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Division 2 - Public Library Employees' Pension Fund

      (40 ILCS 5/Art. 19 Div. 2 heading)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑201) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑201)
    Sec. 19‑201. Fund ‑ How created. The board of directors of public libraries organized under an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act to authorize cities, incorporated towns and townships to establish and maintain free public libraries and reading rooms", approved and in force March 7, 1872, and maintained thereunder in cities having a population exceeding 500,000 inhabitants shall have power and it shall be its duty to create a public library employes' pension fund, which shall consist of amounts retained from the salaries or wages of employes, as hereinafter provided, which amounts shall be deducted in equal monthly installments from such salaries or wages at the regular time or times of the payment thereof, all fees or penalties collected for retention of books beyond the time prescribed by rule of the board of directors by virtue of by‑laws, rules and regulations adopted under authority of Section 5 of the Act herein referred to by its title and such other moneys derived from miscellaneous sources as the board of directors shall determine.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑202) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑202)
    Sec. 19‑202. The 1905 Act. For the purposes of this Division the term "The 1905 Act" means "An Act to provide for the formation and disbursement of a public library employes' pension fund in cities having a population exceeding 500,000 inhabitants", approved May 12, 1905, as amended.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑203) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑203)
    Sec. 19‑203. Ineligibility for benefits. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Division, none of the benefits herein provided for shall be paid to any person who is convicted of any felony relating to or arising out of or in connection with his service as an employe.
    This section shall not operate to impair any contract or vested right acquired prior to July 11, 1955, under "The 1905 Act" nor to preclude the right to a refund.
    All future entrants shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of this section as a condition of coverage.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑204) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑204)
    Sec. 19‑204. "Employe" defined ‑ Withdrawals regulated. The term "employe" under this Division shall include all persons in the employ of the public library board prior to July 8, 1955, receiving a stipulated salary per annum; all persons in the employ of the board of trustees of such Public Library Employes' Pension Fund, prior to July 8, 1955, receiving a stipulated salary; all persons who are contributors to this fund and have contributed to this fund for a period of at least 1 year and who may be transferred to any other department of the city or board of education by reason of the fact that the functions performed by such persons have been transferred from the jurisdiction of the library board to that of such other department of the city or board of education; and this Division shall apply only to those employes who voluntarily accept and agree to comply with its provisions.
    Any employe, a part of whose salary may be set apart to provide for such fund may be released from the necessity of making further payments to said fund by filing a written notice of his or her desire to withdraw from complying with the provisions of this Division with the board of trustees hereinafter mentioned, which resignation shall operate and go into effect immediately upon its receipt by said board of trustees.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑205) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑205)
    Sec. 19‑205. Custodian of fund ‑ Bond ‑ Filing ‑ Breach. The city treasurer subject to the control and direction of the board of trustees hereinafter mentioned, shall be the custodian of said pension fund, and shall secure and safely keep the same and shall keep books and accounts concerning said fund, in such manner as may be prescribed by the said board of trustees, which said books and accounts shall always be subject to the inspection of said board of trustees, or any member thereof.
