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Article 11 - Valuations Performed By The Department

      (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 heading)
Article 11. Valuations Performed by the Department

      (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 1 heading)
Division 1. Pollution control facilities

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑5)
    Sec. 11‑5. Pollution control facilities; valuation policy. It is the policy of this State that pollution control facilities should be valued, at 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of their economic productivity to their owners.
(Source: P.A. 83‑121; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑10)
    Sec. 11‑10. Definition of pollution control facilities. "Pollution control facilities" means any system, method, construction, device or appliance appurtenant thereto, or any portion of any building or equipment, that is designed, constructed, installed or operated for the primary purpose of:
    (a) eliminating, preventing, or reducing air or water pollution, as the terms "air pollution" and "water pollution" are defined in the Environmental Protection Act; or
    (b) treating, pretreating, modifying or disposing of any potential solid, liquid or gaseous pollutant which if released without treatment, pretreatment, modification or disposal might be harmful, detrimental or offensive to human, plant or animal life, or to property. "Pollution control facilities" shall not include, however,
        (1) any facility with the primary purpose of (i)
     eliminating, containing, preventing or reducing radioactive contaminants or energy, or (ii) treating waste water produced by the nuclear generation of electric power,
        (2) any large diameter pipes or piping systems used
     to remove and disperse heat from water involved in the nuclear generation of electric power,
        (3) any facility operated by any person other than a
     unit of government, whether within or outside of the territorial boundaries of a unit of local government, for sewage disposal or treatment, or
        (4) land underlying a cooling pond.
(Source: P.A. 83‑883; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑15)
    Sec. 11‑15. Method of valuation for pollution control facilities. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of any certified pollution control facilities in assessing those facilities, the Department shall take into consideration the actual or probable net earnings attributable to the facilities in question, capitalized on the basis of their productive earning value to their owner; the probable net value which could be realized by their owner if the facilities were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expense of removal and condition of the particular facilities in question; and other information as the Department may consider as bearing on the fair cash value of the facilities to their owner, consistent with the principles set forth in this Section. For the purposes of this Code, earnings shall be attributed to a pollution control facility only to the extent that its operation results in the production of a commercially saleable by‑product or increases the production or reduces the production costs of the products or services otherwise sold by the owner of such facility.
(Source: P.A. 83‑121; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑20)
    Sec. 11‑20. Certification and assessment authority. For tax purposes, pollution control facilities shall be certified as such by the Pollution Control Board and shall be assessed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 77‑1381; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑25)
    Sec. 11‑25. Certification procedure. Application for a pollution control facility certificate shall be filed with the Pollution Control Board in a manner and form prescribed in regulations issued by that board. The application shall contain appropriate and available descriptive information concerning anything claimed to be entitled in whole or in part to tax treatment as a pollution control facility. If it is found that the claimed facility or relevant portion thereof is a pollution control facility as defined in Section 11‑10, the Pollution Control Board, acting through its Chairman or his or her specifically authorized delegate, shall enter a finding and issue a certificate to that effect. The certificate shall require tax treatment as a pollution control facility, but only for the portion certified if only a portion is certified. The effective date of a certificate shall be the date of application for the certificate or the date of the construction of the facility, which ever is later.
(Source: P.A. 76‑2451; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑30)
    Sec. 11‑30. Powers and duties of the certifying board. Before denying any certificate, the Pollution Control Board shall give reasonable notice in writing to the applicant and provide the applicant a reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing. On like notice to the holder and opportunity for hearing, the Board may on its own initiative revoke or modify a pollution control certificate or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device certificate whenever any of the following appears:
        (a) the certificate was obtained by fraud or
        (b) the holder of the certificate has failed
     substantially to proceed with the construction, reconstruction, installation, or acquisition of pollution control facilities or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device; or
        (c) the pollution control facility to which the
     certificate relates has ceased to be used for the primary purpose of pollution control and is being used for a different purpose.
    Prompt written notice of the Board's action upon any application shall be given to the applicant together with a written copy of the Board's findings and certificate, if any.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

      (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 2 heading)
Division 2. Low sulfur dioxide coal fueled devices

