(35 ILCS 200/9‑260) Sec. 9‑260. Assessment of omitted property; counties of 3,000,000 or more. (a) After signing the affidavit, the county assessor shall have power, when directed by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter), or on his or her own initiative, to assess properties which may have been omitted from assessments for the current year or during any year or years for which the property was liable to be taxed, and for which the tax has not been paid, but only on notice and an opportunity to be heard in the manner and form required by law, and shall enter the assessments upon the assessment books. No charge for tax of previous years shall be made against any property if (a) the property was last assessed as unimproved, (b) the owner of such property gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9‑180, and (c) reassessment of the property was not made within the 16 month period immediately following the receipt of that notice. (b) Any taxes based on the omitted assessment of a property pursuant to Sections 9‑260 through 9‑270 shall be prepared and mailed at the same time as the estimated first installment property tax bill for the preceding year (as described in Section 21‑30) is prepared and mailed. The omitted assessment tax bill is not due until the date on which the second installment property tax bill for the preceding year becomes due. The omitted assessment tax bill shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest beginning on the day after the due date of the second installment (as described in Section 21‑25). Any taxes for omitted assessments deemed delinquent after the due date of the second installment tax bill shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof until paid or forfeited (as described in Section 21‑25). (c) The assessor shall have no power to change the assessment or alter the assessment books in any other manner or for any other purpose so as to change or affect the taxes in that year, except as ordered by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter). The county assessor shall make all changes and corrections ordered by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter). The county assessor may for the purpose of revision by the board of appeals (until the first Monday in December 1998 and the board of review beginning the first Monday in December 1998 and thereafter) certify the assessment books for any town or taxing district after or when such books are completed. (Source: P.A. 93‑560, eff. 8‑20‑03.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑265) Sec. 9‑265. Omitted property; interest; change in exempt use or ownership. If any property is omitted in the assessment of any year or years, so that the taxes, for which the property was liable, have not been paid, or if by reason of defective description or assessment, taxes on any property for any year or years have not been paid, or if any taxes are refunded under subsection (b) of Section 14‑5 because the taxes were assessed in the wrong person's name, the property, when discovered, shall be listed and assessed by the board of review or, in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, by the county assessor either on his or her own initiative or when so directed by the board of appeals or board of review. For purposes of this Section, "defective description or assessment" includes a description or assessment which omits all the improvements thereon as a result of which part of the taxes on the total value of the property as improved remain unpaid. In the case of property subject to assessment by the Department, the property shall be listed and assessed by the Department. All such property shall be placed on the assessment and tax books. The arrearages of taxes which might have been assessed, with 10% interest thereon for each year or portion thereof from 2 years after the time the first correct tax bill ought to have been received, shall be charged against the property by the county clerk. When property or acreage omitted by either incorrect survey or other ministerial assessor error is discovered and the owner has paid its tax bills as received for the year or years of omission of the parcel, then the interest authorized by this Section shall not be chargeable to the owner. However, nothing in this Section shall prevent the collection of the principal amount of back taxes due and owing. If any property listed as exempt by the chief county assessment officer has a change in use, a change in leasehold estate, or a change in titleholder of record by purchase, grant, taking or transfer, it shall be the obligation of the transferee to notify the chief county assessment officer in writing within 30 days of the change. The notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall include the name and address of the taxpayer, the legal description of the property, and the property index number of the property when an index number exists. If the failure to give the notification results in the assessing official continuing to list the property as exempt in subsequent years, the property shall be considered omitted property for purposes of this Code. (Source: P.A. 88‑455; 89‑126, eff. 7‑11‑95; 89‑671, eff. 8‑14‑96.) |
(35 ILCS 200/9‑270) Sec. 9‑270. Omitted property; limitations on assessment. A charge for tax and interest for previous years, as provided in Sections 9‑265 or 14‑40, shall not be made against any property for years prior to the date of ownership of the person owning the property at the time the liability for the omitted tax was first ascertained. Ownership as used in this section shall be held to refer to bona fide legal and equitable titles or interests acquired for value and without notice of the tax, as may appear by deed, deed of trust, mortgage, certificate of purchase or sale, or other form of contract. No charge for tax of previous years, as provided in Section 9‑265, shall be made against any property if (a) the property was last assessed as unimproved, (b) the owner of the property gave notice of subsequent improvements and requested a reassessment as required by Section 9‑180, and (c) reassessment of the property was not made within the 16 month period immediately following the receipt of that notice. The owner of property, if known, assessed under this and the preceding section shall be notified by the county assessor, board of review or Department, as the case may require. (Source: P.A. 86‑359; 88‑455.) |