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Division 4 - Errors and Adjustments

      (35 ILCS 200/Art. 20 Div. 4 heading)
Division 4. Errors and adjustments

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑165)
    Sec. 20‑165. List of errors and inability to collect. On or before the third Monday in December, annually, the county collector shall make out and file with the county clerk a detailed list of errors in assessment of property and errors in footing of tax books, giving in each case a description of the property, the valuation and amount of each tax and special assessment, and cause of error. County collectors, in cases of removals and bankruptcies of taxpayers, may give the same cause for the inability to collect as sworn to by the township collectors, stating in their return that such was the statement made by the township collector, and that the tax still remains uncollected.
(Source: P.A. 94‑412, eff. 8‑2‑05.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑170)
    Sec. 20‑170. Double payment. When taxes on a property have been paid more than once for the same year, by different claimants, the county collector shall report to the county clerk all surplus taxes so received, together with the names of the claimants. Certified copies of the report, or the county clerk's record thereof, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of the payment of tax on the property therein described for the year or years mentioned. The township collectors shall report to the county collector taxes paid more than once, by different claimants for the same year, and the county collector shall report to the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 76‑2254; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑175)
    Sec. 20‑175. Refund for erroneous assessments or overpayments. If any property is twice assessed for the same year, or assessed before it becomes taxable, and the erroneously assessed taxes have been paid either at sale or otherwise, or have been overpaid by the same claimant or by different claimants, the County Collector, upon being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall refund the taxes to the proper claimant. When the County Collector is unable to determine the proper claimant, the circuit court, on petition of the person paying the taxes, or his or her agent, and being satisfied of the facts in the case, shall direct the county collector to refund the taxes and deduct the amount thereof, pro rata, from the moneys due to taxing bodies which received the taxes erroneously paid, or their legal successors. Pleadings in connection with the petition provided for in this Section shall conform to that prescribed in the Civil Practice Law. Appeals may be taken from the judgment of the circuit court, either by the county collector or by the petitioner, as in other civil cases. A claim for refund shall not be allowed unless a petition is filed within 5 years from the date the right to a refund arose. If a certificate of error results in the allowance of a homestead exemption not previously allowed, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest on the amount of taxes paid that are attributable to the amount of the additional allowance, at the rate of 6% per year. To cover the cost of interest, the county collector shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated.
(Source: P.A. 83‑121; 85‑468; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑178)
    Sec. 20‑178. Certificate of error; refund; interest. When the county collector makes any refunds due on certificates of error issued under Sections 14‑15 through 14‑25 that have been either certified or adjudicated, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest on the amount of the refund at the rate of 0.5% per month.
    No interest shall be due under this Section for any time prior to 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly. For certificates of error issued prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, the county collector shall pay the taxpayer interest from 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly until the date the refund is paid. For certificates of error issued on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, interest shall be paid from 60 days after the certificate of error is issued by the chief county assessment officer to the date the refund is made. To cover the cost of interest, the county collector shall proportionately reduce the distribution of taxes collected for each taxing district in which the property is situated.
    This Section shall not apply to any certificate of error granting a homestead exemption under Section 15‑170, 15‑172, 15‑175, 15‑176, or 15‑177.
(Source: P.A. 95‑644, eff. 10‑12‑07.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑180)
    Sec. 20‑180. Uncollectible delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments. In cases where general taxes levied on real property have been delinquent for a period of 20 years, the taxes shall be presumed to be uncollectible. In those cases, the County Clerk and the County Collector shall enter upon the tax records in their respective offices where those taxes appear the word "Uncollectible", and shall adjust the books and records of their respective offices as provided in this Code. In cases where any installments of special assessments or special taxes levied on real property have been delinquent for a period of 30 years, the installments shall be presumed to be uncollectible. In those cases, the Collector of the municipality which levied the special assessment or special tax and the County Clerk and the County Collector shall enter upon the tax records in their respective offices where those assessments or taxes appear the word "Uncollectible" and shall adjust the books and records of their respective offices. When taxes have been designated "uncollectible" under this Section, the municipality may use any money it holds for payment of the special assessments or special taxes for improvements similar to the projects for which the moneys were collected, and for the purchase of real or personal property, in connection with those improvements.