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑35)
    Sec. 11‑35. Low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. It is the policy of this State that the use of low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices should be encouraged as conserving nonrenewable resources, reducing pollution and promoting the use of abundant, high‑sulfur, locally available coal as well as promoting the health and well‑being of the people of this State, and should be valued at 33 1/3% of their fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 83‑121; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑40)
    Sec. 11‑40. Definition of low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. "Low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices" means any device used or intended for the purpose of burning, combusting or converting locally available coal in a manner which eliminates or significantly reduces the need for additional sulfur abatement that would otherwise be required under State or Federal air emission standards. The word "device" includes all machinery, equipment, structures and all related apparatus, including coal feeding equipment, of a coal gasification facility designed to convert locally available coal into a low sulfur gaseous fuel and to manage all waste and by‑product streams.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑45)
    Sec. 11‑45. Method of valuation for low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of any low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device, the Department shall determine the net value which could be realized by its owner if the device were removed and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the expense of removal, site restoration, and transportation. That net value shall be considered to be 33 1/3% of fair cash value.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑50)
    Sec. 11‑50. Certification and assessment authority. For tax purposes, a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device shall be certified as such by the Pollution Control Board and shall be assessed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑55)
    Sec. 11‑55. Approval procedure. Application for approval of a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device shall be filed with the Pollution Control Board in the manner and form prescribed by that board. The application shall contain appropriate and available descriptive information concerning anything claimed to be entitled to tax treatment as a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device as defined in this Code. If it is found that the claimed device meets that definition, the Pollution Control Board, acting through its Chairman or its specifically authorized delegate, shall enter a finding and issue a certificate that requires tax treatment as a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device. The effective date of a certificate shall be on January 1 preceding the date of certification or preceding the date construction or installation of the device commences, whichever is later.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑60)
    Sec. 11‑60. Judicial review; pollution control and low sulfur devices. Any applicant or holder aggrieved by the issuance, refusal to issue, denial, revocation, modification or restriction of a pollution control certificate or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device certificate may appeal the finding and order of the Pollution Control Board, under the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 82‑783; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑65)
    Sec. 11‑65. Procedures for assessment; pollution control and low sulfur devices. Proceedings for assessment or reassessment of property certified to be pollution control facilities or low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices shall be conducted in accordance with procedural regulations issued by the Department, in conformity with this Code.
(Source: P.A. 82‑134; 88‑455.)