    The city treasurer shall, within 10 days after his election or appointment, execute a bond to the city, with good and sufficient sureties, in such penal sum as the said board of trustees shall direct, which said bond shall be approved by the said board of trustees, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office, and that he will safely keep and well and truly account for all moneys belonging to said pension fund, and all interest thereon, which may come into his hands as such treasurer, and that upon the expiration of his term of office, or upon his retirement therefrom for any cause, he will surrender and deliver over to his successor all unexpended moneys, with such interest as he may have received thereon, and all property which may have come into his hands as treasurer of said pension fund. Such bonds shall be filed in the office of the city clerk of said city, and in case of a breach of the same, or the conditions thereof, suit may be brought on the same in the name of the said city for the use of said board of trustees, or any person or persons injured by such breach.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑206) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑206)
    Sec. 19‑206. Trustees of fund ‑ Powers and duties. The board of directors of such library shall, in the month of September, immediately following the passage of "The 1905 Act", arrange for the election of a board of trustees of said pension fund composed of 5 members, to be chosen as hereinafter provided, which election shall be held not later than October 31st of the same year. Said board of trustees shall have power, and it shall be its duty to administer said fund and to carry out the provisions of this Division, and for the purpose of enabling such board of trustees to perform the duties imposed and exercise the powers created by this Division, the board of trustees shall be and is hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑207) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑207)
    Sec. 19‑207. Trustees ‑ How constituted ‑ Election. The said board of trustees shall consist of the president and secretary of the board of directors of such public library, 2 employes contributing to said fund and 1 other member of said board of directors. The president and secretary of such board of directors shall be ex‑officio members of such board of trustees. The 3 other members of such board of trustees shall be elected by ballot by the employes contributing to said fund at the time and for the terms, respectively, as follows: At the first election the contributors to said fund shall elect 1 of their number to serve for the term of 1 year and 1 of their number to serve for the term of 2 years and annually thereafter said contributors shall elect 1 of their number to hold office for the term of 2 years. At each election the contributors shall elect a member of the board of directors of such public library to serve as a member of such board of trustees for a term of 1 year.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑208) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑208)
    Sec. 19‑208. Trustees ‑ Vacancy ‑ Powers and duties. Whenever any elective member of the board of trustees shall cease to be in the employ of or to be a member of said board of directors of such public library, his or her membership in said board of trustees shall cease.
    Said board of trustees shall have power and it shall be its duty:
    (1) To determine the amount which shall be deducted from the salaries or wages paid to employees for the benefit of said pension fund: Provided, the amount of such deduction shall not be less than the equivalent of 6% of the salary or wages of such employe.
    (2) To make all payments from said pension fund pursuant to the provisions of this Division.
    (3) To administer and invest in its discretion any part of the said pension fund remaining in the hands of said treasurer.
    (4) To pay all necessary expenses in connection with the administration of said fund and in carrying out the provisions of this Division for which provision is not otherwise made.
    (5) To determine the amount to be paid as benefits or annuities under this act and to increase or reduce the same in its discretion: Provided, that the amount paid as benefit or annuity shall not be increased or reduced after a contributor has become an annuitant.
    (6) To take by gift, grant or bequest, or otherwise, any money or property of any kind and hold the same for the benefit of said fund.
    (7) To purchase, hold, sell or assign and transfer any of the securities in which said fund or any part thereof may be invested, subject to the approval of the board of directors of such public library.
    (8) To exempt any of said employes from the operation of this Division, whenever in its judgment the interests of said fund shall render such exemption necessary and advisable.
    (9) To fill any vacancy or vacancies in said board of trustees until the next annual election, as hereinbefore provided.
    (10) To make and establish all such rules for the transaction of its business and such other rules, regulations and by‑laws as may be necessary for the proper administration of said fund committed to its charge, and the performance of the duties imposed upon it.
    (11) It shall keep full and complete records of its meetings and of the receipts and disbursements on account of such fund, and also complete lists of all contributors to said fund, and of all annuitants receiving benefits therefrom, and such other records as in its judgment shall seem necessary, and shall make and publish annually a full and complete statement of its financial transactions.
    (12) Said board shall hear and determine all applications for benefits under this Division, and shall have power to suspend any annuity whenever the annuitant becomes actively employed by another public body within the State of Illinois; whenever, in its judgment, the disability of such beneficiary has ceased; or for other good cause.
