other security in a housing corporation shall receive any dividend or interest in any one year in excess of six per cent per annum upon the par value of the stock or security held by him, except to the extent to which dividends or interest payments may have been omitted in a previous year or years. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/21) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 171) Sec. 21. (Repealed). (Source: Repealed by P.A. 89‑262, eff. 8‑10‑95.) |
(310 ILCS 5/22) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 172) Sec. 22. The Illinois Housing Development Authority shall have general supervision of all housing corporations and shall have power to investigate into the affairs of such corporations, and into the dealings, transactions and relationships of such corporations with third persons. Any investigation provided for by this act may be conducted by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, or, on the direction of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, by any member, officer or employee thereof. The Illinois Housing Development Authority, and any member, officer or employee thereof so designated, shall have power to administer oaths, to take affidavits, to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers of such corporations or third persons pertaining to the investigations authorized by this act, and to examine such witnesses, books and papers in relation to any matter which the Illinois Housing Development Authority has the power to investigate; to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses who are without the state, or are unable to attend before the Illinois Housing Development Authority or are excused from attendance. All hearings conducted by the Illinois Housing Development Authority shall be open to the public, and all evidence presented at hearings held by the Illinois Housing Development Authority or under its authority shall become a part of the records of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. In cases in which the Illinois Housing Development Authority bases any actions on reports of investigations or inquiries not conducted at hearings, such reports shall be made a part of the records of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. Each member, and each officer and employee of the Illinois Housing Development Authority authorized thereby, shall have the power to examine all books, contracts, records, documents and papers of a housing corporation and by subpoena duces tecum compel the production thereof. The Illinois Housing Development Authority shall have power to adopt reasonable and proper rules and regulations relating to the exercise of its powers and proper rules to govern its proceedings and to regulate the mode and manner of all investigations, and hearings and to alter and amend the same. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/23) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 173) Sec. 23. No person shall be excused from testifying or from producing any papers, books, accounts or documents in any investigation or inquiry or upon any hearing ordered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority when ordered to do so by the Illinois Housing Development Authority or by any member, officer, or employee of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, upon the ground that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or forfeiture. But no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture, for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he may testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, before the Illinois Housing Development Authority or a member, officer or employee thereof; provided that such immunity shall extend only to a natural person who in obedience to a subpoena gives testimony under oath or produces evidence, documentary or otherwise, under oath. No person so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed in so testifying. (Source: P. A. 76‑1176.) |
(310 ILCS 5/24) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 174) Sec. 24. All subpoenas issued under the terms of this Act may be served by any person of full age. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State, such fees to be paid when the witness is excused from further attendance, when the witness is subpoenaed at the instance of the Illinois Housing Development Authority or a member, officer or employee thereof, and the disbursements made in the payment of such fees shall be audited and paid in the same manner as are other expenses of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. Whenever a subpoena is issued at the instance of a party to any proceeding before the Illinois Housing Development Authority, the Illinois Housing Development Authority may require that the cost of service thereof and the fee of witnesses shall be borne by the party at whose instance the witness is summoned and the Illinois Housing Development Authority shall have power at its discretion to require a deposit to cover the cost of such service and witness fee and the payment of the legal witness fee and mileage to the witness when served with subpoena. A subpoena issued so shall be served in the same manner as a subpoena issued out of a court. Any person who shall be served with a subpoena to appear and testify or to produce books, papers, accounts or documents issued by the Illinois Housing Development Authority or any member or officer thereof in the course of an inquiry, investigation or hearing conducted under any of the provisions of this Act and who shall refuse or neglect to appear or to testify or to produce books, papers, accounts and documents relevant to the inquiry, investigation or hearing as commanded in such subpoena, shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Any Circuit Court of this State, upon application of the Illinois Housing Development Authority or a member, officer or employee thereof, may, in his discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books, papers, accounts and documents and the giving of testimony before the Illinois Housing Development Authority, or a member, officer or employee thereof, by an attachment for contempt or otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may be compelled before such court. (Source: P.A. 83‑334.) |
(310 ILCS 5/25) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 175) Sec. 25. Consolidation; 2 or more projects. The Illinois Housing Development Authority may permit the consolidation of 2 or more approved projects or the extension or amendment of any approved project or the consolidation of any approved project with a proposed project. In any of these events, the consolidated project shall be treated as an original project and an application shall be submitted as in the case of an original project and rents may be averaged throughout the consolidated or extended project. The Illinois Housing Development Authority may likewise permit any housing corporation to organize and operate more than one project or to take over any project heretofore approved by the Illinois Housing Development Authority and to operate it independently of other projects of the corporation. The Illinois Housing Development Authority may decline to permit more than one project to be operated by the same housing corporation. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(310 ILCS 5/26) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 176) Sec. 26. No housing corporation shall acquire title to any real property nor undertake any building construction without the approval of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. The Illinois Housing Development Authority shall approve the proposed acquisition or construction only upon the following conditions: (a) That the project is within an area within which, under the conditions existing at the time, housing accommodations are not being provided through the ordinary operation of private enterprise to conform with reasonable standards of health, sanitation and safety, to rent at or below the average rentals for housing accommodations in the proposed project, and in such determination by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, an area of at least one‑half mile in radius shall be considered; and that such acquisition or construction is necessary or convenient for the public purposes defined in this Act. (b) That there has been presented to the Illinois Housing Development Authority in such form and with such assurance as it may prescribe, a financial plan for the provision of the cost of the lands and improvements such as shall assure the successful completion and operation of the project. (c) That it appears practicable to rent the proposed housing accommodations at prices such that for the entire project the average shall not exceed the maximum prices prescribed by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. (d) That the estimated costs of the project shall be proper; and the plans and specifications of the proposed construction shall conform to reasonable standards of health, sanitation, safety and provisions for light and air. The plans and specifications mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the city plan commission, if such there be, of the city, village or incorporated town in which the housing project is located. Such commission shall return the plans and specifications to the Illinois Housing Development Authority within 15 days after their receipt by the commission, together with such statements and recommendations as the commission may desire to make. It shall be within the discretion of the Illinois Housing Development Authority to adopt or to reject any or all of such recommendations. Projects presented to the Illinois Housing Development Authority may include the acquisition of property for the purpose of modernizing or rehabilitating single or multiple dwellings or remodeling or altering other existing buildings into dwellings, or may be devoted solely to such modernization or rehabilitation. Every project in whole or in part for the acquisition of land or other property for the modernization, rehabilitation or construction of single family dwellings shall contain a plan for the sale of such houses to the tenants or other purchasers, and such sale may at any time be authorized by the Illinois Housing Development Authority in conformity with a plan of sale which has been approved by such Illinois Housing Development Authority. Changes in such a plan may be made in the manner provided by this Act for a change of rentals. As a condition of its approval, the Illinois Housing Development Authority may require the acceptance by a housing corporation of the designation by the Illinois Housing Development Authority of a banking corporation authorized to administer trusts to act as trustee in receiving the proceeds of obligations and securities sold by a housing corporation to meet the cost of a project, and in making payment therefrom for the acquisition of land or costs of improvements included in the project or to the housing corporation only upon a voucher or order of the housing corporation countersigned by the duly designated agent of the Illinois Housing Development Authority. The Illinois Housing Development Authority shall hold a public hearing upon each proposed