(Source: P.A. 92‑201, eff. 1‑1‑02.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑185)
    Sec. 20‑185. Bonds secured by uncollectible revenue. When bonds issued by a municipality are secured either by ad valorem tax levies or by specific revenues other than ad valorem tax levies and the payment of the tax or specific revenue has been delinquent for a period of 30 years the taxes or revenue shall be presumed to be uncollectable and in those cases, the municipal treasurer shall enter upon the appropriate bond issue records where the bonds appear the words "CANCELLED ‑ Revenue Uncollectable", and shall adjust the books and records accordingly.
    When bonds have been designated as specified above the municipality may use any money it holds for the payment of those bonds for any general corporate purpose.
(Source: P.A. 81‑692; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑190)
    Sec. 20‑190. Statute of limitation for collection of delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments.
    (a) If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes for a reason other than administrative error, actions for the collection of any delinquent general tax, or the enforcement or foreclosure of the tax lien shall be commenced within 20 years after the tax became delinquent, and not thereafter. After 20 years the tax lien shall be discharged and released.
    Actions for the collection of any delinquent installments of special assessments or special taxes, or the enforcement or foreclosure of the special assessment lien shall be commenced within 30 years after the installments became delinquent. After 30 years the lien for the installments shall be discharged and released.
    (b) If a taxpayer owes arrearages of taxes due to an administrative error, the county may not bill, collect, claim a lien for, or sell the arrearages of taxes for tax years earlier than the 2 most recent tax years, including the current tax year.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, "administrative error" includes but is not limited to failure to include an extension for a taxing district on the tax bill, an error in the calculations of tax rates or extensions or any other mathematical error by the county clerk, or a defective coding by the county, but does not include a failure by the county to send a tax bill to the taxpayer, the failure by the taxpayer to notify the assessor of a change in the tax‑exempt status of property, or any error concerning the assessment of the property.
(Source: P.A. 92‑201, eff. 1‑1‑02.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑195)
    Sec. 20‑195. Omitted property. The provisions of Sections 20‑180 through 20‑190 do not apply to taxes which have been levied as provided in Section 16‑135.
(Source: P.A. 77‑2747; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑200)
    Sec. 20‑200. Application to pending actions. The provisions of Sections 20‑180 through 20‑190 do not apply to any actions now pending in court or instituted within the time limitations of Section 20‑190 for the collection of taxes or special assessments.
(Source: P.A. 78‑245; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑205)
    Sec. 20‑205. Unpaid suspense tax fund. The amount of all general taxes appearing upon the tax records of the counties of the State against which the limitations in Sections 20‑180 through 20‑190 have run shall be transferred by the collector or clerk of each county to a special account in the office of the collector or clerk to be designated "Unpaid Suspense Tax Fund" and for all accounting or other purposes the amount appearing on the books of the collector or clerk shall not be given any value or held as having any value for any purpose.
(Source: P.A. 78‑245; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑210)
    Sec. 20‑210. Taxes payable in installments; payment under specification. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21‑30, current taxes shall be payable in 2 equal installments. The collector, when requested by the party paying the taxes, shall receive and receipt for the taxes in installments. The collector shall receive taxes on part of any property charged with taxes when a particular specification of the part is furnished. If the tax on the remainder of the property remains unpaid, the collector shall enter that specification in his or her return, so that the part on which the tax remains unpaid may be clearly known. The tax may be paid on an undivided share of property. In that case, the collector shall designate on his or her record upon whose undivided share the tax has been paid.