    (13) To compromise, settle or liquidate any claim against said fund, by surrendering the contribution or contributions of any individual or individuals, and make the necessary rules, prescribing the terms under which such settlements may be made, providing there shall be no rule allowing restitution of deductions from salaries after the contributor shall have become eligible to an annuity under this Division.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑209) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑209)
    Sec. 19‑209. Beneficiaries of fund. Any employe who shall have attained the age of 55 years, and shall have been an employe for a period of 10 years, and shall have contributed to said fund for the same period, shall have the right to retire and become a beneficiary under this Division, and to receive such benefit or annuity from said fund as shall be determined by said board of trustees, which said benefit or annuity shall be proportionate to the scale of pensions enumerated in Section 19‑211 of this Division.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑210) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑210)
    Sec. 19‑210. Benefit to widow, next of kin, designated beneficiary, or estate. Upon the death of any contributor or pensioner, the board of trustees shall pay an amount equal to a refund of contributions as provided in Section 19‑215 of this Division: (a) to the widow of such deceased contributor or pensioner, or (b) if there be no widow then to the children, under the age of 18, of such deceased contributor or pensioner, share and share alike, or (c) if there be no widow or children under the age of 18, such amount may be paid to a beneficiary designated in writing to the board of trustees by such contributor or pensioner, or (d) if there be no widow, or children under the age of 18, or designated beneficiary, or if there be a beneficiary designated and such beneficiary shall predecease the contributor or pensioner, then such sum shall be paid to the executor or administrator of the estate of such deceased person provided, that if the estate of such contributor or pensioner shall come within the provisions of Article XXV of the Probate Act of 1975, as amended, such amount may be paid out under the provisions of said Article; and further provided, that wherever any benefits have been paid to a contributor or pensioner during his life time, the amount paid under this section shall be decreased by the total amount previously paid to such contributor or pensioner.
(Source: P.A. 81‑264.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑211) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑211)
    Sec. 19‑211. Annuitants ‑ Retirement from service ‑ Notice ‑ Amount of pension. Any person who has been an employe for a period of 20 years or more who shall have attained the age of 50 years, and is a contributor to said fund, and shall have contributed to said fund for the same period, may retire upon 60 days' notice to be given to said board of trustees unless such notice is waived by said board of trustees, and become an annuitant under this act and be entitled to a monthly pension of $60. Provided, that for every additional full year of service after 20 years rendered before such retirement, an increase of $7 per month shall be added to the monthly pension allowed until the maximum of $200 per month shall have been attained; And, provided further, that no pension shall exceed 60% of the maximum annual salary received during the employe's term of service.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑212) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑212)
    Sec. 19‑212. Amount of pension ‑ "Average monthly salary" defined. Any employee who is contributing and has contributed to this fund for 20 or more full years, who shall have attained the age of 60 or more years may retire and in lieu of the pension otherwise herein provided, and at his option, receive a monthly pension equal to 1 2/3% of such contributor's average monthly salary for each full year of service. Provided that for any contributor who retires under the age of 60, who has attained the age of 55 or more years and has contributed to this fund for 20 or more full years, the amount of pension under this section shall be reduced by 1/2 of 1% per month for each month such contributor lacks of attainment of age 60; and provided further that in no case shall the pension exceed 60% of said contributor's average monthly salary.
    Average monthly salary is defined as the highest average monthly salary for any 5 consecutive years in the last 10 years of service of such contributor.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2034.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑213) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑213)
    Sec. 19‑213. Beneficiaries to file statement of intent ‑ right to become beneficiary. Every person who is in the employ of the board of directors of such library when "The 1905 Act" goes into effect and who intends to become a beneficiary of the pension fund created thereby shall, on or before the 15th day of November succeeding the election of said board of trustees, file a statement of such intent with said board upon blanks prepared for that purpose. Every person who becomes an employe, after "The 1905 Act" has taken effect and who intends to become a beneficiary under "The 1905 Act" or this Division shall within 6 months after such entry file a statement of such intent with said board of trustees upon blanks prepared for that purpose.
    Provided that after July 16, 1941, employes of the board of trustees of such Public Library Employes' Pension Fund, who become eligible to participate in the benefits of said fund shall have the right, upon filing a statement of intent with the board of trustees, to become a beneficiary of such pension fund, to contribute to such pension fund an amount equivalent to the contributions which would have been paid to that date had the person become a contributor at the time "The 1905 Act" became effective or became a contributor at the date of his entry into the service of the board of trustees of the Public Library Employes' Pension Fund, and to be credited with length of service for the period for which contributions shall have been paid.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑214) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑214)
    Sec. 19‑214. Retirement for disability ‑ Notice ‑ Annuity. Any person who has contributed to said fund for a period for 10 years or more may retire on account of serious disability, rendering him or her unable to properly discharge his or her duties, upon 90 days' notice to be given to said board of trustees (unless such notice is waived by said board of trustees) and may become an annuitant under this Division, and shall thereupon be entitled to receive for a period of 2 years (which may be extended upon proof of continued disability) such part of the annuity then allowed under the rules of said trustees, as said trustees may determine.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑215) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑215)
    Sec. 19‑215. Dismissals and resignations ‑ Refund plus interest ‑ Reinstatement of credit in fund. Any employe who has been contributing to said fund, and who shall be dismissed or resign may, upon application receive the total amount paid into said fund by such person so dismissed or resigning plus interest at the rate of 4% per annum to the date of such dismissal or resignation; provided, however, that no interest shall accrue or shall be paid on such amount in the case of any person becoming an employe and a contributor to this fund on or after July 21, 1947.