      (35 ILCS 200/Art. 11 Div. 3 heading)
Division 3. Railroads

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑70)
    Sec. 11‑70. Assessment of railroad companies; definitions. These words and phrases, for the assessment of the property of railroad companies, and unless otherwise required by the context shall be defined as follows:
    (a) "Railroad company," "railroad," or "company" means any person, company, corporation or association owning, operating or constructing a railroad, a suburban or interurban railroad, a switching or terminal railroad, a railroad station, or a railroad bridge in this State.
    (b) "Operating property" means all tracks and right of way, all structures and improvements on that right of way, all rights and franchises, all rolling stock and car equipment, and all other property, real or personal, tangible or intangible connected with or used in the operation of the railroad including real estate contiguous to railroad right of way or station grounds held for reasonable expansion or future development.
    (c) "Non‑operating personalty" means all personal property, tangible and intangible, held by any railroad company and not included in the definition of "operating property".
    (d) "Non‑carrier real estate" means all land, and improvements on that land, not situated on the right of way of the railroad and not used as operating property within the meaning of the definition in paragraph (b). Improvements owned by others and situated on the right of way not used in the operations of the railroad shall be deemed to be "non‑carrier real estate." The Department shall adopt proper rules and regulations to determine whether any property is "non‑carrier real estate."
    (e) "Trackage rights" or "trackage right agreement" means the right by which one railroad company operates trains in scheduled service over tracks owned and used by another railroad company and the valuation of trackage rights shall include the value of all rolling stock, and all tangible or intangible personal property used or connected therewith.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1stSS‑1; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑75)
    Sec. 11‑75. Assessment date for railroad companies. The Department shall assess all property owned or used by railroad companies operating within this State, as of January first annually, except property found by the Department to be non‑carrier real estate.
    The assessment of the property of any railroad company shall be based upon the value of property defined in Section 11‑70, less the percentage of the total value which consists of operating or non‑operating personal property.
(Source: P.A. 86‑173; 86‑905; 86‑1028; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑80)
    Sec. 11‑80. Assessment procedure for railroad companies. In assessing the taxable property of any railroad company, the Department shall first determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of all the property of any railroad company as a unit, but shall make due allowance for any non‑carrier real estate and all personalty.
    The Department shall take into consideration the actual or market value of the shares of stock outstanding, the actual or market value of all bonds outstanding and all other indebtedness as is applicable, for operating the road. In determining the market value of the stock or indebtedness the Department shall consider quotations for the 5 years preceding the assessment date; the net earnings of the company during the 5 calendar years preceding the assessment date; and such other information as the Department may consider as bearing on the fair cash value of the property. The valuation by the Department shall include capital stock and all other property of railroad companies, except non‑carrier real estate. The above facts shall not be conclusive upon the Department in determining 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property of a railroad company.
    The Department shall determine the equalized assessed value of the taxable property of every railroad company by applying to its determination of 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of the property an equalization factor equal to the statewide average ratio of the equalized assessed value of locally assessed property to 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of such locally assessed property.
    The Department shall assess the value of all operating property acquired by a railroad company or its wholly‑owned subsidiary by trade with a municipality, which is situated in a state contiguous to Illinois, at no greater value than the value of the operating property traded to the municipality for the property by the railroad company. The value shall be that value established for the year immediately preceding the calendar year of the trade. The assessment shall not increase, but may decrease, during the 10 years following the calendar year of the trade.
(Source: P.A. 86‑173; 86‑905; 86‑1028; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑85)
    Sec. 11‑85. Property schedules. Every railroad company shall, on or before June 1 of each year, when required, make out and file with the Department a statement or schedule showing the property held for right of way, whether owned, leased, or operated under trackage right agreement, and the length of the first, second, third and other main and all side tracks and turnouts, and the number of acres of right of way in each county of this State and in each taxing district of this State, through or into which the road may run. It shall describe all improvements and stations located on the right of way, giving the quantity, quality, character and original cost of each. It shall also report all non‑operating personalty owned or controlled by the company on January 1, giving the quantity, quality, character and location of the same. New companies shall make the statement on or before the June 1 after the location of their road.
    When the statement has once been made, it is not necessary to report the description as required above unless directed to do so by the Department, but the company shall, on or before June 1, annually, report all additions or changes in its property in this State as have occurred.
    The return required by this Section should be made by the using company, but all property which is operated under one control shall be returned as provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86‑905; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑90)
    Sec. 11‑90. Information schedules. Each year every railroad company in this State shall return to the Department, in addition to any other information required by this Code, sworn statements or schedules as follows:
        (a) The amount of capital stock authorized and the
     total number of shares of capital stock.
        (b) The amount of capital stock issued and
        (c) The market value, or if no market value then the
     estimated value, of the shares of stock outstanding.
        (d) The total amount of all bonds outstanding and
     all other indebtedness.
        (e) The market value, or if no market value then the
     estimated value, of all bonds outstanding and all other indebtedness.
        (f) A statement in detail of the entire gross
     receipts and net earnings of the company during the 5 calendar years preceding the assessment date within this State, and of the entire system from all sources.
        (g) The length of the first, second, third and other
     main tracks and all side tracks and turnouts showing the proportions within this State and elsewhere.
        (h) The reproduction cost of the property within