(Source: P.A. 95‑948, eff. 1‑1‑09.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑215)
    Sec. 20‑215. Application of tax payments. In the payment of any installment of real property taxes, the collector shall first apply the payments to interest (including interest added upon forfeiture to real property taxes) and costs. After the payment of interest and costs the payments shall be applied upon the total tax.
(Source: P.A. 87‑17; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑220)
    Sec. 20‑220. Certificate of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities. Within 15 days after the receipt of a request by a taxing district, the collector shall issue a certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificate") to the governing body or corporate authorities of the taxing district setting forth (i) the aggregate amount of all taxes collected on extensions upon pollution control facilities, as defined in Section 11‑10, by and distributed to the taxing district prior to the date of the issuance of the Certificate, if those taxes have been held illegal by the final order of a court, or any board, body or entity having jurisdiction, because the pollution control facilities within the taxing district were incorrectly assessed or valued, based upon the method of valuation under Section 11‑15, at the time taxes levied by or on behalf of the taxing district were extended (hereinafter referred to as the "illegal taxes"), (ii) the aggregate amount of the illegal taxes required to be deducted from the taxes of the taxing district during the same calendar year as, and during the 2 full calendar years immediately following, the date of the issuance of the Certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "taxes to be deducted"), and (iii) the aggregate amount of the illegal taxes deducted during the same calendar year as, and during the 2 full calendar years immediately preceding, the date of the issuance of the Certificate (hereinafter referred to as the "deducted taxes").
(Source: P.A. 87‑17; 88‑455.)

    (35 ILCS 200/20‑225)
    Sec. 20‑225. Bonds for reimbursement of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities. When a taxing district, prior to January 1, 1988, issued its full faith and credit bonds for reimbursement of illegal tax collections on pollution control facilities, as set out in this Section, it may issue additional bonds for purposes of refunding those bonds, whether in advance of or at maturity or prior redemption, and whether by exchange, payment or establishment of an irrevocable escrow. The principal amount of the refunding bonds may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded.
    The full faith and credit bonds, hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds", may have been issued by the taxing district whenever and as often as the current aggregate amount of the taxes to be deducted and the deducted taxes set forth in the Certificate equaled or exceeded $10,000, for the purpose of (i) reducing the amount of the taxes to be deducted by depositing proceeds of the Bonds with the collector, (ii) reimbursing its treasury for all or a portion of the deducted taxes for which no Bonds were previously issued, (iii) paying the expenses of issuing the Bonds, (iv) paying interest on the Bonds, or (v) any combination thereof. Any Certificate issued not more than 6 months prior to the issuance of the Bonds shall be conclusive evidence of all the facts set forth therein and any error or inaccuracy therein or any failure of future events to conform to the Certificate shall not affect the validity of the Bonds in any manner.
    The Bonds issued under this Section shall not count as indebtedness, or act as a limitation on the amount of indebtedness permitted to be issued by any taxing district, under the provisions of any law regarding limitations on indebtedness. The Bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, shall mature within 20 years after the date of the issuance thereof and shall be sold at a price of not less than par plus accrued interest to the date of delivery of the Bonds. The denomination of the Bonds and the manner of sale shall be determined by the taxing district.
    In order to authorize and issue the Bonds, the governing body or corporate authorities of the taxing district shall adopt an ordinance or resolution fixing the amount of Bonds, the date thereof, the maturities thereof, the rate or rates of interest thereof, the place or places of payment, the manner of execution and the denomination or denominations thereof and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property in the taxing district sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the Bonds to maturity. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the ordinance or resolution shall not be required to be published and shall be effective immediately upon passage and approval. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of each county in which any portion of the taxing district is located of a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution, each county clerk shall extend the tax therefor in addition to and in excess of all other taxes authorized to be levied by or on behalf of such taxing district.
    This Section is cumulative and constitutes complete authority for the issuance of the Bonds notwithstanding any other statute or law to the contrary.
    This Section does not apply to taxing districts located entirely within a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 87‑17; 88‑455.)

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