(35 ILCS 200/9‑5) Sec. 9‑5. Rules. Each county assessor, board of appeals, and board of review shall make and publish reasonable rules for the guidance of persons doing business with them and for the orderly dispatch of business. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor and board of appeals (ending the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), jointly shall make and prescribe rules for the assessment of property and the preparation of the assessment books by the township assessors in their respective townships and for the return of those books to the county assessor. (Source: P.A. 88‑455; 89‑126, eff. 7‑11‑95; 89‑671, eff. 8‑14‑96.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑10) Sec. 9‑10. Office hours. The offices of the chief county assessment officer shall be open all the year during business hours to hear or receive complaints or suggestions that property has not been properly assessed. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑15) Sec. 9‑15. Annual meeting of supervisor of assessments. In all counties of township organization having a supervisor of assessments, the supervisor of assessments shall, by January 1 of each year, assemble all assessors and their deputies for consultation and shall instruct them in uniformity of their functions. The instructions shall be in writing and available to the public. Notice of the annual assembly shall be published not more than 30 nor less than 10 days before the assembly in a newspaper published in the township or the tax assessment district, and if there is no such newspaper, in a newspaper published in the county and in general circulation in the township or tax assessment district. At the time of publishing the notice, a press release giving notice of the assembly shall be given to each newspaper published in the county and to each commercial broadcasting station whose main office is located in the county. The assembly is open to the public. Any assessor or deputy assessor who wilfully refuses or neglects to observe or follow instructions of the supervisor of assessments, which are in accordance with law, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Any supervisor of assessments who willfully gives directions which are not in accordance with law is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. (Source: P.A. 84‑837; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑20) Sec. 9‑20. Property record cards. In all counties, all property record cards maintained by a township assessor, multi‑township assessor, or chief county assessment officer shall be public records, and shall be available for public inspection during business hours, subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the custodian of the records. Upon request and payment of such reasonable fee established by the custodian, a copy or printout shall be provided to any person. Property record cards may be established and maintained on electronic equipment or microfiche, and that system may be the exclusive record of property information. (Source: P.A. 83‑1312; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑25) Sec. 9‑25. Township property record cards. In counties under township organization, the township assessors and multi‑township assessors shall allow the supervisor of assessments to make a duplicate copy of any or all records compiled and maintained by the township assessor and multi‑township assessor. The supervisor of assessments shall make and maintain a complete set of property record cards. The township or multi‑township assessor shall supply the supervisor of assessments with a copy of all new property record cards as they are added to the tax rolls. (Source: P.A. 84‑837; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑30) Sec. 9‑30. Property records systems ‑ Townships and multi‑townships. The township or multi‑township assessor may spend funds for the preparation, establishment and maintenance of a detailed property record system which would provide information useful to assessment officials. The assessor also may enter into contracts with persons, firms or corporations for the preparation and establishment of the record system. The property record system shall include up‑to‑date and complete tax maps, ownership lists, valuation standards and property record cards, including appraisals, for all or any part of the property in the township or multi‑township assessment district in accordance with reasonable rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, but the system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of assessing officials. The record shall be available to all assessing officials and to the public. (Source: P.A. 82‑554; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑35) Sec. 9‑35. County tax maps ‑ Supervisor of assessments. Except as provided in Section 5‑1108 of the Counties Code, each supervisor of assessments shall prepare and maintain, in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, tax maps and up‑to‑date lists of property owners' names and addresses and property record cards for all of the property in the county, and shall procure at regular intervals from the records maintained by the county recorder information relating to transfers of property. The supervisor of assessments shall not, however, duplicate the work of any full‑time township assessor or multi‑township assessor who maintains up‑to‑date and complete tax maps, ownership lists and property record cards in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department. This shall not preclude the maintenance of duplicate records in the supervisor of assessments' office. This Section shall not prohibit the preparation and setting up of a property record system (including appraisals) and property record cards as provided for in other Acts, but such system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of the assessors as provided by this Code. Systems and records or copies of them set up under other Acts may be maintained by the supervisor of assessments in his or her office. In preparing the original tax maps, lists and property record cards, he or she shall consult with the Department and the Department shall furnish to the officer such supplies and equipment as may, in its judgment, be necessary to set up the original set of maps, lists and records required by this Section. (Source: P.A. 86‑482; 86‑1475; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑40) Sec. 9‑40. County tax maps; County assessor. In any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants which elects a county assessor under Section 3‑45, the county assessor shall, except as provided in Section 5‑1108 of the Counties Code, prepare and maintain tax maps, up‑to‑date lists of property owners' names and addresses, and property record cards for all of the property in the county. Those documents shall be prepared and maintained in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department. The county assessor also shall procure at regular intervals from the records maintained by the recorder information relating to transfers of property. The county assessor shall not duplicate the work of any fulltime township assessor who maintains up‑to‑date and complete tax maps, ownership lists and property record cards in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by the Department, but