     Illinois and the total reproduction cost of all property of the company. The reproduction cost, so far as applicable, shall be as last determined by the United States Interstate Commerce Commission, or other competent authority, plus additions and betterments, less retirements and depreciation to the December 31 preceding the assessment date.
        (i) An enumeration and classification of all rolling
     stock and car equipment owned or leased by the company. The classification shall show type of equipment and circumstances of ownership and use. The enumeration shall include rolling stock used over the track of other companies under any trackage right agreement. All other property used in connection with a trackage right agreement shall be listed.
        (j) Any other information the Department may require
     to determine the fair cash value of the property of any railroad company, or necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code.
    Such statements or schedules shall conform to the instructions and forms prescribed by the Department.
    In cases where a railroad company uses property owned by another, the return shall be made by the using company and all property operated under one control shall be returned as provided above.
(Source: P.A. 86‑905; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑95)
    Sec. 11‑95. Listing of non‑carrier real estate. Every railroad company subject to assessment in this State shall annually return to the Department a list of its non‑carrier real estate in this State, providing its description, the current assessed value, and the estimated true value of all non‑carrier real estate both within and outside of this State, and any other information the Department may require. The Department shall examine the list and make whatever additions or alterations it may find necessary, and transmit to the proper assessing officials of each county in which non‑carrier real estate is located, the list described above, together with any other information it considers pertinent. If additions or alterations to the list are made by the Department, the revised list shall also be sent to the reporting carrier. The proper assessing officials of each county shall then assess the non‑carrier real estate in the same manner as similar locally assessed property belonging to individuals, except that it shall be treated as property belonging to railroads. If any parcels are not platted, any description is sufficient which would enable a competent surveyor to locate the property.
    Property listed as non‑carrier real estate shall also include the property index number in counties where such a numbering system has been adopted.
(Source: P.A. 84‑777; 84‑1013; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑100)
    Sec. 11‑100. Proration of value; property outside of State. If any railroad company owns or uses operating property partly within and partly outside of this State, the Department shall determine the value of the entire operating property of the railroad but shall take only that part of the entire value as is represented by the average percentage of (a) the length of all track including main, second and additional main track, side track and turnouts within this State, (b) its gross revenues arising from railroad operations in this State, (c) the reproduction cost of its operating property within this State, as determined by the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States, or other competent authority, plus additions and betterments, less retirements and depreciation. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the use or substitution of other factors or methods as may appear reasonable and necessary in determining the proportion of a railroad's operating property within this State.
(Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑105)
    Sec. 11‑105. Description of railroad track. The right of way, including the superstructures of first, second, third and other main tracks and all side tracks and turnouts, and the stations and improvements of the railroad company on the right of way and all other taxable operating property of the railroad company shall be denominated "railroad track" and shall be so listed and valued. "Railroad track" shall be described in the assessment thereof as a strip of land extending on each side of the track and embracing the same, together with all the stations and improvements and other taxable operating property thereon, commencing where the track crosses the boundary line in entering the taxing district, and extending to where the track crosses the boundary line leaving the taxing district, or to the point of termination in the district, as the case may be, containing .... acres, more or less (inserting name of taxing district, boundary line of same, and number of acres and length in miles), and when advertised or sold for taxes no other description is necessary. Where a railroad company has taxable operating property in taxing districts in which it owns or uses no tracks or trackage rights, the property shall be described the same as similar property belonging to individuals.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1stSS‑1; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑110)
    Sec. 11‑110. Certification of railroad assessments. The equalized assessed value of the operating property of every railroad company subject to assessment, when determined as prescribed in Section 11‑80, shall be listed and taxed in the several taxing districts in the proportion that the length of all the track owned or used in such taxing district bears to the whole length of all the track owned or used in this state, except the value of all buildings of an original cost exceeding $1,000, which are considered to have a situs in the taxing district in which they are located. Where any railroad company operates in this State, in whole or in part over the tracks of another company, under any trackage right agreement, the value of the trackage rights, including the other taxable operating property (except buildings of an original cost exceeding $1,000) used or connected therewith, shall be taxed in each taxing district in the proportion that the length of all the track so used under the agreement, in the taxing district bears to the whole length of all the track so used in this state. Where a railroad company holds taxable operating property in a taxing district, and owns or uses no tracks, or trackage rights in that district, the property shall be taxed in the taxing district.
    The Department shall distribute the equalized assessed value of the taxable property of every railroad company (other than non‑carrier real estate), when determined as prescribed in Section 11‑80, to the respective taxing districts entitled to it and shall certify the same to the county clerks of the respective counties, who shall extend taxes against those values the same as against other property in the taxing districts.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1stSS‑1; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/11‑115)
    Sec. 11‑115. Failure to file schedules. In case any railroad company neglects to return to the Department any statements or schedules required to be returned to the Department, within the time required, the Department shall proceed to assess the property of the railroad company according to its best information and judgment at 33 1/3% of its fair cash value, and may add to the valuation thereof an amount equal to 50% of the valuation. If good cause is shown, the Department may, in its discretion, grant reasonable extensions of time for filing any required statement or schedule.
    Anyone who makes any statement or schedule to the Department and wilfully swears falsely in any material matter shall be guilty of perjury and punished accordingly.

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