    Any present contributor to this fund who shall have received a refund of prior contributions from this fund may at any time prior to July 1, 1959, repay to this fund the amount of such refund together with interest at four per cent per annum from the date of refund to the date of repayment, and credit for such length of service shall be restored.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑216) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑216)
    Sec. 19‑216. Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act. The "Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act", being Article 20 of this Code, is hereby adopted and made part of this Division. Provided, that where there is a direct conflict between the provisions of such act and the specific provisions of this Division, such latter provisions shall prevail.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑217) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑217)
    Sec. 19‑217. Monthly reports to treasurer of fund. The president and secretary of the public library board shall certify monthly to the treasurer all amounts deducted in accordance with the provisions of this Division from the salaries paid by the public library board, which amounts, as well as all other sums contributed to said fund under the provisions of this Division, shall be set apart and held by said treasurer for the purpose hereinbefore specified, subject to the order of said board of trustees, and shall be paid out upon warrants signed by the president and secretary of said board of trustees.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑218) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑218)
    Sec. 19‑218. Annuities exempt from execution ‑ Assignments prohibited. All annuities granted under the provisions of "The 1905 Act" or this Division shall be exempt from attachment and garnishment process, and no annuitant shall have the right to transfer or assign his or her annuity, either by way of mortgage or otherwise.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑219) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑219)
    Sec. 19‑219. Interference with enforcement of division ‑ Penalty. Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, avoid or seek to avoid any or all the provisions of this Division, or who shall, directly or indirectly, interfere with, or obstruct the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Division, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 77‑2560.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑220) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑220)
    Sec. 19‑220. General provisions and savings clause. The provisions of Article 1 and Article 23 of this Code apply to this Division as though such provisions were fully set forth in this Division as a part thereof.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

    (40 ILCS 5/19‑221) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 19‑221)
    Sec. 19‑221. Public Library Employes' Pension Fund superseded. Any Public Library Employes' Pension Fund in operation on December 31, 1965, in a city having a population exceeding 500,000 inhabitants, by virtue of and under the provisions of this Article 19, Division 2, Sec. 19‑201 to 19‑220, both inclusive, of the "Illinois Pension Code" approved March 18, 1963, shall be superseded by and merged, effective and as of January 1, 1966, into the fund in operation in such city for municipal employees on such date under the provisions of and by virtue of Article 8, Section 8‑101 to 8‑253, both inclusive, of the "Illinois Pension Code" approved March 18, 1963, as amended.
    On such January 1, 1966, or as soon as possible and practicable thereafter, all monies, securities, assets, records, and other property of such public library employes' pension fund shall be transferred by the board of trustees of such fund to the custody and ownership of the retirement board of the annuity and benefit fund, in operation in such city under and by virtue of the provisions of the aforementioned Article 8 of the "Illinois Pension Code", and such public library employes' pension fund shall thereupon cease to exist as a separate fund.
    The retirement board of the fund into which said public library employes' pension fund is to be merged, shall assume all of the liabilities of such superseded fund, and all pensions, refunds and benefits allowed by the board of trustees of the superseded fund prior to January 1, 1966 shall, from and after such date, be paid by the retirement board according to the law under which they were allowed, and all claims for any pension, refund, or benefit accrued or pending prior to January 1, 1966 under such superseded fund, shall be allowed or refused by the retirement board in accordance with the law then applicable thereto, and if allowed shall be paid from the fund superseding the public library employes' pension fund.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2326.)

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