this shall not preclude the maintenance of duplicate copies of those records in the county assessor's office. This Section does not prohibit the preparation and setting up of a property record system (including appraisals) and property record cards as provided for in other Acts, but the system and records shall not be considered to be assessments nor limit the powers and duties of the assessors under this Code. Systems and records or copies of them set up under such other Acts may be maintained by the county assessor in his or her office. In preparing the original tax maps, lists and property record cards, the county assessor shall consult with the Department. The Department shall furnish to that officer supplies and equipment as may, in its judgment, be necessary to set up the original set of maps, lists and records required by this Section. (Source: P.A. 86‑1475; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑50) Sec. 9‑50. Maps and plats. The chief county assessment officer may make or purchase maps and plats that will facilitate the business of his or her office. The maps and plats shall always remain in the office, and will be open and accessible to the public. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑55) Sec. 9‑55. Survey by owner. When a property is divided into parcels so that it cannot be described without describing it by metes and bounds, it is the duty of the owner to have the land surveyed and platted into lots. The platting shall be in accord with the Plat Act. The plat shall be certified and recorded. Any unit of local government responsible for issuing building permits may require, by ordinance, that the plat be certified and recorded before the building permit is issued, unless a subdivision plat is not required under subsection (b) of Section 1 of the Plat Act. The description of property, in accordance with the number and description in the plat, shall be a valid description of the property described. However, no plat of a subdivision, vacation or dedication of a tract of land shall be approved by a city, incorporated town or village officer, nor shall any recorder record a plat, unless a statement from the county clerk is endorsed thereon showing that he or she finds no delinquent general taxes, unpaid current general taxes, delinquent special assessments or unpaid current special assessments against the tract of land. No officer of a city, village or incorporated town shall approve the plat of a subdivision of a tract of land until all deferred installments of outstanding unpaid special assessments are either certified as paid by the proper collector, or a division thereof is made in accord with the proposed subdivision and duly approved by the court that confirmed the special assessment. (Source: P.A. 90‑788, eff. 8‑14‑98.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑65) Sec. 9‑65. Reassessment after platting. Except as otherwise provided by Section 10‑30 with respect to assessments made in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, whenever acreage property has been subdivided into lots and the subdivision has been recorded, the lots shall be reassessed and placed upon the assessor's books, replacing the acreage property, as of the first day of January immediately following the date of the recording or filing of the subdivision. (Source: P.A. 83‑358; 83‑837; 83‑1362; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑70) Sec. 9‑70. Assessment authority. The Department shall assess all pollution control facilities, low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled devices, and property owned or used by railroad companies operating within this State, except noncarrier real estate. Local assessment officers shall assess all other property not exempted from taxation. (Source: P.A. 81‑838; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑75) Sec. 9‑75. Revisions of assessments; Counties of less than 3,000,000. The chief county assessment officer of any county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, or the township or multi‑township assessor of any township in that county, may in any year revise and correct an assessment as appears to be just. Notice of the revision shall be given in the manner provided in Section 12‑10 and 12‑30 to the taxpayer whose assessment has been changed. (Source: P.A. 81‑838; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑85) Sec. 9‑85. Revision of assessments by county assessor and board of review; Counties of 3,000,000 or more. In counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the county assessor shall have authority annually to revise the assessment books and correct them as appears to be just; and on complaint in writing in proper form by any taxpayer, and after affording the taxpayer an opportunity to be heard thereon, he or she shall do so at any time, until the assessment is verified. An entry upon the assessment books does not constitute an assessment until the assessment is verified. When a notice is to be mailed under Section 12‑55 and the address that appears on the assessor's records is the address of a mortgage lender or the trustee, where title to the property is held in a land trust, or in any event whenever the notice is mailed by the assessor to a taxpayer at or in care of the address of a mortgage lender or a trustee where the title to the property is held in a land trust, the mortgage lender or the trustee within 15 days of the mortgage lender's or the trustee's receipt of such notice shall mail a copy of the notice to each mortgagor of the property referred to in the notice at the last known address of each mortgagor as shown on the records of the mortgage lender, or to each beneficiary as shown on the records of the trustee. All changes and alterations pursuant to Section 16‑95 or Section 16‑120 in the assessment of property shall be subject to revision and entry into the assessment books by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) in the same manner as the original assessments. (Source: P.A. 88‑455; 89‑126, eff. 7‑11‑95; 89‑671, eff. 8‑14‑96.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑90) Sec. 9‑90. Procuring assessment books. The county clerk shall procure all necessary books and blanks required by this Code to be used in the assessment of property and collection of taxes, at the expense of the county. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑95) Sec. 9‑95. Listing of property. All property subject to taxation under this Code, including property becoming taxable for the first time, shall be listed by the proper legal description in the name of the owner, and assessed at the times and in the manner provided in Sections 9‑215 through 9‑225, and also in any year that the Department orders a reassessment (to the extent the reassessment is so ordered), with reference to the amount owned on January 1 in the year for which it is assessed, including all property purchased that day. The assessment, as modified or equalized or changed as provided by law, shall be the assessment upon which taxes shall be levied and extended during the general assessment period for which the assessment is made, or during the remainder of that general assessment period for any property reassessed by order of the Department. No assessment shall be considered illegal by reason of not having been listed or assessed in the name of the owner or owners. (Source: P.A. 85‑1221; 86‑1481; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑100) Sec. 9‑100. Assessment list; Delivery of books. Before January 1 in each year of the general assessment, as provided in Sections 9‑215 through 9‑225, each county clerk shall make up the list of property to be assessed for taxes for the townships or taxing districts in the county, in books for that purpose. Annually, before January 1, he or she shall make up lists of properties which are taxable, or which become taxable for the first time, and which are not already listed, and make up lists of properties which have been subdivided and not listed by the proper description. The county clerk shall enter in the proper column, opposite the respective parcels, the name of the owner, or other such persons, so far as he is able to ascertain the names. The lists shall contain columns to show the number of acres or lots improved, and the assessed value; the assessed value of improvements; the total value; and other information as may be required. The county clerk shall also have prepared and ready for delivery all blanks necessary in the assessment of property, and shall deliver those blanks to the assessors along with the assessment books or lists. The books or lists may be completed and delivered by townships or taxing districts without waiting for the completion of all the books or lists, but all assessment books or lists shall be delivered by the county clerk to the chief county assessment officer on or before January 1. The books or lists shall be made in duplicate. (Source: P.A. 86‑1481; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑105) Sec. 9‑105. Makeup of assessment books by townships. The books for the assessment of property, in counties not under township organization, shall be made up by congressional townships, but parts or fractional townships may be added to full townships, at the discretion of the county board. In counties under township organization, the books shall be made to correspond with the organized townships. Separate books shall be made for the assessment of property and the collection of all taxes and special assessments thereon, within the corporate limits of cities, incorporated towns and villages, if ordered by the county board. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑110) Sec. 9‑110. Railroad assessment book. The county clerk shall procure, at the expense of the county, a record book in a form prescribed by the Department, in which to enter railroad property as listed for taxation, and shall enter the valuations assessed, corrected and equalized in the manner provided by law. The county clerk shall extend all the taxes for which the property is liable against its equalized assessed value. At the time fixed by law for delivering tax books to the county collector, the clerk shall attach a warrant, under his or her seal of office, and deliver the book to the county collector. The county collector shall collect the taxes charged against railroad property, and pay over and account for the taxes in the manner provided in other cases. The book shall be returned by the collector and filed in the office of the county clerk. The taxes on all railroad property shall be extended as on other property, and shall be subject to the same penalties, dates of payment and methods of enforcement as other property taxes. (Source: Laws 1945, p. 1212; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑115) Sec. 9‑115. Parcels in more than one taxing district. When any property is situated in more than one township or taxing district, or is situated and assessed in any drainage district, for drainage purposes, the portion in each township or taxing district shall be listed separately. The lands in any drainage district shall be listed so as to correspond, as nearly as possible, to the respective subdivisions and descriptions in the latest assessment roll of the drainage district. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑120) Sec. 9‑120. Combined listings. When a whole section, half section, quarter section, or half‑quarter section of property, belongs to the same owner, it may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be listed as one tract, and when all lots in the same block belong to the same owner they may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be listed as a block. When several adjoining lots in the same block belong to the same owner, they may, and shall, at the request of the owner or his or her agent, be included in one description. However, this Section shall not apply to property on which delinquent or forfeited taxes are outstanding. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑125) Sec. 9‑125. Verification of assessment lists. The county clerk shall compare the lists of property with the list of taxable property on file in his or her office. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑130) Sec. 9‑130. Delivery of assessment books. The chief county assessment officer shall call upon the county clerk on or before the first day of January in each year and receive the assessment books and blanks as prepared by the county clerk for the assessment of property for that year. (Source: P.A. 86‑678; 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑135) Sec. 9‑135. Correction of assessment lists. If the assessor or chief county assessment officer finds that any property subject to taxation, or special assessment, has not been returned to him or her by the clerk, or has not been described in the subdivisions or manner required by this Code, he or she shall correct the return of the clerk, and shall list and assess the property in the manner required by law. The assessor or chief county assessment officer shall, also, from time to time, make alterations in the description of property as he or she may find necessary. When property has been subdivided since the making of the general assessment, the assessor or chief county assessment officer shall from time to time correct the descriptions so that they correspond to the subdivision, and distribute the assessment in the proper proportions among the parcels into which the land has been subdivided; and in case of a vacation of a subdivision readjust the description of the assessment accordingly. (Source: Laws 1939, p. 886; P.A. 88‑455.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑140) Sec. 9‑140. Loss or destruction of assessment books. When all or any part of the assessment rolls or collectors' books of any county, or other taxing district are lost or destroyed by any means whatever, a new assessment, or new books, as the case may require, shall be made under the direction of the county board. The board shall, in those cases, fix reasonable times and dates for performing the work of assessment, equalization, levy, extension and collection of taxes, and paying over the same, or making new books, as the circumstances of the case may require. All provisions of this Code apply to the dates fixed by the county board, in the same manner that they apply to the dates for similar purposes, as fixed by this Code. The presiding officer of the county board may select and appoint persons, with the advice and consent of the county board, when he or she finds it necessary, to carry out provisions of this section. (Source: P.A. 78‑1128; 88‑455.) |